Chapter 356

"Don't be afraid, it will be her turn eventually, but I can put Gorgana in the front row if she wants it!"

Mel continued to drink his soup, reading the shopkeepers' concerns on their faces. When he came out, the cul-de-sac was quiet, but the rest of Commerce Square was bustling. The sound of the students' loud arguments reached Mel's ears.

They were talking about the disappearances of Chan and Muk, the fact that Deborah never left her residence, that Red Claw Academy had been hosting a lot of strange events in the last few days. Mel ignored them, diverting his direction to where he had never been before.

As he moved away from the crowd, the sounds decreased, and the unique aroma of nature entered his nose and began to spread throughout his body. The disciples were no longer wearing the Red Martial Uniform, and they were all wearing green Herbalist Cloaks.