You Are Mine

It is huge. Like Lily said. He did fucking have theater in he's house and it is huge and breathtaking. I already love it. It is best for watch movie. And I am going to truly enjoyed this movie night.

We all take our place Jacob come and seat beside me. And I smile at him. Others also join us. Chase and Becca both argue about movie when I don't care what they suggested they both are good movies.

" Stop it guys. We both can watch two.. come on which one you want to start.." Lilly said. And than they again want to argue about what they want to watch first but Tony go there and started whatever it come.. and Becca didn't said and seat beside Chase angrily when Chase try to make it up for her.

" Don't worry Chase is good guy I know he will make it up for her.." Jacob said to my ear. And I look at him. That time I noticed that we both are so close to each other. And I blush. I thinking about our kiss we share..

" You okyy " he said to me. And he's cold hand touch my cheeks and i feel more hot.. why he is so that much attractive. I nodded with my head because I can't said the word. I open my mouth to try it to speak but nothing come out. And he smile looking at me nervous.

" Don't be.. I want bite you before getting your permission.." and than I feel shiver in my whole body. He know how to hit the my weak spot..

" Okky it's start. Now all are shh..." Zoe said. And Jake pull her to he's lap. Jacob also pull me toward him. All are cuddling in blankets. So Jacob also get one for us. And we both are get in the blanket. It's feels good.

We did watch movie and eat food and drinks it's good..  I do enjoy it. Jacob pull me to he's lap and now I am right now seating he's lap. I do feel like I am sleepy. I turn to face him Jacob and hug him tightly and sleep he's lap he didn't said anything. He hug me back and rub my arm to make me in deep sleep. I am so comfortable in it I didn't worry about anything or nothing that I sleep he's lap.. Hugging him.

When I wake up in middle of the night. I see that I am not anymore in Jacobs lap. I am in my and Zoe's guest room. And I am alone. Mmm where is Zoe. Is she is with Jake. If they both are together than where Jacob sleep. I don't mind it if he did sleep with me. It's not that we are doing something. We just sleeping. And friends do sleep with each other right. It's not big thing. Even me and Jake sleeps together in past.. when we got sleep over..

I get out from the bed it middle of the night in three AM. I don't think so I will be sleep again. So I get up for toilet and done my business. Watching my hand and my face. I don't know what to do it. I do still have lots of time and i don't have plan to wake anyone that early. What if they sleep so late.

I get out from the guest room and walk to the kitchen to grab some sneakes for eat so I can read some books and eat something with coffee it is good plan i guess.

So I make coffe for myself. And get some sneakes. When I about to left the kitchen i see that Tony also enter and our eyes meet and he look away and do he's things whatever he want to do.

I didn't stop. And walk to my room. And than pick one of my book for read. It is still peaceful and silence. And this time reading is the best thing ever.

I about to start my door brush out open and whoever is come in he close the door behind him and lock it. I take my book side in bed and get out to my bed.

The person who come to my room when he see that I am standing front of him we both look at each other. When I see that who's he. Before I said somthing. He close our distance and he's lips meet mine.

I want to push him way but he push me to walk and grab my both leg and fold it to he's hips and and pull me more close to him. I try to broke the kiss and push him away but he is so so strong. I didn't kiss him back. I am mad at him and about hearing what Lily said. I already made my mind to stay away from him. To move on with him. But they why he is kissing me demanding me i can't take it anymore. I do miss this. My whole body turn on .

When he is that I didn't kiss him back. He smack my ass and press my breast to hard. And I open my mouth that he kiss me hard. And I give up. I give up on to fight with him. The way he making me hot. I can't control it myself. I kiss him back. And it's to demanding dominating. He like it. When I kiss him like this. He moan.

We started to remove each other clothes and throw in ground. And than we both jump to my bed. He come top of me. He kiss my whole body. And make me shiver. I can't take it anymore. I want him to inside me now..

He's hand come my thin. And he started to teasing me which I don't like it. He started to kissing me and tease me more. I started to jump on my bed with this torture. I want him to into me now..

" I want you now.." i tell him. He look at me and smrike and i know that he not going to do it..

