Chapter Two: Hundred: Eight: Mourning And Adaptions


So as soon as they reached a certain point, she couldn't hold on anymore… "Aria." She heard but it was too late, darkness overtook and the pain that she wasn't feeling before was felt like a crash at that point. She felt her body tumble and roll and she knew she had fallen to the ground. 

"Get the healers!" she heard Ana yell but all her mind could focus on was the young girl that she had lost. If only she had not brought her here, if only she had not offered her this life. If only she had just allowed her to stay with her brother on earth. If only. If only. If only.

"Anelisa please!" I cried. "I love you Queen Aria, you have done more for me than you could ever imagine. You have been more of a mother to me than anything else and I am sorry for all the rebellion. For the backstabbing and the attitude. You were supposed to be my mother in this life time." Anelisa cried and I felt the fear sink in more faster.