Cheerleader Tryouts

" Yeahh right..  but still I want to talk about us.." he said to me and little bit louder that he heard it . And he choke it.. and our eyes meet to each other.. he glare Jacob like he is going to murder him anytime soon..

" I also want to talk about it.. but I want you to said that I want to know you first before we can... You know what I mean.. " I told him nad he nodded and kiss me forehead again.. and I blush..

" It's oky.. and I am always ready for this.. take your time i am not going anywhere.. " he said to me. And I hold he's hand in under the table and he surprise hold my hand and started to rub it.. and I feel somthing there.. something that Tony never did it.

" You guys are both look cute together.." Lilly said.. and than we both are look at Lilly to seee that whom she is talking about.. because there is already more two couple's are seating with us. So... But when I see her she is looking at me and Jacob and smiling at us.. I hold Jacob hand tightly. He started to rubbing it with he's thump and than make me clam..

" We are.. aren't we..." Jacob said to her. And looking at me. And I grab my food and eat it. To avoid this conversation.  No comments.

" By the way thnak you for taking care of Tony.. and thanks for this bandage.. " she said to me. And looking at her. And nodded with my head. I don't know how she know.

" I know how Tony is.. his behaviour and his stubbornness. I don't know how you  I mean don't believe that you did it I mean first aid him but seriously I am glad you did it thank you so much.. " she said.

" It's oky Lily it's my job.. " I told her. And than leave the topic but my friends are friend's. They never close topic that easily..

" This is our maddi. Whenever she saw any injured people she always helps them.. and i am proud of her for that.. " Zoe said to her. And I Rolle my eyes .

" I am proud of you my baby girl.." Jake said to me. And hug me nad kiss my check..

" Lilly keep changing he's dressing everyday and clean he's wound or that will going to be worse than before. " I told her. And she nodded with her head and give me sweet smile. So did I.. I look at him he is looking at me. I look away from him.. damn it. no need to look at his Angry face.

Than like this our lunch is goes... After that whole day go normal. Jake drop us home. Jacob did ask me to drop me but I denied it. I know he want to spend time with me. But I don't want to go that fast. I know we did clear things out. But I also know that if we both get along I can't keep my hand or lipe to myself. And that what i want to avoid it.. for now.. not looking for rebound I guess.

After next day when I reach school Lilly run to me for help and tell me that how Tony acting like little kid didn't ready for  change he's dressing. And she tell me to help her. I don't want to but if I denied her she will be look sad. And she think that I don't like her company or somthing. So I agree with her.

When we reach nurse room. Tony is seating there and smoking he's cigarette. I don't like it when he smoke. Even he knows very well I don't like this smell.

Whenever he see me the always throw cigarette in trash.. but this time he didn't do anything like this. I walk to him. And he is taking sip I grab he's cigarette and throw in trash.

" Cigarette is injurious to the health.. plus I have problems with it.. sorry I behave like this.. " i sand and snap at him. And I look at Lilly her will eyes and mouth open with shock. Tony didn't said to me. He control he's Anger i known I made him mad but do I care. No..  he cliche he's jew.. awww Angry man.. he think that he can control everything than no buddy.. you are underestimated.

I grab trolly and get all things. And than grab Caesar and than don't to hurt he's wound and than undress it slowly not to hurt him.. he did hisse in pain but Lilly come to him and rub he's arm. This is make me little uncomfortable. But I try to ignore that.. my hand started to Shaking. I don't know what happened to my confidence. I never shaken like this. I feel nervous.

Tony feel this. He grab my hand with he's other hand. And stop me. And I look at him. And he assure me that I can do it.. and looking at him I know he trust me. I smile at him and than he let go my hand. I don't know how we know each other without talking.  Or feel all this.. strange.

Ignoring all feeling. I started to clean he's wound. He did hiss in pain.. I apologise to him but he try to ignore this pain. That make me hurt looking him like this. I clean he's wound as fast as I can. I can't see him like this..

" Just hold it 5 minutes more I am almost done.." i told cracking my voice to him.  Looking at him on this pain. I did feel Angry on him. and wanted to cry in same time.

" Never pull this stund like this understand.. " I angrily said to him. And he Rolle he's eyes. That make me angry more..

" Don't Rolle your eyes at me.. " i snap him.. why he always do that.

" Can you just shut up and do it or I can just leave.." he snap me back.

