It's Always you

After the morning sex. I plan to take hot bath. This is I needed it. The way my thin is sore. I wanted it. To myself relive.

I really want him right now to take bath with me. I know how we take shower together. And he fuck me in the shower. We both are so creative. We like to fuck each other to different different positions. We both eat other like that is our favourite desert. There is no shame to do things. We always impressed to each other. When we do some new things.

Sleeping at bath with hot water. It is make my body clam. I feel like my all pain gone. It is best bath ever.

Getting our form the bath I grab clothes for school. We still have schools to attend. I want to take nap but I don't risk it. I know how I am deep sleeper.

I grab my things and I left my room when Zoe just enter there. I didn't talk to her she is already late for school. And I don't make talking with more late. We can always talk about it after school. We do have whole weekend.

I walk to dinning table there is already on one is here except Chase  seating there and Lilly is making breakfast. And Tony is helping her. Ohhkkyyy.

I look at Tony. Looking at it I see that he also just come out to the shower. Before anyone look at I am looking at him i look away. And my eyes meet with Chase. He look at me and smrike at me.

" How's your sleep.. hope you enjoy it.." he said and smrike at me. Showing me that he know that what we did in morning. He than got up and come beside me.

" You guys lucky that it's just me. But next time you have to more careful.. " he said to my ear. And I look at him and smile at me. And I nodded with my head. Didn't he feel disgusted with me or hate me what I am doing with Tony.

We both are not even friend's he have girlfriend. And they both love each other long time and I am here he's side chick. Who sleep with him. When I already knows that at the end of I am the one who's going to be broken.

" If you think that I feel disgusting or somthing toward you that let me tell you. He never do things before that he is doing it. Maybe everyone thing that because of Lily he get all changes. But that not right. It's you. And it's always you.. " he said to me that no one can hear our conversation.

" Still it's have to stop it. I don't want that Lily hate me and hurt because of me. I always try to stay away from him but he always come to me. And i lose myself to him. I really need this to stop this.. Lily loves him so much. When I know it and still I am doing it. I don't want him to feel guilty. And make Lilly hurt. I am ready to sacrifice everything to make there relationship work out. " I tell him. And hear me every word what I tell him.

" Don't try to do that. Didn't you see what he do when you told him leave you alone. He will hurt himself. And I don't want that. Tony deserve to be happy. And you make him happy.. " he said to me.

" Can't you see Lily also making him happy.. " i argue with him.

" Maybe Lily trying to work it out. But he still didn't leave her because he don't know how to break-up with her. He know that she  is no one that take care of him. She is an orphanage. And for her Tony is her everything. He is sacrificing you for her happiness. " He said to me. And that is the new thing thst I know about Lily. She is an orphanage. I never know this. I ever try to talk about it. Now I feel more guilty about this. I am really a sult who is snatch her boyfriend. The only person she see her happiness.

" Lily don't deserve it. She didn't deserve anything. " I tell him and he nodded with my head. Before we talk more. All are come join us. And Lily nad Tony both come with lots of food and coffee.

Chase didn't get up he still seating there other side Jacob come and side besides me and kiss my check and greet me. I smile at him. We all wish good morning to each other.

Tony come between me and Chase and served food on my plate. He did touch me he's touch make me shiver. Which I try to ignore it. Chase see that to. And now I started to hate him that he knows but he still support he's friend.

" This weekend we have big match is coming. And for that today we have practice.. " Tony said to Chase. And Chase nodded with he's head and he feed food to Becca which she happily accept it.

Chase did offer me food. And I know he look at me like her sister. He did whisper me to my ear. And I am gladly accept this new bonding relationship.

" What you both are whispering to each other.." Becca said. And I look at Tony how he look pissed that he's own best friend is flriting with me and I giggle.

" Don't worry darling I look at her as my sister. I only have feeling you and no one else.. " he said and kiss her lips. Tony get relieve hearing this. And ignore us. After that.

We all are leave the house and get in car. I join Jacob and than we both are on our way to school and like this all are couple are get in car. We all park the cars together and get out form the car and walk together. People are keep talking about how our group merge.

When we all enter together in school. Cassy wallk to us. And stood front of Tony and Lily. Her new target. And I can't tolerate this now. I walk away. And leave them. I know I do act like selfish bitch but I don't want to face her now.  Plus now I really feel sleepy but I don't want to sleep.

When they again joine me I quickly Apologize for my behavior. Which the understand me. Out of all Chase is the one who take my side and than help me for this. I feel like I do have someone who know that know why i am acting like this.

" By the way what that bitch is talking.." i ask them. girls look at Lilly and than than said.

" They are talking shit about Lilly that how she don't deserve Tony. And all.. " that is make me mad or angry. I take deep breath clam myself. And hug Lily.

" Don't listen to her. She just jealous of you that you have that what she don't have.. " I tell her and than broke the hug.

" I know. And I don't care what people think about it. I know the truth. And not get anyone to take chance to talk shit about me and Tony. We known what we have. " She said to me and i look at her and nodded with my head. She is right. Only she know that what they have.

" Let's go we are going to be late for our first class." Becca said. And we all are made our away to our class.

In lunch time Tony text me to come to the jenitor closet.  I know if I do I will have some action. But think this I want to go there.  I tell guys that i am not hungry and i am going to spend my time in library for catch up my studys. They didn't said anything to me. I don't know what Tony was going to lie about he's absence.

When I reach there. I see that he already there. He grab my arm quick close the door and  push me hard to wallk and he's lips connected to my. And like that we both lost in each other.

He fuck my there senseless. And we both enjoyed our whole lunch time. We both come out together like two times. He didn't let me go. But I told him we are still in school. He still stubborn to don't let me go. Kiss me hard to change my mind I almost change my mind but than Lily face come to my mind and I pull away to him.

I grab my things and leave the place. I got late for my class. I apologise for this to sir and like good student I am he didn't give me any destination.

After the school. We straight go to the mall. And that's the plan we had. I know if we go home and get ready and come out again than it is going to be late. Plus we do have to get costumes for Halloween. And I know we all are going to have to seach in whole mall for good costume.

Becca think to be a angry cat lady. So she grab some of things related to this costume. When Zoe wants to be a super girl and she grab search her costume. When Lily want look like zombie. And it is all base on series. We do have see all this in our free time.

I still don't know what to get myself into. I do think about get something related to dark Arora. That will look good on me. But after that I get bored. So I get Barbie costume. searching whole mall girls also agree with me. I  did get birds for me but than i see the readymade dress so I didn't west time and buy it. It is pink color. I never wear pink color. The dress is short who reach my thin I hope that Tony don't get Angry on this.

I grab largest heels for me thst will work for this dress. I will get everything that I can look good in that. After that we setisfy what we have. We grab food so we all can eat with boys. Even Tony and chase also form to home from there football practice.

When we reach Tony's mansion. We all are quickly go to our room and hide our costumes. It's suprise to boys. Even they didn't tell us what they are wearing in halloween.

We join guys and than talk and joke around. Jacob pull me toward him. And i didn't said him or push him away. I look at Tony who's glaring at me dangerously. I know he don't like it if anyone touch me. But he is doing same thing take Lily in her lap and seating there eating food.

But before I look away I see he grab Lily face and kiss her hard. It's sudden even Lily also shocked he's behaviour. But he didn't let her go. Lily want to protest him. But she also can't push him away. So she give in. He is looking glaring at me kissing her hard and grab her ass hard lily moan loudly and all eyes are on him now. I quickly get up before anyone see this. I leave them.