Chapter Seventy_Seven: Meet Her…

Song recommended: Tomorrow By Daughter

"Who are you?" I asked as I stepped futher away from her. "Child. I am your end." She said darkly and immediately came for me.

Oh no…

Instantly stepping away for her, I felt the sword swipe behind me, nearly cutting my braided hair. I kept moving around from her as I looked for something in the room that could help me defend myself. Something that could at least help me fight back.

Even though I didn't know how to.

Right as I was about to look, I felt a burning sensation on my shoulder, causing me to cry out from the shock and the pain. I looked at it, only to find my shoulder bleeding from the sword cut.

I turned to look at the lady but I found her humming as she wiped the blood of the sword and smiled. "Weak," she whispered as she held the sword properly again. Getting ready to attack me again.

"You cut me…" I murmured, as I slowly stepped away from her. "Does it look like I care? Darling, when I am done, I will feed you to the pets. Its been a long time since they had a meal with your kind in it. It will feel like their birthday." She laughed.

"This isn't fair, I hold no weapon." I defended as I dodged her advance. "Not my problem, do something about it. In fact, conjure up your weapon and do what is needed otherwise, hold still and let me cut you up into pieces of meat." She said as jabbed the sword towards me.

"I wasn't taught how to do that woman!" I screeched as I tripped and fell onto the floor. Rolling onto my back, I felt the weight of the sword fall to the side of my face, barely missing my ears. "I heard your body gave out on earth, now let me have your spirit." She snapped as she held up the sword.

Igniting it with flames, she brought it down and out of fear, I screamed loudly. Not expecting to create an unimaginable sound wave that would cause her to fly back into the wall. Blinking several times, I let out a heavy breath, feeling grateful to still be alive but being scared at this kind of discovery.

The sound of her chuckling, got my attention and I turned to see her standing and balancing on her sword. "What a discovery, but it's not enough to protect you or get up and let's see what else you've got in you."

'Whenever you find yourself defenseless without a weapon, remember it is important to use your strengths. You are creative, so be creative. Create your advantage and be wise about how to do it. That way your opponent will never know what to do or even how to put the blame on you.'

Salvaster's words rang out in my ears as I remembered one of his lessons.

'Be cautious on how you create your battleground but be even more cautious on how you build your weapon. Use what you know and remember to confuse the enemy at every opportunity that you get,'

So I did what I knew, I danced, literally.

Watching her come at me, I danced to the sides and moved at either or opposite directions. Tiring her out but also finding ways to be more flexible. Remembering how to let everything come naturally but also remembering how to follow the lead of the partner.

In this case, her advances. I gave her a chilling smile as I heard the one song play in my head and when I watched her stop. Her face morphing into confusion, I realised she could hear the song and that made me even more satisfied because she wouldn't know how to move to the beat.

By tomorrow we'll be swimming with the fishes

Leave out troubles on the side

And when the sun comes out

We'll be nothing but dust

Just the outlines of our hands

By tomorrow we'll be lost amongst the leaves

In a wind that chills the skeletons of trees

And when the moon, it shines, I will leave two lines

Just find my love, then find me

Don't bring tomorrow,

'Cause I already know

I'll lose you

Don't bring tomorrow

'Cause I already know

I'll lose our hope

I'll lose you

Taking advantage of her confused state, I clapped my hands once and felt the spark and stetched out my hand. Immediately the sword flew from her hand and came into my grasps.

She turned to me stunned but gave me a chilling smile nevertheless and suddenly pulled out her own. "Ready?" she asked as she prepared her stance and gave me a moment.

"Ready," and right then the sound of the clashing swords was heard and we danced as well as battled. Our eyes locking at every brief moment to try and see what the other was thinking, trying to see more than the little we read of each other and by the time the music came to a stop, we both stopped and she dropped her weapon.

"You were good. Well done." she praised and I finally let out a heavy breath and dropped my very own. Giving her a smile, I bent forward to let out a tired breath.

Yet before I could expect or say anything. She threw something towards me and I wasn't quick to catch it. I had let my guard down and now her silver dagger had penetrated my body.

"Damn it, who are you!?" I cried as I fell to my knees. "You still haven't figured it out, I am the mother of the kings."