Chapter 345

"Don't be distracted! A mighty Chief Beast driven from the depths of the Sunshine Forest must be around!"

When the woman finished her speech, seven people were heard saying, "You're in charge." Mel had been able to find out the number of the enemy group before he went outside, and as the footsteps were far away, he would soon have the opportunity to meet them.

As his body moved out of the Heritage Cave, he spread his perception and confirmed no one was around. He wasn't worried about the old Fifth Ward; while the others thought they were wandering around these borders, the students led by Sam were elsewhere.

Mel followed without making a sound. The jungle was his playground, no matter what element you mastered, and it was tough to outmaneuver him in this place. Unable to notice Mel, whose night, day, and years had passed in this environment, the Far Circle group finally did what he wanted.