Chapter Forty_Four: Repercussions Of Words

"Drop her!" came a voice, Silver didn't care, at that moment he wanted the fragile human dead, he could smell the fear coming from her and the fear from someone else, probably her maid.

"She will learn to listen to my words and not disrespect me ever!" he snapped, he wanted to hear her bones crack, knowing that it would a tasty treat for his pets.

"Everyone out! Now!" came the voice again, and he heard multiple steps of people rushing out. Yet it didn't deter him from his current mission well that was until he felt a smack at the back of his head, causing him to lose focus and turn to the victor.

His annoyance was at his peak as he turned and locked eyes with what might as well be his reflection. Yet the emotions given were not the same as his and he narrowed his eyes, dropping the girl to her knees. He heard her coughing loudly, as she tried to take in the air but it hurt to even do so.

"Next time, I will have your head and he won't save you from it, this I swear", he promised and vanished instantly.

Aria, let out a deep cough as she felt as though the world ended, she was slipping and barely able to hold on to her life, she felt as though her throat was on fire and as though her neck bruised and couldn't be hidden from anyone who would witness or see her later.

What a fucking douche, she wondered out loud, hoping that he could her thoughts and feel her resentment towards him. She didn't want to be married to the prick and now she felt as though taking her own life had been a better life. She wanted to lash out and forget about the control she had learned from her mother from a young age.

No no, she wanted to stab him multiple times and let him see what he had done, she wanted him to hear her frustration and to think, she would have to fake a smile every day and call him her husband. She would have to be lowly and patient and loving to a man who enjoyed picking and pricking her slowly but didn't like it when it was handed back.

She would have his head, as he swore he would have hers and this time she would make him feel hurt, no matter how hard and long it took. No one laid a hand on her, his only advantage was power, but she was known to be the Queen of trickery and pranking.

So hello dear realm, I hope you enjoy the few tricks I have for you.

Sergio stared at the woman, he knew that her body should have given out by now from what his brother had done but there she was staring at the ground as she took in as much air as she could. Dining on it as though the last supper she would ever enjoy and usually he would recommend all the woman he brought here to not get on the bad side of his brother but this woman didn't seem to need it.

It was clear as day that they would hate each other and they wouldn't stop poking at each other as though kids. He wondered if they would kill each other or if things would change between them. If things would become what he needed them to transpire into or if he was hoping for way too much.

The door opened and the maid walked in quickly, she looked side to side as if checking the coast and as soon as she locked eyes with him she paused, unsure if he would hurt her or not. He gestured at her to take her, knowing that he had chosen the right maid for her.

Helping her up to her feet, they left the room and closed the door behind them. "What an interesting woman you have chosen this time son, but I must ask, why her?" he heard and turned to find his mother walking towards him, her clouded eyes not affecting her direction of movement.

"I felt she was different and a bit stronger", he said. 

"She is very strong, her aura smells like one of a Queen, a fighter, they will clash more than they will see eye to eye. I think this time, you have chosen the right one but we must hope that things do not turn out too harshly as we can't keep looking for wives that may suit your brother.

You should start training her and let him be around me for a while, I do not approve of him hurting her in such a way as she is still a woman that needs to be respected. They may fight when she is at least more advanced in her training. Soon she will need to be around the other beings.

Around me and soon around her, she must be able to abstain everything that will come her way, do we understand each other?" she instructed as she came to stand at his side, her hand touching his shoulder as she continued to face forward as though seeing everything that was unfolding in front of her.

There were times when he looked at his mother and wondered if there was any way that the woman could truly see or if she made it seem as though she could. He knew that his brother and he kept her hidden from the sight of the beings as they would all try to get to her and figure out who she was and how she had gone blind.

Their story would begin to unravel at that point and it was best that it didn't. So they kept her in secret passages and allowed her to step out whenever the castle wasn't full, there would be times when she would step out and it would alarm them as she easily drew the attention of guests.

Yet the woman always said to never think of her skills and effects.

"Yes, mother," he said, remembering that he hadn't answered her.

"Good now tell me, I heard there's a new stranger in your room that should have been a prisoner from the living world. I am too interested to ignore this. Do tell me," his mother teased, causing him to blush slightly as he held his mother's hand and began walking to the secret door.