Chapter Sixty_Four: Never Be Small

Aria stared at the man with horror, all lessons of composure were sent out the window as she watched the shocked looks on the judge's looks. All of them having not expected that and it was clear that some of them were disgusted by it. Who wouldn't though, the man's face was literally pulled away, leaving his bare flash to be seen. Aria wondered why hadn't his face healed since he was brought into the afterlife, even though this was a prison, his face should have at least been there.

"How on earth…" the woman tried, unsure of how to put her words together as she looked at the man. "You must have really angered the person that did this to you, does it still not hurt?" the man asked, yet he looked more intrigued on how it was done. It was a rare sight for him to witness someone suffer so severely and still have it even when they died. Whoever had done this was someone powerful and did not take well to betrayals or threats or in this case, treason.

"Who did this to you?" the woman asked, disgusted at how she could see the man's flesh and bones, it looked like the blood was still dripping as though it had just happened. did the man even deserve more punishments after what he had received from someone? she did not façade her emotions through her looks, she was disgusted and shocked, this had been the first time she had seen something like this and she knew whoever did this was not afraid to get their hands dirty.

"I swear we are all taught to never show emotion but this panel enjoys breaking the rules, look at how beautiful you all are, especially your love. The no-face skin is really about to trend sooner or later. Look at you, king of all, such beauty, and all it took were my nails and pretty hands. Judges I do hope that this does not appeal to your sensitive side and change your mind because honestly, I would think that you are all getting soft. Are you all getting soft?" someone said and everyone turned to the side as they heard the click of heels as soon as she stepped out of the shadows the woman narrowed her eyes.

Why wasn't she surprised, of course, someone from the dark kingdom did this, those beings couldn't just do something easily. They always had to make it drastic, at least this time she confessed to doing something instead of them having to come to look for her and demand she take the charge as she knew this wasn't allowed. Yet she always did this, always went far and beyond, never small. No no, she hated to be small.

"Quin, you know this goes against the code, why would you do this? Have you lost all sanity in your mind?" she questioned, looking at the woman with disgust. She never bothered to hide her emotions and though she was born the light kingdom, her honesty had been the reason why she ended up in the judgment panel and not as a simple light being.

"You act as if you don't know who I am, it is good to see you too, Judge Ligera. I swear every time you see me, you just hate me more and more, honestly, it's alluring." Quin said as she winked at the woman. "Gentlemen and ladies, always a pleasure to see you all and then you. I got a gift for you as I know your friend will pop up and try to find you as I am sure she will want an update. Give her this," Quin said as she pulled out something from her bag and threw it to the ground next to him.

She could see everyone's faces turn into one of disgust and revulsion but Quin didn't care, she had seen everything disgusting and once lived in it. Nothing bothered her anymore, she did everything to protect what she cared about and her home was the biggest factor. She didn't care how many toes she would have to step on to get what she wanted and to protect what was around her.

"Quin, you should leave," one of the men said and she didn't bother to bat an eye at him, "Mmm, let's go." Quin said, not looking at anyone else but the traitor. "Quin who are you talking to, you are-" the sound of heels coming their way was heard, cutting off Judge Ligera's words. She looked at the shadows and suddenly saw a woman come out. Dressed in a black revealing dress with red heels, she could smell that the woman was probably from the earth.

Another one? She wondered.

No, this one smelled different, slightly stronger but there was a weird power that revolved around her. Who was this? Where was she from and how had no one else seen her? There had been rumors that a wife was being looked for for the king but everyone had laughed it off, knowing that the king was well known to enjoy pleasure only. Nothing more.

Yet the woman that stood behind Quin, she smelled of innocence yet there was something about her that made everyone want to know more and Judge Ligera couldn't help but want to know who she was.