Chapter Fifty_One: Siren

Everything around them seemed unreal, there wasn't any trace of the shattered glass or the pixie dust and it honestly petrified her. She wanted to touch the places where she had seen the dust fall but she wasn't sure if it would be wise. What if it was unseen and cut her open when she reached out to it and couldn't see the pieces stuck in her finger?

She blinked rapidly trying to make sense of it all but what was the use when this wasn't the first time that something abnormal and unreal took place. No no, this was too unreal and it terrified her. She wanted to run and find a door that led back to her world.

She wanted to go back and work things out with her mother, deal with the fish-lipped man and get back to dancing. She needed to figure out how this made her feel but no it wasn't possible. She felt her body shake slightly, shake as though she was experiencing a fever.

"You need to stop trying to run and find a way to be one with all the new things happening, otherwise when something new or something unusual happens to you or takes place in front of you, you will go into shock and leave yourself vulnerable for all to see. Is that what you truly want?" she heard him ask. 

His voice sounded like an echo, an echo that rang out like a siren that she couldn't get to shut up for a second. "Put yourself in my shoes 'Prince Sal', you are used to beings and magic and all different types of shit, I am not, this is surreal for me. It feels like someone is trying to give me roses but the roses just hose water onto my face", she snapped. 

Pushing herself up, she began to walk away from him slightly angry at how everything slowly seemed to be an illusion, "Exactly!" he yelled out to her, causing her to stop in her footsteps and turn to him with a confused expression. Unsure If she had heard him right or what was going on.

"What?" she said, requiring him to repeat his statement or better yet say it with his chest as she was sure she was unafraid, sometimes.

"Everything with the power of each being is powerful because of the illusion it creates. If one says they will electrocute you, you can imagine the force go through you as a shiver chooses you, making you wince at what the pain could possibly be like.

We use the power of illusion, every idea is brought to life by an illusion of what could be and once one sees it, they believe in it so it creates something that might as well be real. Leaving those who are the victims to feel the consequences or the pain or the aftermath", he said as he slowly took steps towards her.

'The same way you speak, one can choose to hear and believe or ignore it and move on. If you try to believe it but there is doubt, hence why when I asked you who had an agenda you used a different technique to figure it out, instead of simply looking and letting them judge you as any being or person is.

That way you could feel the energy and taste the darkness for what it truly is," he whispered to her mind as he stepped in front of her.

She felt herself seem to be falling and she wondered why? He seemed to be a God when he stood in front of her and slowly she felt her body feel woozy and her mind seemed high. She felt as though she had taken something and it was causing her to feel free.

'Kill him,' she heard in her mind, 'Kill him and everything will be alright, we get to run and return to the earth and no one will ever taunt us. We will do right by mother and we will continue to dance. Kill him,'

Images of her hands being bloody suddenly appeared in her mind and she felt as though she was running until she bumped into James. She gave him a hug and everything seemed right. Suddenly they were in front of a door and when they opened it, they were on stage performing.

She had a big smile on her face as she twirled in James' arms, dancing until she caught a dark shadow move to the side quickly, and then she remembered.

'Everything is an illusion like an idea until you make it real.'