Chapter Forty_Three: Burning Golden Eyes

Aria, rampaged through her mind trying to remember how all the rich people in the movies bowed for the King and Queen. Well in this case she was the damn Queen without the training or the guidance. At this point, she wondered whether or not she would have a damn fairy godmother so that didn't make a fool of herself.

So she curtsied, quickly, too quickly. She watched Silver race his eyebrow watching her with a tease of a smirk but no words of guidance or advice, it kind of made her uncomfortable how his gold eyes just watched her and her facial expression teased her.

Usually, that was enough to irk her soul and to throw some sort of sarcasm at them but this wasn't her world. She didn't know what he would dangle in front of her and what he would take away from her as though a cat and mouse game. So for now she preferred to keep quiet and learn everything.

So she tried again but this time she curtsied slowly and then rose up, 'nearly perfect milady, nearly,' she heard and she knew that her maid was the one trying to help her instead of the baboon that stood before her. The damn monkey probably preferred to make fun of her than guide her, yet he had chosen her to come into his world.

"Usually I am never referred to as a monkey or a baboon but since you think of me like that since I offered you no guidance, I see no reason to judge you or say anything in means of retaliation. Well for now anyway," he said with ignorance

Aria's cheeks turned pink as she realized that her words had probably been a way too loud and she had not taken to heed the warning from earlier that thoughts and mind words could be echoed out if not controlled probably. A constant façade, how peachy that they all learned to do this in this world.

At least everyone on earth minded their own business, here it seemed as though you either adapted or you got killed or used easily. She was strong on earth but here, she wondered how long it would be till she lost her entire cool. She was one to have a very slim patience span. So it was best that she avoided drama as she didn't want to mess with anyone until she figured out whether or not she could at least survive on her own.

"That would be smart, especially since you still have a lot to learn. You will be having three classes every day, you only have a few weeks before the date approaches and you are tested to see whether you are worthy or not to be the queen of this realm.

You will be tested in every kind of way, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You need to survive everything, it's not a question of can you or not, you need to because if you don't you will die and no one will resurrect you or mourn you, believe me when I say this, this realm, is not for the weak" Silver said from his throne, looking at her with curiosity,

"Death? Death?" she questioned, slightly fueled but afraid of having to prepare to die when she had never even asked for this before. "You never mentioned this in the deal, you should've mentioned this on earth before you took me. I would not have agreed to die in another world where I most probably won't even get a burial."

"What do you think a life for a life is?" he chuckled, "You make me laugh Aria, you truly do. I own your soul, your life and no one ever will be able to take you out of that deal. So you need to accept the fact that I own you. So if you die in my world, consider yourself lucky as at least here, you become something worthwhile."

"What the fuck does that even me? That I am not worthwhile now?" she questioned, feeling slightly fueled by his statement. "You chose me dummy, not the other way around."

"You were most convenient", he said boredly,

She chuckled darkly, feeling herself coming close to her tipping point, "This girl that is apparently convenient is the one that you still chose, you could have taken anyone else yet here I am. So, suck it up you ass wipe, I won't kiss your ass even if you do voodoo over me."

Aria turned around, ready to walk out with the last word hanging in the air, she knew she had caused a stir and a shock on the guards and maids in the room but she would be damned if she would let him get into her head. If they would be stuck together and she would be asked to sacrifice everything for him the least he could do is be kinder to her.

But then she felt it, she fell onto her knees trying to catch her breath, as though someone was cutting her air supply. She reached toward her throat trying to claw away whatever was choking her but it just wouldn't go away and its grip was stuff. She felt herself close to giving out, she could see the star and feel her body buzz.

"Get this through your head human, I am your King and no matter what happens you will obey me and never disrespect me, do we have an understanding?" he warned.

She felt her throat loosen slightly giving her enough air to respond, "fuck you," she spat and his golden eyes seemed to burn.