Chapter 287

Bonbi, who pushed the frozen girl into the kitchen, arrived just in time; the others couldn't understand Lilo's shock and intervened. The strange adventure of the Far Circle disciples continued; first, they were attacked in the house where they were staying, then the owner of the place where they were relaxing with their excellent food got angry for no reason and had a Wild Beast Transformation, and finally the girl who was coveting their sweets froze, what was going on here?

"Sir, are you a Physical Cultivator?"

Although the human perception noticed everything, sometimes it would ignore most things so that the owner would not go crazy; Sam was not independent of this. But when he sat back with his stomach full, the shopkeeper was able to realize that Lilo was undergoing a Wild Beast Transformation, with the broad forehead Bonbi and her fingernails long enough to sink into the young boy's back.