Chapter Seventy_Eight: The Changes


An eight letter word that held several kinds of meaning. Darkness- the partial or total absence of light. Darkness- the wickedness or evil. Yet to think this is the only two that came to mind when I thought of it.

Yet to me, right now, it didn't exist. The darkness that should have chased away my consciousness of light was not present and there was just a dull feeling that spread. It spread across the one place where I should have felt something.

Yet I waited, waited to feel some sort of pain, waited to be blindsided. Waited for it to sucker punch me and it just didn't come. The woman just watched me from the door and gave me a chilling smile.

As though having expected this, as though satisfied that her blow that should have landed a killing, the dagger did absolutely nothing. I didn't know whether to be scared or joyful to be alive at that very moment.

Who shouts for joy for dodging death when death was the one who always had an upper hand?

It should have hurt but it didn't. There should have been some sort of pain but there was absolutely nothing. So, when I looked down at the dagger and pulled it out slowly, cringing at the slight sound and the blood on it, I wondered what kind of power or advantage this was.

When I looked up, I noticed that she was now gone. The doors were pushed open, allowing Quin to enter, followed by James and Salvaster. They all paused when they saw me at the door, yet only James seemed to be able to race forward. His eyes filled with fear as he fell on his knees.

"What the hell Aria!" he snapped as he covered the area with his hand. Trying to keep it from bleeding out but I didn't know how to tell him that it didn't hurt. That none of it hurt. "Help us! Can one of y'all move y'all sorry asses and help her!" he snapped at them.

They both turned to each other and smiled. As if happy and satified. Quin walked forward and snapped her finger. A small glass came into her hand and she bent down, taking in some blood. When filled she snapped her fingers and the lid was put on it.

"Here we go," she whispered as she gave Salvaster, who took it slowly and right before anyone could say anything he turned and left hurridly. "What the heck was that?" James snapped.

"James, you worry too much, Aria stand up. You are quite alright. It seems as though the darkness had chosen you." She said and stretched out her hand to me. Slowly reaching for her, James snapped, "Quin, Aria is hurt, why not get her help or snap the wound closed. Have you lost your mind?"

Once my hand was in hers, she helped me up and gestured for me to look at the wound. When I did, I noticed that the very wound had disappeared and the very blood that had once been there, had turned black causing James to pull back from shock.

"If the darkness wanted you dead or didn't find you worthy, you would have been killed by her or by holding her sword or even pulling out the dagger. You are worthy to be queen and soon you will receive the ultimate test. Well done, Aria, well done." Quin said.

"How does the power feel?" she asked, as she turned her body to me fully. Watching me with her curious eyes. "I don't know. I don't know how to feel at this point. How should I feel?" I questioned as I looked at the dark blood.

"Dull for now, but when you receive it fully. It will run in your veins as though lightening and you will be the doom yet the peace of them all. In this kingdom, you will reign and make them worship your very name." Quin said darkly and I noticed a flash in her eyes, as though excitement.

"It is time to get ready love. The celebration is upon us and we must do what we have prepared for. Again do not be frightened. This is your new home." She said and pushed me forward.

Reluctantly, James and I moved towards the door, still shocked at this yet trying to move one with the situation. Knowing that there wasn't enough time to register what had taken place.

Quin stared at the confused humans and her small smile slightly dropped as new found fear entered her body. This was usually the time where they either lost the potential queens or where they flee.

She heard something drop behind her and didn't bother to turn to see who it was. "You chose this one well." She whispered as she felt his hands be pressed on her neck and waist. Pulling her to him.

"She will be queen, Quin, and everything will be set on the right path again." he whispered. "What will we do if she doesn't survive tonight or worse if she flees?" she questioned. Her eyes flashing at the very thought. So much work gone to waste again.

"I will personally sacrifice her to the witches if she flees but something in me sees that she's worthy. Just be careful, we know that many will try to shake her down and we cannot allow that." he warned. "She will be queen," he praised.

"Oh, hail the queen of darkness." She whispered.

"Oh, Hail The Queen Of Oscuridad." He praised.