Chapter 124

Edgan, who was covered with blood and sweat, stumbled a few steps with the impact of the cool and fresh air hitting on his face, but he was able to keep his balance despite having Mel on his back. Of course, the narrow passage he was in had a big part in this, and after he got himself stability, he voiced the question in his mind.

"Mel, where are we?"

Only two words could spill out from his trembling lips. His eyes were seeking help from the semiconscious young man. Mel fixed his gaze at one point. Mel's bleeding increased so much that one side of Edgan's face was now red.

Without losing his tenacity, Edgan moved in the direction his friend had pointed. He crossed the damp tunnel and found himself in a cave decorated with stalactites. The floor was covered with grass. Edgan spun around himself in astonishment.