Chapter 308

"Restrict their movement with the Wind Trap!"

After the four people took their places around Mel, one person jumped into the air and swung their weapon at him. Mel waited until then, taking a big step forward when the enemy was right in front of him, hit his claw at the black-cloaked woman in front of him.

"I saw this last night; when one of you died, everything fell apart!"

They hadn't attacked Mel directly, and this boy was from the Far Circle; how could he know how they made the Wind Trap? It is evident in her confused eyes that she was in these thoughts. When the woman was about to die with the claw in front of her face, someone grabbed her by the cloak and pulled her back. Samsam did not want to lose another subordinate.

"Dragon Claw!"

Mel didn't even hesitate; he sent two human-sized Dragon Claws to attack with his other hand. Three blood-red lines slashed through the air, and the result was the same when they touched the woman's body.