Regret To Agree With This

I reach the girls locker room. I see that all are already standing there. My eyes look at other girls. I see that Cassy also be there. She is already in team means if by chance we get in the team we have to bear her. Ohh no.. I already started to hated it to agree with girls.

" There you are.. grab this and wear it after that we are going to field.. " Becca said to me and give me the red t-shirt and short pent which is too short. It's look like underwear. I am going to wearing this and give this auditions I mean like really.. is she out of her mind.

I look at Becca and give her look but she push me to the changing room and close the door behind me. wht the..

Regret. I am regretting it now. Why the hell I agree with it.

" Come out fast we don't have whole day.." Becca yelled. She know how mad i am now..

" Yes mom.. " i snap her. And like this she got answer that how mad i am right now.

I quickly change my clothes and wear it. I look at mirror. And look at myself. The pent is too short and this is little bit uncomfortable. I see my ass and my breast are big. Thanks for the fucker Tony. Now everyone look at me. I don't know what will they said look and feel looking me like this.. I don't want to be a new gossip in our school. Ughhh Becca....

" Come out now meddi don't be nervous we also there with you.. " Becca said to me. Hearing her voice. I open the door and they are looking at me up to down.

" Wow.. you look. I mean I seriously. Jealous of you.." Zoe said looking at me up to down. I look at Lilly she did to see me like this top to bottom and agree with her. But she did feel my uncomfortable to wearing this shit.

" You look great madi. There is nothing to you have to embarrass. But yeah I know girls will be going to be jealous of you first sure.. " she said and laugh. But I am not in mood of joke.

" Come on maddi it's not that bad. Come on.." she grab my arm and pull me to getting out from Changing room. And than we four of us walk to the field.

" You serious look sexy as hell. I mean only wearing this. No make up or nothing. You are an example of angel if I want to said somthing to you.. I love your curve.. girls are dying for that what you have and what they doesn't have. So be a confident and we are there for you whole time." And like this. I love her. Becca she know how to make little bit relax.

We reach the field and thna join other girls. Cassy stop whatever she is telling to girls when she see that girls are looking at our away. And her eyes meet my. And I known that she never lose any chance to make Dirty comments.

" Ohh look who's finally here. I don't like irresponsible people. Next time i don't allow you if you get late.. " she said to us. We didn't said to her. And join others girls.

" So I was saying that.. our couch will be come and she will see one by one your performance. But like I said you are lot. And we don't have that much time so half of girls split it out in two girls and than you guys have half and hour to arrange your dance and so that was make quick. " She on and on.. and I get it.. so I didn't listen to other. I feel like sleeping hearing her voice.

" You guys understand what i said. " She yelled at us. We all are nodded with our head.

" I want to hear your voice.. we are the cheerleaders and we supposed to be loud. " She said to us. And all are yelled in yess. I Rolle my eyes. And I am happy that she didn't saw that..

There is totally 20 girls. So we split in two girl me, Zoe , Lily and Becca we are on one girls and other six girls also join us. And there all are junior. You see it's not our think they also surprise that why are we doing it. But we don't have to talk do we. Zoe is good at music maker. So she started to do her work. She always like carry her lappy. She already know what she are going to do. And we are not that desperate to join the team. My mood already spoild looking at Cassy. I don't hate her. But I don't even like her.

She merge all musics in one minute of each and than like this it's done in 20 minutes. And we talk that who's going to who. And I am thank to Zoe that we all are last in to the performance.

After that discussion. We see that all football team and jake and Jacob and other boys to come. Means it's time. Do we really need audience. Yeyyyy..

Becca is so excited about it and she look at Chase and started to blush. So did Zoe me and Lily both are standing there awkwardly. Lily just like me. She don't like attention. But I feel someone is looking at me. Before I look at that who's looking at me. Someone come front of me. And grab my arm hushly and started to getting out of to the field.

What the hell. I look at girls and all are looking at us. And I look at the person. Ohh no no no.. he can't. I look at Lilly she also looking at us blankly. That why he drugging me and where is he taking me.

" Tony let me go.. what the hell Tony.. leave me.." i said to him..

