when the movie ends he looks at dracule incredulously and asks."....."



This [ ] will contain scenes and dialogues from the movies,also another super long chapter,rejoice once again


when the movie ends he looks at dracule incredulously and asks.".WHAT....what happens next?,is loki alive? Will the bridged be fixed?"

"you wanna know?"

"well ofcousre I wanna know you fool,I wouldn't have asked otherwise!"

"Well then you'll have to watch another movie ehm I mean viewing for that,this one about earth's mightiest hero's"

"well whatever it is play it then!,also what is this earth you speak of?"

"earth is the name midgardians gave to midgard"

"midgard what could midgard possibly have to do with loki,also how mighty could midgadian hero's possibly be anyways"

"well,if you just shut up and watch the movie you'd understand now then wouldn't you?"

bor just grunts angrily In understanding,before he looks to the screen only to look back at dracule again" wouldn't have more of this coco would you?"

dracule just snorts and waves his hand refilling the cup"it Will refill it self from now onwards"

in return bor grunts but this time in happiness and thanks.


[shows tesseract ,"the tessaract has awakened ,it is on a little world,a human world,they would wield its power,but our ally knows its workings as they never will,]

the moment the tesseract was shown bor almost jumped in his seat,unlike many others,he knows what it contains...a infinity stone,hearing that it was on midgard and that the midgardians were trying to weild its power certainly didn't make him happy,but what he was more interested in was who the person talking was and who this ally of theirs was

[shows loki being handed the sceptor,"and our force, our chitouri will follow" shows chitouri army,"the world will be his,the universe yours,and the humans? what can they do but burn!"]

"no loki,what have you done,who have you allied yourself with!,and who is this mad man who covets the universe"

[shows the shield facility,coulson and fury,tesseract turns it self on without permission]

["if we can't control the tesseracts energy"]

"bah,I admit the midgardians have evolved,but there still a hundred thousand years to young to even think about controlling something like the tesseract"

[loki comes out of the portal with the sceptor]

bor looks him over,before stopping on his eyes

"well he's sure looked better before,but why are his eyes blue?" although he gets no response from dracule he remembers this little tidbit,as bor has learned look a person In his eyes when meeting them to judge them correctly,and that's what he did when shown his grandsons aswell,and why he felt thor was a idiot and loki not someone to be trusted easily,hence that's why he remembers that loki's eyes were green not blue

[loki mindcontrolls Barton,Barton's eyes turn blue ]

looking at this scene ,and Barton eyes,bor thinks of loki's eyes and haggard appearance,"who...WHO DARES TO MESS WITH THE MIND OF THE GRANDSON OF BOR BURRISON!!"

It's only after a minute and some sips of coco that he manages to calm himself and watch the rest of the scene culminating with lokis escape and the destruction of the shield facility.

[black widow,introduction scene]

"hah a splendid warrior she is,I know not to underestimate a women as I've seen enough brainless fools that did and are now ball less fools to"

[Hulk introduction scene]

"so this is the big guy huh ?,seems pretty small to me,though he does also seem like a kind healer,I wonder why they took so many precautions and are so afraid of him"

[Steve introduction scene]

[shows Steve punching the sand bad away] "hmm,not bad for a midgardian"

[talk with fury]

"he seems like a good solider"

[Tony introduction scene]

bor marvels over Tony's armour,"you say he made this armour himself?,impressive"

[Loki's "kneel" speech]

bor Shakes his head at what loki is saying and doing,but does not comment knowing he is not in his right mind

[loki vs cap and stark]

bor watches the scene in intrest and approves of captain Americas fighting skills and the power of Tony's repulsors.

[Thor vs Tony and cap]

bor was very surprised with this scene,thor may not be comparable with,him or odin but he was still one of the strongest in asgard,to see iron man fight against him equally only by using his armour? " truly even the dwarves of nidevelier would acknowledge this man as a splendid blacksmith" and another scene that shocked him was the captains shiled blocking thors mjolnir "what is this shield made of?" without his knowing,he started respecting the misgardian warriors a bit more,and although he was disappointed in thor not noticing his brothers eye colour,he didn't say much becouse well,he didn't really expect much from thor in the brain department anyway.

[hellicarier,phase 2 reveal]

bor scowls at this "foolish midgardins,do they think they are the first species to try to exploit the stones,no,they are not,it never goes well for those who do"

[hellecarier argument scene]

bor was scowling at the way these fools were acting throughout the entire scene "its that forsaken sceptre,its messing with their minds"

[Hellicarier,bartons attacks scene]

bor immediately focused on to the screen,"this,this was lokis plan,this was why he allowed himself to be captured"

seeing Bruce turn into the Hulk,"By ygdrasylls gnarly roots! so that's what he turns into,big guy indeed!"

seeing coulsons death,bor bows his head In respect for the brave warrior


seeing loki and Tony's talk [" the avengers its what we call ourselves,sort of like a team,earth mightiest hero's type of thing]

bor wasn't really feeling the name

["we have a army" , "we have a Hulk"]


["becouse if we can't protect the earth,you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it]

Ok bor was feeling the name now.

[Tony being thrown out plus new suit]

seeing Tony being thrown out,bor almost shouted outloud only to breath a sigh of relief when,his suit flew out after him,ofcousre he didn't forget to marvel at the new suit either,he had grown to quite like the funny midgardian blacksmith

[portal opens,chitouri invade]

throughout the entire fight scene,bor was on the edge of his seat,looking at how earths mightiest hero's fought

[Hulk one punching the leviathan scene]

both of bors eyebrows shot up at this scene,"I take it back,the precautions of the shield people were not enough"

[avengers assembled]

bor smiled at this scene,acknowledging that his first impressions were wrong and that these midgardians truly were mighty

[puny god]

"buahahahaha puny "wheeze " he called him a puny god hahahaha,I much prefer this Hulk fellow over banner"

[iron man taking the nuke into space,falling and being caught by the hulk]

he looked at Tony with much respect "he acted with valor and honour,if he had died,he would've been welcomed into valhalla with open arms"

[seeing the tesseract being taken to asgard]

bor nodded in approval

[seeing thanoses face]

bor knew not who this man was,but he knew he was powerfull and dangerous,he had the aura of a conqueror,...a mad conqueror,it didn't take him much to figure out that this was the one behind everything,he memorised his appearance,incase he's shown again,of which bor has no doubt he will be


dracule:"so before I play the next one,what did you think"

bor:"hmm....I think I want a shawarma"



hope your enjoying the reactions and that this one was as good as the last,also I completely forgot that the chitouri army was shown before the tesseract scene and that thanos was shown after the invasion