Chapter 136

Although hours had passed since the unexpected arrival, the house in the middle of eight residences had its lights on. The sunlight falling on the polished surface of the wooden furniture was saying that the Green Shadow Academy had started a new day.

"Mel, he is obviously lying! Why are you so confused? "

The young boy, who did not leave his place near the window as if he was trying to catch the rising sun going up over the Herb Gardens, turned around after his lover decided to speak.

"My dear, it's time to tell you the truth! "

After Mel rubbed his bloodshot eyes, he sat down at his lover's heels. He was about to express his thoughts, gnawing away at his mind. 

"Do you remember what I told you about my past? "

The young girl shook her head up and down, but she could not take her prying eyes from Mel's lips. After the unexpected guest disturbed them, her lover wanted to tell about his past that he had not shared with her before.