Chapter Forty_Two: Packing to Hell

She had been shocked when the brother had walked her back to the room and then left without reprimanding her about leaving the room the first time. He had been gentle with her, laughing and guiding her without any issues whatsoever. She knew that he was the one she would be comfortable with the most.

As soon as he closed the door behind her, she stared at the room that had been fixed, clothes were laid out for her and she knew she would have to figure out where to shower and brush her teeth. She hadn't packed her stuff nor had she prepared anything as they hadn't given her any warnings.

Who packs anyway to go to hell?

As she was about to open the door that she was sure led to the bathroom, she found the maid waiting there. Her head bowed down as she just waited, Aria's brows creased as she wondered why was she waiting in there instead of leaving when she had left with the royalty.

The bath was filled with milky water and a scent of vanilla and raspberry, filled the air. It made her body relax a bit knowing that there was still a scent from the world that she was still allowed to have with her. It brought a sad smile to her face as she wondered if she would ever return back on earth or whether or not she would see her mother again.

"It is time for your bath milady, the King does request your presence in his office", the maid said as she pulled back slightly, shocked that the maid finally spoke using her mouth instead of through her head.

"I can see that you are uncomfortable with me speaking to you mentally but soon you will have to learn to grow used to it and to communicate worse. Also to not miscommunicate with your thoughts of a person instead of communication to the person. We have had incidents like that before and I don't think you are ready to fight with the beings of this realm", she said as she stepped forward and walked towards Aria.

"No, I don't think I am", she whispered and watched the maid, she stepped to the side as she assumed that the maid was going to leave the room. Instead, the maid stood before her and began to undress her.

"Woah Woah Woah, what are you doing?" she asked as she stepped away from the maid, shocked that she would undress her.

"I am in charge of everything milady and I mean everything", the maid emphasised.

"I am very capable of washing myself thank you very much," she said as she continued to step away from the maid.

"Milady, please, let me do my work, if I go into any uncomfortable area, tell me and I will immediately stop. You have my word", she promised as she came to Aria again, and helped her take her clothes off.

She stepped into the bath and felt the warm water welcome her and just when she thought she had a few minutes to relax before she bathed, the maid came and began scrubbing her everywhere despite her protests many times. She stood in her gown outside the bathroom, trying to figure out how lazy the royal people were that they had people literally wash them.

The maid stood before her with a slight smile, holding the dress that she knew she would have to depend on her to wear. She had given the maid the best stink face she could muster up, hoping that that would be the last time she needed the woman's help but she was entirely wrong.

"This is the last time?" she questioned,

"We can only hope so milady", the maid said with a small smile. So, she let her dress her and help her with the four-inch heels she apparently had to wear. She wanted her sneakers at that moment but she knew they weren't there.

They walked through the castle, following a guard that had been waiting for them outside her room. She looked around the room, trying to figure out where she was going so that she could remember everything in the castle. But she knew it would take a long time too.

The door was opened and she heard someone make an announcement before she stepped in. Her maid gestured at her to enter and when she did, she didn't expect to see someone else in the room with the man she was told wanted to see her.

'You need to bow a bit,' she heard and quickly snapped her head to the maid.

Oh right, royalty shit.