Chapter Twenty-Five: Inking Danger

Sergio and Silver watched the pair dance together as though a couple, they could see how their aura slowly changed and shifted around each other. Slowly becoming the same color and that would be a problem for both of them because that meant that both of them were developing feelings for each other.

Whether they acknowledged it or not, didn't matter to them but getting rid of it would be the main purpose in this case yet the question that remained would be how and where to begin.

Sergio and Silver suddenly parted from each other, both going in different directions that way they could easily watch them.

They needed to see whether they had come alone or not, they needed to see if their aura was just one of lust or one of true love, and standing in one place would not help them find the answers that they seek.

The kings were maybe identical but they knew that despite their very different personalities their powers always seemed to match. When one grew it fed into the other and vice versa, their souls always made sure to complement and balance each other no matter the positions. They were sure that that was one of the reasons why they were rare because never has there been their kind before.

The other thing that made them different was that their souls were dark, literally. Whenever they needed to use their gifts it seemed as though the darkness was spreading over and taking over. It always drained an aura that was lighter or didn't match well with theirs. So they knew that they couldn't really release their gifts freely unless they were in their own world, not in one where humans were fragile.

They could easily die if their aura touched them.

So for now they just watched and observed, trying to see something that would reveal something they hadn't seen before. Well that was before Silver was touched behind and a young woman, gave him a seductive smile and he forgot his purpose.

Silver never ignored the chance of pleasure when it was presented, he enjoyed receiving pleasure and giving it in any kind of way. And the way the young woman came unto him, was the way he was willing to go and all he needed was a few minutes. Just a few, just when he was about to follow her when she gestured to him.

He felt pain on his left arm and turned to find blood dripping. Automatically looking in the direction he knew Sergio was, he found his brother staring at him with a warning look.

Forbidding him from following the young woman. That was the thing about Sergio, he rarely allowed himself to have fun nor bask in pleasure and it annoyed Silver because he preferred the opposite.

Even if he was on a mission.

Something shifted in the air, making him look at the bottom view of the human girl and her accomplice. Silver felt his eyes change to their original color for a second as he quickly tried to figure out where the change was coming from. Until he figured out where the source was.

Sergio watched the man with a dark aura move with guards around him, he could see that his intentions were anything but pure. It literally overpowered the stench in the room and spilled like rare black ink.

The kings didn't want to do anything that would cause any issues between them and the humans so they reserved themselves from the situations.

Until they looked back at the human but found them both gone. Sergio and Silver's brows creased as they wondered how they had lost them in a matter of seconds. They were right in front of them ten seconds ago, so now they were back to searching for them as though toddlers that had decided to play a dangerous game.

The brothers could feel that something was terribly wrong and though they hadn't planned on taking the human today, it seemed as though they would need to. I guess Silver owed his brother an apology the woman might be important after all.

Sergio guided Silver through a mind link since he knew the woman's scent very well, he had come into her home too many times to familiarize himself with her aura and scent. Since Silver wasn't used to her scent as he had only been around her once, he needed the guidance and as soon as they found the girl, they both seemed slightly relieved until they noticed that the mother of the girl was there arguing with her.

An older man by her side as well as the companion that the girl had danced with. They all seemed to be in a heated conversation, which led to the young man pointing at a door. Probably telling them it was best to go outside.

He isn't a complete fool.