
We reach our room. And we do have room to close to each other if we need anything we can go to next door and talk about it. Girls don't look happy to this arrangment. We started to unpack our things. And than same time Zoe and Lily come to us.

" Hyy guy's." They said. And jump on bed.

" So I was thinking.." Lily said. And me and Becca both stop whatever we where doing. And look at them.

" Sence we know that Tony and Chase both are staying together. And it is next door to you guys. So i was thinking that if I can stay with bacca if she want to sleep with Chase than I can always sleep with Tony. Just saying. If you still up for this arrangement than I am okky with that.. it's just about night. So.. " she siad. And she I right. And now I get it why the Tony and Chase arrange all this.. if Tony think that he can rule us and he think that he is smarter than us. Than he is not. He is not fucking smart.

" You are right. I think it's good idea. Thanks to tell me earlier.  I about to unpack my bags. " I told her. And she look at me and jump on the ground and turn to me and hug me tightly.

" Thank you thank you. I know you are the best you will always understand this.. plus Jacob and Jake are sharing who knows if you guys also want to switch.. " she said. I look at Zoe and she blush.. mmmm okky. Maybe it is work I guess.  I nodded with my head. And than we quickly switch our place.

After arranging my closet with Zoe. We both talk about anything and everything. It's after long time we spand time with each other.

" So about Jake.. " i ask her. She look at me and blush.

" I know it.. so tell me are you guys finally a thing or somthing.. " i ask her. And she laugh at me the way I acting..

" Oohhkky.. yeahh we do spend weekends to each other. And he is nice. And good thing is that we know each other about everything. We understand each other. Yeah there is spark. When he touch me. When we share our kiss. " She siad. And I cut her of there.

" You guys kissed.. when.. " I ask her.

" When we are go for our first senior party.." she said and smile.

" Why the hell you didn't tell us that.." i said to her.

" I want to but after you see what we are back to back talking about each other and gossiping about it. So I didn't said more." She siad.

" Now we both make out sometime. And let me tell you that. He is best thing happened ever. She is good kisser. And he know how to make me feel good. And this Halloween i am planing to do it with him.." she tell me her plan. And I am happy to hearing that they are taking steps for work this out.

" Who planning who.." Becca said. Enter with Lily. And join us. Jumping to our bed.

" Zoe planning to give Jake suprise to this Halloween.." i said. Like i tell. She also happy for her. After that we plan that we can shopping some of sexy inner things for her. So they both have there best night ever.

" Well I want to tell you guys somthing.." Becca said and we all are looking at her.

" Week ago. I was so Angry and sad that Chase don't have time for me. And it's our weekend night. So I was doing nothing but chilling out to my bed watching some series in Netflix and than suddenly Chase come to my balcony and than he did apologize for ignoring me. And than we started making out. And than we just did it.. it's just happened so fast.." Becca said and her face is all red red. And I pinch her's checks. And laugh at her.

" So you did pass that level.. mmmm" i tell her. And she Rolle her eyes.

" Give us details how's it. I mean did you enjoy it.." Zoe ask her.

" It's was amazing. I mean he is so gentle. If I yelled in pain he just stop himself to do that. But I force him to do because I wanted it. I want him to be my first. And i am not regretting. After that night. He did come to my house middle of night and we do sleep together and make love to each other. After that he did ask me to be he's girlfriend and I said yes to him" She explained to us. And we all are giggle. I never thought that Chase will be gentle in this thing. But guess what we can't just the book to looking the cover.

" You are one lucky bitch.." Zoe said. And we all laughed.  In whole time Lily just listen to us. Our conversation but didn't said anything or comment it. And I see that even Becca and Zoe also see that so Becca ask her.

" What happened to you Lily.. why you are so silent.." Becca said. And Lily look at us. And she open her mouth to said but than again close it.  Than Zoe assure her that she can tell us anything to us. She smile at her and than spoke.