" All are looking at us. Tony leave my arm you are hurting me.. " i told him. Jake and other our friends come to us. To stop him. But he look at them dangerously. And they stop there. Jake want to come and push away from him but I told him to no to.. I know I can handle him.. and I will..

" I will follow you just let me go.. you are hurting me. " I yelled at him and jerking my hard to he's hold. It is really paining..

When he see that he grad my waist and pull me up to he's shoulder. I feel he is Angry. Like very very Angry. And I know that this is not going to be end well..  I didn't said anything after that. If he don't care what people think than I also don't care.

He put me down to the guys locker room and than close the door and lock it. And turn me around and looking at me angrily.

He started to walk toward me. I step back. Looking at him like this it make me scared. Never cross him. He is devil. He is not nice person. Knowing him last two months. I know he is to dominate person.

" What the hell are you wearing it showing all of this to everyone. How many time do I have to tell you that don't wear those types of clothes. Why can't you listen to me.. " he yelled at me. He think I like to wear this all clothes. He think I did it on purpose.

" That all fuckers. I will kill them if they comments about you again. " He said and punch to the wall again. he's hand still healing and he again injured him. I grab he's hand but he push me away to him.

" You are changing this clothes now.. or i will not going to be let you go from here. I don't care about that damn tryouts. You hear me.. " he said to me. I didn't said. I nodded with my head and still looking at he's wound.

" I am talking to you.. my eyes are up here. " He said to me coming close to me. After long week i look at him that close to me. I don't want to feel this. If he didn't pull away i can't help myself. I will lose my control. Before I do some mistakes. I look at him and nodded with my head and push him back.

He open he's locker and throw me to he's shorts. I look at him than I bend over and than grab it.

" Wear it. I am going to clear the mess what i did in there. Don't do it again next time I will forget that we are in public understand.. " i again nodded and he leave me alone.

I wear he's short. It is to big. But it's good that there is node that I tie it fit so it not going to be slip. Looking at this short. I know I totally look like joke. It's all because of Becca. Now I don't care if I getting in or out. I don't want go there in first place. But I also can't avoid it. If I didn't go there. People will thing wrong. And I don't want that.

I left the boys locker room and than walk to the field. All are girls still doing it what the are doing before. Lily , Becca and Zoe standing with boys. And I know he's eyes on me. He still mad at me. I don't want to see him. I hate him. I hate this.. I hate everything.

Everyone's eyes on me. I ignore there glance. I don't care about them. I only care about my friends. Girls come to me and hug me.

" I am sorry Maddi.. are you okky." Zoe said to me. And I nodded with my head. I see that Becca is standing with boys but she is looking at in ground what happened to her.  She look like she is going to be cry anytime soon.

" Whats going on there." I ask Zoe and Lily.

" Tony yelled at her. To force you to do all this. " Lily said to me. I look at her. And I want to said. But she spoke before i said something.

" It's oky Madeline I am not hurt or Angry at you. Tony explain. Why he act like this. And I trust him. Some boys are talk shit about you. And like now we all are friends and he do care about he's Friends. And he don't like it the way they talked about you. So that's made him angry. And he act like this. And I am sorry about he's behaviour. Sometimes he is out of control. It's too hard to make it clam. " She said to me I didn't said anything to her.  nodded with my head. And hug her.

I look at Tony still talking with Becca and I know how Tony is. And I don't like if anyone talk like this to my friend. I walk there where they are standing. Becca look at me. And she almost going to cry but she control it.

" Now stop it Tony I get it now. We get it now. Now leave my friend. You are hurting her " i tell him and pull Becca to me and hug her. And she did hug me back.

" Don't take her side Medelline. If you did hear it you will act same like me.. " before he again started. I cute him of..

" I don't want to hear more. Now leave us alone. Thanks for helping me out. Now you see i wear this damn short so now go to hell.. don't make me more mad.. " I shout at him. And I know everyone's eyes on us. I eyes getting red. I know I just made him more mad. Before he explore more. Couch come and than me and Becca both are walk away from him.

Thank god save by couch.