He's tongue are fuck my pussy and he's fingers are tease me the hell out of it. Rubbiing my pussy. He is doing it good job. I am enjoying it. But still I don't want to torture. I want him to inside me now.

" I am ganna cum.." i tell him moaning the way he bite my pussy and fuck me with he tongue. The way he do alway.

" Don't or I will punish you.." he warn me. I can't take is anymore. He don't want me to cum. My whole body is in pain and he is enjoying it. When i about to cum he let of my pussy and Remov he's boxer's and he come inside hard. He push me hard. He don't want me to cum.

He fuck me hard. And he enjoyed it. I see how much he is enjoying it. He bite my nipples so hard. I cry out loud. But he like he is he didn't let me go.

" Faster.." i tell him. And he do what I said to him. I grab he's face with my hand and kiss him hard. And other hand I touch to my pussy and make me feel hot more. And the way I am moaning he do that same.

" Fucking hell princess you are making me crazy.. " he said and did stop. I don't care I can't walk tomorrow morning but right now I needed it.

" You are so fucking breathtaking beautiful that I can't thing other thing that you.. you are the one who's always in my mind.. " he sais to me. I am so enjoy this ignore him all this shit. I don't want to again atteched to him..

" Fuck I am going to cum inside of you.." he said and we both are cum in same time. And he didn't stop there.

He grab one my leg and take him to he's shoulder and than he fuck me.. and that is the new position that i am expressing it. And I am enjoying it a lot..

" Always wat for me. And ready for me don't yaa.." he said to me..

" I want you to fuck hard that I can forget about everything. Just fuck me or i will just go to other boy to do this thing for me.. " i threatened him. I want him to make him Angry so that he know how to done he's business.

" Don't.." he said and smack my ass hard..

" Don't ever think about it to go to sleep with other person i will kill that boy fornt of you. And I am not joking when I am saying I mean it every word that I am telling you.. never test me Princess.. " he. Said to me angrily. And than he did fuck me very hard. That hurt like bitch. He push it to hard to in. And make every push give me shiver make me tune on. The way he moan . Evry hard push we both are enjoye that.. and after that he did come again second time.

I feel tired but I still don't want him to leave me. And I know he also not planning to leave me this time.

" Talking that shit. You make me Angry princess and this time i am not leaving you without your punishment. So show you that what will happen after if you didn't listen to me.. " he said to me and grab my ass and smack me hard and yelled at in pain .

I again in position in cat.. he fuck me to my behind. And smack me to same time to feel the pain . My whole body got goosebumps. The way he push he's crook in my pushh this is make me feel him without condom in first time he fuck me like this. I feel somthing to my abdominal. And it's strange feeling but that make me exited me more I am not going to stop him. And I know he not going to be give up.. or leaving me like this.

We both know that we both want this. After long time..

After the we cum thired time we both sleep in my bed and he pull me towards him. Hug me tightly and try to sleep. We both are Naked. And I see that it will going to be morning soon and all are going to be wake up anytime. And I can't risk it. To know this about.

" Anthony." I whisper to him. And he moan when I call him. Smile come to my face. I play with he's hair. And he pull me closer to me. Grab my breast and started to kissing me again.

I like it when he do that. I like it everything about what we done to each other.. but it have to stop this before someone see us.

" You have to go to your room now. It's going to be morning anytime soon. And soon everyone going to be wake up.. " i whisper in he's ear. He. Still kissing my breast bite my nipples hard I did slap his arm fir that he laughed when I did that but he didn't let me go.. and he did he's give me answer hmmmmm when I said to leave the room.

He look at me he see that I am looking at him how he is eating my breast like it is food or somthing. He pull me to him and kiss me. So gentle and sweet. I love it this. I kiss him back. He started to again rub my pussy I know he is charge for another round but I don't want to. I stop him.

" You have to leave this room Tony right  now.." i tell him. And he sigh and get mad that I stop him but he again kiss me hard that I kiss him back..

" You are mine.. " he said and than grab he's things and leave the room. I take deep breath and than grab my coffe whichs is now cold.

Seems like I have to make one more for me again. Ughh.. Tonny