Chapter Two: Hundred: Seventy_Two: Control


He placed a fragile kiss on my lips, another on my left cheek, right cheek and my forehead. "It doesn't mean I love you any less than I have before." He whispered. I lifted my head and kissed him. Holding him down by his neck as my tears fell as our lips molded into one another. It didn't feel foreign this time… no this time it felt like the goodbye I had been dreading. 

When we pulled back, our breaths minced as we let out and let in what we partially needed to survive. "I love you but I don't need to anymore," I whispered and opened the door and left without looking back. Knowing that this would be something that would kill me slowly. "Are you ready?" she heard and turned to see Eris waiting for her with her friend. I nodded and we left, knowing that the time to help save the Oscuridad kingdom had come.