After Long Time

After the Thanksgiving. My brother's and sis-in-law's leave. And I enjoyed spending time with them. We had fun. And I love them. Even my dad and mom are also home so it's best days ever.

After that holidays are over. And again we are back to our life. And with more confident. Clear. I get ready like i alway do. Wearing baby jeans and with the checks shirt it is look good on me. I did tie my half of pony. It is look good. Getting my all things. I walk to kitchen. Mom dad are back to there work. So it's normal to me but I do feel alone. This lonly house. I like when everyone is here. Like passed two days. Full of members big family. Enjoying laughing. I hope my Christmas also go like this.

My brother's do have there own plan let's see what my friends planning. If they don't any plan we can always be plan it. And go with flow.

I meet them in locker like we always do. Hug everyone. Chase run to me and hug me and spoon me around. I laugh out loud.

" Hyy lee.. " he did give me name. And I like he's Nick name. I giggle when he did that.

" So tell me what happened. Your family impressed by my charm huhhh.." he said. And I punch he's arm.

" Specially my sister-in-law Molly. She still can't believe that we both treat each other like sister and brother." I tell her.

"Did you tell her that his my man.." Becca said. And i know she is still jealous when we thousands time tell her.

" Of course and she is happy for you guys. She give message that you are lucky to have boyfriend like him. Never let him go. " I tell her. And she smile.

" Of course. I will never." She said looking at Chase. And than they both kiss. I turn the turn around to them.

" Grosse at least tell me first that it is going to be come.. I did give you guys privacy." I tell and Chase laugh.

" Let's go for our class " Zoe come and pull me to her.

I got bored in my free class. So I text in our mini group when there we all talk there. So I text there and tell everyone if we can go out of school to grab something to eat. And they all are always ready for that. And I am happy that they did agree with it.

After in lunch time we all meet in parking lot. And we decide to go to Starbucks. And than we all get in our cars. And than on our way to go to there. We did decide to ditch rest of the day. And enjoy our time together. When we reach there. Tony and Chase tell us grab our seats they will order us food. Which we don't mind that.

I get in first when I see the big table of 8 of us. After that zoe seat beside me. And than Jake seat beside us. In front of Becca get front of me and than Lilly seat there but I know they will be change when boys are come to join us.

" After long time we are hanging out like this. I miss this you know.." Zoe said. And I smile at her. Jake grab my hair and pull away. And I punch him. And than we both started to argue. Me and Jake always like this. That is our love.

" What the hell Jake I hate you.." I tell him. After that I give up.

" After long time I got opportunity to annoying the hell out of you why should I west my time. " he said to me and laugh.

" Whatever" i tell him. And than we laugh.

" So how's your holiday guys.." I ask Becca Lily and Jacob.

" I miss my home and my friends and everything.." Jacob said to us.

" It's always amezing spending time with my cousin sisters and brothers.." Becca said and smile.

" Me and Tony meet he's dad and he's dad is cool. He is just like Tony but they both have good Bond. And I enjoyed time with both of them. After that me and Tony spend some quality time too." she said happily.

" We where happy for you guys.." Zoe said. And I also nodded with my head.

" So I was saying did you guys any plan for Christmas.." i ask them.

" I know it's still time but still.." i tell them. And same time Tony and Chase both come with lots of foods and drinks.

" What we are missing.." Chase said and seat beside Becca and kiss her cheeck.

" Christmas.. we are talking about." Lily said.

" What about. Christmas." Tony siad.

" Maddi saying that are we having any planning.." Lily said. And I avoiding he's eye contact and grab my food. And eat it and moan. That same time Chase throw the food on me. And I snap my eyes and look at me angrily.

" What the fuck Chase.." i yelled at him and throw back him.

" Guy's don't fight with food. We are hungry remember." Becca said to stop us.

" Don't moan I feel somthing.." Chase tease me..

" What you feeling pretty boy.." i Flirt and wink at him.

" You guys are gross." Becca said. And than Chase grab her face and kiss her lips hard.

" And that wass more gross than this.." i comments. And they both show me middle finger.

