Chapter Two: Hundred: Seventy_One:  Change In The Wind


He was in the room and had no choice but to watch her pack clothes into a bag, shoving them as though in a rush to get away. She barely looked fazed when he entered the room but he could see the tears that she tried to hide away from him. "No please," he said as he took a step towards her. She shook her head and held her hand up, stopping him from stepping any closer to him.

"You couldn't even wait until I got far away from the house? You couldn't even check if the coast was clear? You couldn't even make sure that we were done for it before proceeding to go to your ex lover! I was bloody here when she wasn't! I loved you when there was no one else willing to love you!" Eliza yelled as she reached to grab a vase that she had loved and threw it beside my head. I ducked but that didn't stop the glass from piercing into my skin, causing me to groan from the pain.