Chapter 204

Fortunately, the words of someone who came out of the one-story stone house at the mine entrance went to the rescue of the students of the Thirteenth Ward. The Kapos didn't seem surprised to see her, but the students all understood the purpose of the demonstration.

Today, the woman of the two people standing behind İtır last night showed her face in the Energy Crystal mine. She had a high-pitched voice, she couldn't be heard over long distances without straining herself, but from the response she got, she didn't need it either.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The Kapos shouted in unison to show that they understood her order. Whether they finished their meal or not, the students had no choice but to get up from their desks and enter the Energy Crystal Mine filled with green mist.

"Until further notice, meal times have been cut in half. You all forgot where you were when you let loose a little!"