Chapter Eighty_Four: The Mistress In Red

Song recommended: Rockstar By Sofia Karlberg (version)

Aria didn't know how to feel about the witch in red, especially with the way she moved towards them. There was this aura of confidence and desire that just oozed of her. There was this specific kind of power that just made her radiate more and Aria couldn't help but shiver from the taste of it.

It wasn't hard to tell that they must have had a past, but something happened for them to spilt and now here she was. Seemingly coming back with a vengeance as if wanting to take her place. The very same place I currently occupied, the very same place that was next to him.

The very same spot, I didn't want to hand over, especially to her.

There was something about her that made me want to fight back. Something that irked me in the wrong way and she didn't know how to feel about it. She wasn't the type of girl to just start fights, no, she was the one to just end them if they got out of hand. Yet in this case, everything in her wanted to drag the woman through the clean floors.

Such pride, I tsked, such illuminating pride.

'Stop her,' came her thoughts and immediately Quin stepped forward and blocked her. She came to an abrupt stop as her path was blocked. "Quin, what is the meaning of this?" came her soft voice. Aria could hear that she was trying to not snap at her but she couldn't care.

Quin could handle her own plate.

"You have gone too far, Witch." Quin stated with a small smirk and I felt relieved to see that I wasn't the only one who didn't like the woman. "Since when have I ever been stopped from coming close to the king, I have been in this kingdom for years and no one has ever stopped me from coming close to Silver." She said proudly.

And that ticked me off, slightly. "Well in this case, things have changed and I have orders. You will stand here just like everyone else who wishes to have an audience with the king. Your special place has now ended and if he ever wishes to be in your…presence. We will personally let you know." Quin said as she over looked her.

"My special place never ends and it never will come to an end. You forget who I am Quin, I see that my little time out of the house has made you forget me." she said with a small twitch. Quin gave her a full smile as if she was happy to say that.

"We can make it a permanent time out, after all, you aren't Queen of the Witches and Wizards. You are just an advisor and in these kinds of balls. You aren't needed." She chuckled as she stepped forward, causing the Witch to take a step back from the unexpectedness.

"Silver… speak to your pet…" The witch growled slightly, her eyes turning a dark green. Her aura started turning into the color of a posion Ivy and I couldn't help but to watch, so intrigued but it. "You have been excused Witch. Thank you for gracing us with your presence." Silver said boredly and one of the guards stepped forward.

The Witch looked insulted as she turned her angry green eyes to Silver. It seemed as though she couldn't believe what had just happened. As if he had just spat in her face and let them continue to shame her. I feel the gazes of other beings staring at us, this must be truly embarrassing for her.

So used to having the king adoring her and now all she received was a harsh shoulder. I wonder what must have gone wrong between them for her to be in such a state. Such a pity I do tell you. That this is what I would have to deal with if I would accept this but I would be damned if a woman who deliberately insulted me and barely looked my way, received his affections.

'You will recognise me,' I said loudly and I tightened my hand on Silver's . She turned her eyes to the our connected hands and I could feel the jealousy spill from her like hot lava. She wasn't happy, she truly wasn't and when her eyes locked with mine, they immediately turned warm as though the very anger that had been there had never existed.

"I keep forgetting, this at times happens. Human…" she addressed me as and took a step to the side. I could feel James and Salvaster immediately step forward.

But I held up my hand and kept our eyes connected. "You will leave or run and I will be the one to warm his bed again." she chuckled and walked away. I could hear my heart beat and I knew part of me knew she was right.

She would return to Silver's bed when I left, they would entangle themselves in each others arms and love would sprout through lust. She would leave for now and watch with slight distaste but sooner or later I would be gone. And Silver would let her in again.