Chapter 39

"Sir, the characteristics of fifty or perhaps sixty plants are specified in the books that are accessible to everyone. As we score over fifty plants each year, what is the point of increasing the limit to a hundred this year?"

Grumpy Hanry began to talk as the rules were explained. Now anger was dominating him instead of the boredom of just before.

"We talked about this subject last night. Since the level is high this year, the Head of the Department agreed with my thought that the conditions should be raised too."

Louise answered, and a few hoarse laughs from the royal ranks accompanied him.

"How ingenious is it to put people to test on issues they have no access to? It seems like corruption is not just limited to the Fighter Department!"

His right hand was in the air, and the other hand was next to his body as a fist. The whole hall heard what he said, and the smiling faces of the nobles quickly turned to normal.

"Hanry, calm down!"

The Head of Department turned to the middle-aged man and spoke. He was looking calm despite the reaction he got.

Meanwhile, the test had begun. Some candidates were quickly filling the sheets of paper in front of them while others were thinking with their eyes staring at the ceiling.

So half an hour passed, and a sweet voice rose from the side of the nobles.

"My test is over. I want my answers to be checked!"

When Maria Gloove spoke, the attendant waiting behind her took the sheet and brought it to where the Masters and Head of Department were.

"Master Hanry, would you like to evaluate it?"

When Louise handed the paper to Grumpy Hanry, the atmosphere became tense. The sound of wood splintering began to come from the place the middle-aged man was stepping his feet.

"If it is up to me to read the exam paper of an unfledged kid, I feel so sorry for the Plant Department. But if you are very enthusiastic, this act will suit you as a Master!"

Hanry seemed to have broken the ties with his colleague, and he lined his words one after another without hesitation.

"Louise, you rate it!"

The Head of Department spoke with the same calmness. The Young Master was still smiling, even though he was rebuked so much. He evaluated the paper, and after five minutes, he began to smile from ear to ear.

"Ten points! Five spare plants are also written in case of a mishap!"

He couldn't fit in his seat. Louise, Mel, and Hanry came eye to eye. The middle-aged man chose to change his prone stance and rest on his back.

Time passed quickly. Nothing happened except for a few more kids from the noble ranks who gave their papers and got total points.

"Time is up! Officials, collect the papers!"

Louise gave the order without waiting for an extra second, and within ten seconds, the answer sheets were on the table at the other end of the building.

More than twenty inspectors began to examine quickly and give their marks.

"Remember, there will be no rounding off at all. Ten plants get one point. Deficiency is not welcomed in our profession!"

After the girl from his family got total points, the Young Master also intervened in the scoring with all his harshness.

Evaluation of the papers took half an hour. After that, an officer began to announce the scores with the names of the participants.

"Alan Walker - 9"

"Guts - 6"

"Jessi Wools - 8"

"Porky - 5"

As the names continued to be read, everyone saw that the exam had achieved its purpose. The lowest point taken by the people, whose names were mentioned along with their surnames, was eight, while the highest point taken by the ones coming from the ordinary families, addressed with their names, was six.

"Mel Malcom - 10"

A glass fell to the floor and shattered. The red wine in it seeped through the crevices of the wooden floor.

"No way!"

Just a single word was spilled out from Louise's lips. It was an involuntary act.

"Colleague, would you like to check it with your own eyes?"

Wanting to make his enemy taste his poison, Hanry took the opportunity. After his words, Louise's skin color turned into a darker shade of red.

"Are you sure?"

Of course, the Young Master did not get up. Instead, he called out to the people in control sternly.

"Sir, besides a hundred plant descriptions, there are ten extra answers!"

Hanry and Mel came eye to eye again. Some of the tight lines on the middle-aged man's face disappeared.

In their royal ranks, the children were gossiping, looking for a logical explanation about Mel's result. Only Maria Gloove was not saying anything. While sitting in her seat, she looked at a fixed point by isolating herself from her surroundings.

Mel didn't care about his opponent, who was staring at him. He was busy accepting congratulations from his friends coming from ordinary families.

"Congratulations, guys. With the last test that will take place tomorrow, it will be clear whether you can enter the Plant Department or not. Unlike the first two tests, we will give information about the third exam already. Good luck to you all!"

The Head of the Department began to walk with his two subordinates after finishing his speech and headed to the exit. The participants stood up and greeted them. As the trio walked out of the door, one of the inspectors who checked the papers previously began to speak.

"Children! Tomorrow's test will be on preparing herbal blends by using one hundred herbs mentioned in this paper. Participants making thirty successful blends will get ten full points. Three blends will be equal to one point."

As the speaking person's mouth went dry, he poured water into his glass and took a big sip. The eyes of the participants were on Adam's apple, which was moving up and down.

"You have exactly one day to prepare! Your test will begin at this time tomorrow!"

After completing his speech, the inspector left with his colleagues. Only participants remained in the tall building.

"That's it, you poor people!"

Someone from the noble side sniped at the others by warping his mouth.

"What happened, Stivi?"

The answer came quickly, but the young man named Stivi did not seem to remain quiet.

"To work with blends, you must first have the plants listed on this paper. Can your starving families provide you these plants?"

The boy, showing the list hanging on the wall with his finger adorned by his red gemstone ring, stood up with a laugh. He approached the long paper on the wall and read it for a while.

"They hung your hero's paper. Roughly, trying to buy all of these plants would cost over a hundred gold!"

After writing the plant names on the paper in his notebook, he left the building. Other nobles followed him. Only Maria Gloove left the hall without taking a single glance at the paper that turned into a bill of materials.

Only the kids of poor families were in the test area and the person with the highest score had to get seven points to enter the Academy. For minutes no one spoke. They checked the list on the wall and then moved away from it by repeating this action again and again.

"Mel, what are we going to do?"

It was Nalt who broke the silence. He had taken the role of the spokesperson of the crowd gathered around Mel.

Mel did not answer. He got up calmly and walked towards the exit of the building. The others were watching him as he opened the door. There was no sound. Mel took the first step, but then he suddenly turned back.

"Those who want to pass the test tomorrow and truly want to enter the Academy, follow me."