Chapter Sixty_Three: Be The Judge (Part three)

'To be a ruler you must understand every perspective but also learn to question everything. You cannot be biased but it's possible that you are incapable of being a jack of all trades and that is okay but you must learn to be very subjective. Avoid ever agreeing to something that one has said or offered, always always be vigilant and learn to turn back what has been said. You want them to stumble over their own words, you want them to question their sleeves because if one is being honest. They will always stick to their words and it is important for you to pay attention to them.

It is easy for one to trick or plead to the emotional side of everyone especially a woman, once they see that they are a woman who is judging them, they are quick to jump forward and use every smooth word they can string together and master. They are quick to bring forth tears and make you gullible. Because they think you are weak. So you are always unestimated, do not allow that, make them feel your aura, and let them know that you are different before you speak.

The measures you would apply on earth, don't work here, they shouldn't even be attempted to. Otherwise, you will make a mistake that you cannot fix, be cautious Aria but also be very wise.' Quin said as they entered a dark room.

Aria took in the sight of the darkroom, it wrecked of blood and polish, a very odd combination. Quin stopped when they got to the dark corner and gestured for her to sit down next to her. Once they did, they just watched and Aria took that advantage of reading the room, she noticed that there were three ways in the place. One on the far left side, one on the right where they had entered, and then one on the north, which was covered with a heavy curtain.

Blocking the sight of what could be in there until she saw the curtain be pulled apart and different beings stepped out. A table appeared with chairs, weapons were set on the table, and then suddenly the ground shook and elevated slightly, causing Aria to squint, trying to see what was going on. Yet nothing did, the part of the ground in the middle was just slightly elevated.

'the punished, stand there, as the Judges judge them. It helps make the punishers feel slightly taller, helping their ego grow for just a bit then when the verdict is given out everything changes. If it goes down it means that they are innocent, if it remains up, you are guilty, and let's just say the punishment up there is the worst kind. They get to use their weapons on you from all sides and you can't even turn, cause it feels as though you can't move. But everything is in your mind.' Quin said

"Step forward," a woman said, as they got comfortable in their seats, "Presenting Case three thousand for the day," someone said and immediately the door on the left opened, a guard pulled the long-chain forcing the prisoner to follow him blinded as his head was covered with a black bag.

Once they reached the center and the prisoner stood still, his chains were removed, causing Aria's eyebrows to crease as she noticed how the prisoner now stood slightly tall. As if he had now found refreshed strength but she wondered why couldn't he try to move from that spot. 'Remember they are caged in that place, you might not see it but it's there and only he can feel it. It seems as though he's strong but that's cause they feed you the strength for a moment that way when the punishment comes, they don't kill you too quickly.' Quin said.

"Prisoner three thousand, you are being judged with treason and conspiracy against the Oscuridad kingdom, before we charge you against the evidence that is brought against you, you will be given the platform or chance to say your piece and to defend yourself honestly." The woman said,

"I cannot defend myself as I did this to myself, a woman came to me, seducing me and willing me to do as she asked. She wanted the king's eyes on her only and she would do anything for it. When I first refused, she found out about all of my struggles, my debts and offered me riches. Yet when I declined she came back and took away my child and then she gave me a drink and said to let her take control. So I did and this is what happened. I am here but my daughter will never know who her father is," he said, Aria heard the sound of a sniffle and she knew the man was in pain.

"Why should we believe what you say? Who is the woman in fact? Why didn't you take the matter to the king, reporting this issue?" a man asked, barely even giving the man sympathy, "Because the King is rarely seen as he always is busy, you cannot just run to the king and demand his time plus no one is a fool about the things that happen in this realm. The king occasionally takes in women and many of them leave upset, having only wished to win the affections of the king. I have served for decades, providing for my family and nothing more, I swear, I wouldn't have just betrayed the king that easily." He said

"How did you get into debt? Every member that works in every castle realm benefits greatly, so how did you end up in debt?" another man asked, "I lost my wife to a rare sickness, though we are paid well in the castle the only one who could treat my wife was too expensive, I got had got into gambling, thinking and hoping that if I could win. I would be able to pay for her treatment, help better her but I didn't have a winning hand. So I got into great debt." He admitted.

"Why do you have a bag over your head?" the woman asked suddenly and Aria had assumed that it was part of the process but if that wasn't the case then why did he have a bag over his head. "Milady it would be unwise for him to remove the bag from over his head, we do warn you against it." the guard said

"We have seen the worst and the best in this realm for thousands of years, remove the damn bag, will you. You all act as though your soul's arent more hideous." she huffed, and as soon as he removed his bag we all gasped. "In this case you are wrong," the man said.