Chapter Fifty: Seeing Darkness

Aria watched the three people, scanning them in every way she could, trying to pay attention to them. Trying to read them as though they were the synopsis but she couldn't notice anything different about them until she felt herself properly relax and watch them with a smile growing on her face.

'Hello' she greeted mentally, figuring it was best to read them in a different kind of way, she watched their face morph into confusion as they watched her and she expected it but she knew it was her best trick.

'I am Aria, what are your names?' she asked kindly as she reached her hand towards them, wanting them to touch her that way it would be easier for them to judge. If what Sal said was correct and every judgment or darkness started from a thought or idea then it was best to give them an idea.

Feed them a characteristic that might let their mind run free and figure out who she was from their point of view. It would be best that everything ran in that way and not in a way that would take longer. She had to approach them as though they were humans and humans all judged differently.

A person's look, voice, and character were always easily judged but the more one spoke, the more each person could decide what type of person they were. Their responses always said more about their character than who they thought they were and she knew she had at least mastered that on earth so it was best to apply it in a different realm.

Sal watched the human girl with intrigued eyes, curious to know what she was doing and what approach she was using. She knew that the theory of the aura was always easier to digest but the practical took more practice. He expected her to complain and tell him that she couldn't see what he meant but no the human decided to speak to the vessels as though they mattered.

Fooling them into thinking that she cared and what surprised him was that her aura wasn't dark or any other shade, no it was bright white. As though angels and it made him curious as to how that was possible, had he chosen the wrong type of soul or did the dark kingdom need her type of soul.

'Why is her aura white? Are you trying to teach her house to be one with the other kingdom and not this one?' he heard and turned to see his brother at the balcony not too far away, watching them as though he was right next to him.

'Not even, we are learning and I say we as she seems to be using a different tactic as if she is trying to see more and read something that we have ignored for far too long. It seems to be working because for once the objects are responding to her and they have never done that before', he responded as he turned back to watch the woman.

'If her intentions are bad then why is her aura white? I am pretty sure you haven't taught her how to master her emotions and how to keep her aura clean as though a sheet', his brother said. 

'I honestly haven't, hence why I watch in wonder and not in judgment brother, for once I watch with more curiosity than anything else. I watch as though I am back to lesson one of being different. Why are you even watching when you nearly killed her as though she offended you when you were the one to first insult her?' he asked, slightly curious to know why his brother was even watching their lessons.

'I wanted to see her fail so that I could rub it in your face and say that you failed, but what can I say, here you are, smiling as though nothing is wrong and she isn't struggling', he said. 

'What a bitter young man you are brother, you will make the both of us look bad and we shouldn't try that now, should we? You are King and soon, I truly believe that she will be Queen, you should be more to this match than to the last one I failed. I know that you cared about her but the powers were too much for her to handle.' I said. 

'I don't want to talk about it, keep your human focused, here she comes to you anyway, I'll be in my meetings. Don't let her anyway near the other councils, they will be too curious and cause trouble for us and we aren't fully prepared yet since we sent the next batch of our army to training', he warned. 

'One day we will need to talk about this brother and you know that,' I warned. 

'I have said my piece brother,' his brother said and shut him out. 

When he paid attention to the young woman he noticed how they all pointed fingers at him, his face morphed into confusion as he watched them. Confused about why they all pointed at him as he wasn't paying attention to them but to his brother.

"You are the one with the darkest aura", she murmured and he wondered how she had been able to figure that out as he had kept his guard up and no one had been able to ever read him. "You have a dark aura when it comes to me," she continued

"Mm, interesting," he said, closing off his shocked expression, not planning to give her any more than what she had already caught.

"Tell me!" she snapped, curious to know what dark aura he had when it came to her.

"You are a woman and plus you are here because of my brother so obviously there's a dark aura when it comes to you. Plus I'm the brother of the King, Aria, tsk tsk, I am part of the darkness", he said smoothly and snapped his fingers, causing the cups that had morphed into humans to burst.

She watched the woman scream in shock and fall to his side, watching the glasses fly and before they could touch her they turned into pixie dust. He knew he had startled her but it was best she got used to it now rather than later, after all not everyone loved surprises.