dracule:"so before I play the next one,what did you think"

bor:"hmm....I think I want a shawarma"




one can see bor burison,father of the all father taking little sips of the coke in his right hand while Staring at the half eaten shawarma in his left "such delicacies,both the drink and the food, no wonder the man of iron preferred them so!"

After eating, he burps ,looks at dracule and asks"so who was that mad looking purple ball sack at the end"

"his name is thanos,and he isn't a mad purple ballsack,he is THE mad purple ballsack,also you'll find out more about him as you continue watching"

"The mad purple ballsack eh? truly a man with such a title must be a amazing and fearsome individual indeed!" says bor trying to hold back his laughter "very well, play the next one,my young friend " saying this bor takes of his helmet and gets comfortable sipping his coke.



["long before the birth of light there was darkness and from that darkness came the dark elves"]

bor already didn't like where this was going,the frost giants he had no hate against and regretted fighting,the dark elves on the other hand,they were a completely different story,let's just say if there species went extinct,he'd' hold a month long feast at asgard

[ shows malakieth "melania ago the most ruthless of their kind malakieth sought to transform our universe back to eternal night"]

bor scowls at the scene and says "aye,this bastard was a nasty piece of work and that's saying something ,considering his entire species was a nasty piece of work"

["such evil was possible through the power of the aether an ancient force of infinite destruction]

"as I said before, a nasty piece of work,only a mad man like him would've tried to use an infinity stone for something like this "

[scene shows malakieth waging war on the asgardians,bors entry and subsequent defeat of malakieth and his army]

bor perks up at seeing himself on screen,and the badass way he was shown,a worthy entry for a warrior such as himself he must say

["malakieth was vanquished and the ether was no more,or so we were led to believe" shows bor telling to Bury the ether deep to hide it"]

bor sighs"if only we could have destroyed it but one does not simply destroy a infinity stone, because it is impossible to do so"

[odin judging loki,and loki being sent to jail]

at this bor looks at the screen in anger "that's it! when I go home this useless son of mine is grounded! did you try to find out where he fell!,what happened !,the reason for his actions!,or why his eyes are fukin blue!,ya didn't did ya you idjit! god of wisdom my arse!"

[war on vanahiem, and thor and the warriors three saving everybody and winning the war]

bor nods at this," he has grown up,and he has gotten better at fighting,still not king material I say,atleast not yet"

[weird warehouse of wierd shit,and disappearing keys scene]

bor looks at the screen confused and surprised at what he is seeing

[aether enters Jane]


[shows shot of malakieth]

"he's still alive!!,wait he outlives me? what bullshit!!

["The convergence approaches"]

seeing the convergence coming once again ,and Jane having the aether in her all bor says is "shit"

[Jane blasts a cop away by using the aether]

"sigh ,it is the aether in her afterall"

[odin:"she does not belong here at asgard anymore then a goat belongs at the banquet table"]

bor once again scowls at this before sighing "truth be told had I not seen the previous viewing and how the midgardians have evolved along with the might of the avengers,I would have agreed with my son"

[loki and friggas fight]

bor looks at this sadly as he seen that the boy did not mean the words he said,he was just angry and lashed out

[the dark elves invade asgard]

if this was a normal cinema,the handles of the chair would have already been crushed by how tight bor was gripping them

[hiemdell being a badass,jumping on a dark elf spaceship and single handedly destroying it]

"hahahaha good man,Good man ,show these dark elf filth the might of the asgardians"

[more spaceships appearing,and battle in asgard ]

seeing the asgardians being killed bor couldn't help but scowl

[frigga battles and defeats malakieth himself]

"buahahahaha good ,good ,you picked a wonderful wife my son,much better then you deserve hahaha

[frigga being killed]

bor shoots up from his seat in pure rage ,and unleashes his whole aura capable of destroying entire planets by his mere presence alone and roars"I BOR BURRISON SWEAR ON MY NAME AND THE NAME OF MY FATHER BEFORE ME BURI FIRST KING OF ASGARD,TO TAKE REVENGE FOR THIS ACT,MAY IT BE IN MY TIMELINE OR ANOTHER!!"

It is only after bor has calmed down does the movie play again

[friggas funeral]

he bows his head In mourning

[Stan lee]

"who is this man,he has been present in the last three viewings each time as a different person"

bor looks at the seemingly old and frail man with eyes full of suspicion and promises himself to find out his identity

[loki breaks his illusions showing his true depressed state]

bor sighs at this feeling pity at the poor boy who had gone through so much so quickly

[thier escape from asgard]

"heh well done "

[loki stabs thor and cuts off his arm,throwing Jane to the dark elfs]

bor"....I don't buy it "

[plan revealed,loki and thor fight the elves]

"HA! I knew it, Well done children, Well done "

[loki dies]

bors bows his head as tears flow from his eyes,his rage this time is silent,as he promises himself that the dark elves will pay


[Thor :"you know with all that power,I thought you'd hit harder"]

Bor shows a Vicious smirk at this


throughout the entire fight, bor doesn't even blink,before at the end nodding to the midgardians scientists without whose help.there would be a lot more losses and looking at thor and saying "well fought son,well fought"

[thor refuses kingdom "I'd rather be a good man then a great king"]

bor shows his biggest smile yet "aye ,now you are worthy to be king my boy"

[loki was actually odin in disguise]

rather then be angry bor bursts out laughing instead"buahahaha what a naughty brat" although he says that he can't hide the relief in his voice

[giving the stone to the collector]

"I personally wouldn't do that but, the collectors for all his quirks is a elder of the universe ,and hence should be respected as such,I'm sure the stone will be safe with him"


"sigh now wasn't that something,truly these viewings have changed many of my beliefs in such a short time and have given me much to think about"

"so what is next my young friend"

"now,we return to take a look at our friends the avengers!"


Damn another super long chapter,are long chapters the new normal now?

also plz take a look at my new marvel fic,aswell if you can,thanks.