" Guy's guy's please don't fight.. Madeline please i am sorry for that. Ignore him.. " she said to me. I know she is sacred to he's this type of mood. I did what she told me.. I didn't said more and than clean he's wound and than dressing it. When I done.. I didn't wait to them to said or somthing. I grab my think and leave that room as possible as I can.

After that I avoid him as possible I can.. in lunch time Zoe told me that they are going to join us. Hope you guys don't mind. I do mind. I don't want him to near me. Plus I can't tell this to friends so i just act like he is not in our table. But I see he's eyes on me sometimes. I didn't look at him or give him any of attention. I talk with everyone except him. Lilly keep  apologizing me. But I tell her not too. When we both know it's not her fault it's that assholes fault.  Ughhh.. NEVER mind.

Like this our group become big one. days passed.. And I feel little bit comfortable with them. We do started joke around and laugh. Me and Jacob become close. He started to pick me up in morning and drop me to my home. And that kiss is never happened. I mean we did get lost in each other eyes than i did control myself. I do like to kiss him. So did he. But we avoid it that feeling. I told him I still need time which he is okky with that.

In this whole week I know Chase he is not that bad guy. He is cute. And he just like Becca and they both are truly a couple goal they always arguing and than five minutes later they started to flirting with each other. That what the thing i like about them. They way he make her blush. 

" Today is going to be cheerleaders  tryouts.. what say girls are we do that.. it's our last year. Last time we didn't do it but this is time I want to do it let's do it.. please please preety please.." Becca said to us.. me and Zoe look at her. And than look at each other..

" Plus i also want to cheer  for Chase.." she said looking at Chase.. awww how sweet.

" You like cheerleading.." Jacob ask me. And I look at him and I don't know what to said. I ask myself. Do i..?. I mean  I do love to dance. But cheer for boys front of whole school.. ummm I don't know if I can do it.. and it's not my think..

" She didn't but she is good at dancing you have to see her dance once.. she is so talented.." Zoe said before i said somthing to him. He look at her and than look at me and impressed..

" I already know she is good dancer. But I didn't know that she is cheerleader type.." he tease me. And I punch he's arm.

" I like she said. I do like dance but cheerleader is not my coup of tea ." I said to him and he pull me closer to him and kiss my nose.. goosebumps come to my whole body.. damn him..  ughhh.

" Why you are so like this..." I grab he's coller and than pull him to me and ask him to he's ear. And he shiver. That's what I want from him..

" Like what.." he challenge me.. and smrike at me..

" Ummm you very well known don't tease me.." i said to him. And he laugh at me.. and i pull away from him..

" Oohhkky guys not PDA.." Becca said. And I Rolle my eyes to her. 

" We not even do anything Becca.." Jacob said. But I know that what he mean. He did want to do it.. and i will do it very soon but not now I guess..

" Okky so I was saying please guys come on lahh at least try it.. even Lily also joining us.." she said. And me and Zoe both are look at Lilly. And she shyly smile and noddee with her head. She dance?

" You dance.." zoe ask her same question.. did she just read my mind..

" I do little.. Becca wants to try so I don't want her to do it alone so I doing it for her.." she said to us. And Becca hug her. See that's what I want to say. We all are getting close to each other.

" That's great.." Zoe said and i agree with her.

" So now you both are in or not.. and I swear Maddi if you said no i am not going talk to you and if you think that I am forcing you so yes i am and you are doing it I don't care after that.. am I clear.." she said to me dangerously. And I look at her. And nodded with my head.

" Fine but I am just doing it for you. And don't expect me more.." i said rudely to her. And she didn't see that how I answer her. She just come to me and hug me.

" So it's settle after school we are going to tryout for cheerleader." She said full of excitement. And I Rolle my eyes. Such kid.

" And I will be there to support you ." Jacob said to me..

" But there is only us right and no one allow right.." i said more than ask.

" No we are doing in the field. So everyone going to be there. So yeahh Jacob you are truly WLCOM Jake you too.." Becca said and winking to me and Zoe. I mean seriously. Bitch.

" Oohhkyy. " I said.. all are going to be there. Means the football team also there. Means he is also... I look at him and I see that he also look at me the same time we look at each other for second and look away before anyone see that. Whole week in first time I look at him. My heart beat become fast like I am just run the merathon. this is whatever i am feeling it i don't like it at all..

" Okky girls meet me after school at to cheerleaders lockers.. " Zoe said  to us. And we all nodded and we all go to our our classes.

This is going to be fun.. Too much fun I guess..