" So back to the topic.." Jacob said.

" Yeahh Christmas.. " Zoe said.

" Let's go to beach house of my.." jake suggest us..

" Hell yeah.. last time when we go there. It's best day ever.." me and Becca both said together and laugh. And give each other flying kiss.

" Great idea. I am in.." Zoe said. And than all are agree.

"Invite more people so we can throw party there.." Jake said.

" After that don't tell me to clean all of shit. You have to clean in your own.." i said. And Zoe and Becca are agree with me.

" Don't worry guys I help him.." Jacob said. And we nodded.

" So we going to be inviting. I don't have more friend's.." I said and made sad face.

" We are enough to you or what so than you want more.." Jake snap at me and throw food at me.

" Ughhh Jake.. stopp." And I throw it back.

" So it's done go to beach house.. for weekend. Plus it's Christmas it is going to be fun. People always go to beach or some places to celebrate so we don't have to invite. We can made there friend's. Plus there near by lots of fancy club have. We can always go there for party.." Jake said.

" I can't wait for that. I do have to shopping for new bikinis and party dresses for new year . " Becca said.

" It's still have time but it's oky if we shopping early.." Zoe wink at her. And we girls.

" So about this weekend. Are you guys ready for the match.." Lilly said.

" I hear that other schools football team never have lose the game." Becca said.

" Sence where you interested in football.." i ask her with smrike.

" When I got boyfriend who is in football team. And did you forget I am also a cheerleader." She said and smrike back..

" By the way how Cassy treating you guys ." Zoe ask them

" Don't tell me. We don't want to remember that right Becca." Lily said.

" Ohh that bad.." i tell them.

" You don't have idea ." She siad.

" That's why I don't like cheerleading because of her. When I saw her in field. I already made up my mind that I am not going to be do this all shit man.." i tell her.

" Same baby same.." Zoe siad.

" You guys coming to watch our match right.." Chase said to us.  I stop going to go. But now I want to. I will give my friends time.

" We love too.." i tell him. And wink at him.

" Can't wait. " Zoe said.

" To kick your as in the game ." Someone said to our behind. And than lots of foots steps we heard. And whoever they are they stop front of us.. I look at them they all are toll boys. With beautiful girls but they all have lots of make-up on there face. And look like they were queen be of there school. Girls are look at us. And smrike at us.

The boys are looking at everyone. Than my eyes meet mind who's eyes on me already. He's too tall and hes muscles and big chest. It is attractive. And than I look at he's face he's blue sexy eyes. And he's lips that are to to kissble. I want to try it once. But I don't think I can get chance. He catch me Check-in out and smrike. I still didn't look away. To show me that I am not goody two shoes who can blush and look away or anything. If i like it somthing than I do like to stare and try to want him.

" We can see that.. you hear it every actions louder than words." Chase said. And that time we both broke our eyes contact. And he look at Chase. I see he's all moves. He is wearing yellow half t-shirt which suits him perfectly.

" We will see.." he said to him. And again he's eyes meet mine. My whole body shiver.

" Your name Angel.." he said front of everyone. And everyone's eyes on me. I choke. Zoe give me glass of water. And I drinking water and still my eyes on him and he smrik. He think that I do have effect on him. And he think that he is most dangerous aura than he is big stupid ass.

" Back off. " Jake snap him.

" What will you do if I don't.." he challenged him. and than again look at me and smile. Now this is little annoying.

" Let me show you.." when I hear Tony's voice. My head turn to him and I know if he get up the end will not going to be well.

" Ummmm wait.. " i said nervously.  I have to be confidential. Don't show youe weakness. I take deep breath. And than look at they tall boy. And smrik at him..

" Whoever you are. You are disturbing us.. we will seen in feild who's going to kick who's ass. Now please leave us.. I request you.." i tell him. And he impresse that i did shutter saying that. He think that I will shutter or somthing. Than another thing coming boy..

" Your wish my command. Can wait to see you there Angel." He said and wink at me and leave us. Whoever with him they all are follow him. And I take deep breath.

" What just happened.." we all girls said in same time. And boys are looking at us.