Chapter 300

The man couldn't think of anything to say; he looked at the others after stroking her hair. The family that owned the inn where the Far Circle students ate, Lilo's family, and the owners of the shops with the little bell at the door that the Ninth Ward students went to were all here.

There were only fifty of them among the crowd inside the Arena of Existence, and it was evident from the gap between them that the others were trying to stay away from them. Even though the Spirit Cultivators were almost on top of each other, they would not approach the Physical Cultivators.

While all this was going on, a young man from the First Ward appeared on the stage where the fights would take place; With his gray suit adorned with the stains left by drying sweat, his shield big enough to cover his upper body, his small ax, and his timid eyes, he walked up to the place the referee showed him.