" Well like guys you know that me and Tony dating each other long time. People know that we are couple goals. And I also think to.. I know we both care about each other. Love each other. Even that he did stop sleeping around and wait for me that long. When our last junior party I didn't make it because of my grandmother's death. After that it's not that everything change. He is just same as he before. But they way he kissed me I mean I don't feel the Spark. I do love it when he touch me but I feel that he just not ready. Sometimes I think that he wanted too. And i do ready to do that. When our senior first party. I made up my mind that i am going to be do it for him. And take next step for this relationship. Somthing is come up and than he gone. After that I go try to make him happy. But he just started to making distance. But still I am not giving up on him.. " she said to us..

" After whole month not in touch with him. I really miss him. And I finally think that I can't live without him. He is my everything. When yesterday I come to he's home he got lots of buries in he's body looking at that it's hurt. I broke down front of him. And he explaine me everything how he just can't control he's Anger. And than we started to you know kissing each other and than we did it.. " she said to us.

" I did for him. I give my virginity to him. And I am not regretting anything. I am happy that he is my first. They way we make love each other. He is so gentle and he know that how to make me moan in he's name. And I do want to do it again.." she said to me she is smiling thinking about it. Did he make her love. Wow that's ummm i dont know what to said. What to think i am speechless. He never did with me.. I mean.. ughh.. what I am even thinking..

" Than what is the problem I mean why you sad.." Becca ask her.

" I was thinking that he did sleep with lots of girls before me. And for me he is my first. I don't know if I did setisfy him or not. And dont know how to ask him. Plus I do feel hurt thinking that lots of girls are sleep with him did he do same with them too. I mean I know it's past. He did tell me he stop sleeping long time ago for me he only we both me. But now I am scared that what if I didn't make him happy. Setisfy him. He will leave me or cheat on me. " She said to us. Like this that's what happened when we date bad boys and popular kid. Who are sleep with half of girls to our school. Insecurity jealousy all are come in same time.

" You don't have to think all of this Lily.." Zoe said to her.

" See Lily. If you really want to make it up. Work on this. You have to accept he's past. And forget about it that how much girls with he sleep or somthing you have to think about present that he is with you. He Loves you. And he take care of you. For you he leave everyone. You don't have be jealous or anything. He is your man now. And about setisfyinh him. So let me tell you if he loves you he never going to be cheating on you. Or think about other girl. " Becca said. Becca know how to confront girls and she is really doing great job.

" Just enjoy your presence with him. And don't talk shit or even think.." i tell her. And she did smile at us. And nodded with her head.

" Thanks guys. I really needed it. My mind is keeping thinking about it. And I don't want to know how to stop that. But now I feel like you guys right. I have to accept it. And forget it all past. And enjoy my present with him. And I know he love me as much as I love him. And we are going to be work this relationship. " She said and I did feel jealous of this. But than I also accept that he is officially now hers. There is no way that i can think about it. I have to forget about past and move forward to it. I don't want to be cry that guy who I know from the start that there is nothing going to be happen between us. And now I am accepting it.

" What about you Maddi. I mean you and Jacob.. " Zoe ask me.

" Huh . Me and Jacob..ummmm " i laugh nervously I don't know what to said.

" Well we didn't still talk about this. And I did think that tell him that I am not feel for him anything to him. I mean I look at him as friend. And I am not ready for get boyfriend or any relationship. I am happy the way I am.. but I also know that he did waited to me like whole time.. and i feel guilty that what to do. What will he think. Did he hate me for this. " I ask them. I told them what I am feeling i don't want to hide with to them. I really need some good advice and I know without talking to them I can't get any of one.

" You guys look cute together. I always see you you both are always in your own world not think that we even are presence. I still can't believe that you don't attracted to him. I mean he is everything that you needed Maddi.. " Zoe said to me and I know she is right. He is everything that I look for guy but still I don't want it.. because of him.. ughhh..

" It's oky Maddi if you don't think about it for him. You have whole this week spend time with him. Who know you change your mind. We can't said it you know.. " Becca said we agree with her.

" Now come on boys are worried the hell about thinking about why we taking so long to join them. " Becca said. And we all get up..

" Ohh and I forgot to tell you that Tony have theatre in he's house I told you guys you are going to enjoy this.. " Lilly said. And we follow her..