Chapter 0.7 - Outsourcing characters

Can you make a webnovel on a facebook post?

Pulling up some of the details.

Picking up information.

There's a lot of bookmarks on this application.

Chapter 0.7 - Outsourcing characters

There are ways to describe the process of mixing souls, this process is not one of those. I received a batch of characters in exchange for the characters that I own. They call these character adopt or art adopt?..character trade? (Its character trade - the process of exchanging characters from both creators) The merging of souls (revisions/redesign) is halted for a while. And I called for a handful of characters, the individual that has a soothing voice (Jane), individual that moves fast (Anon) and an individual wearing a scarf and headphone.

I leave our realm with the characters mentioned. We visit a terminal not far from our realm. There we waited for the train of thought to pick us up. Our destination is set to the trading dimension. Where various creators exist, some are hiding their identities under a mask, some even changing their human form completely into that of a creature.

We arrived at the destination and I examined the creators walking around the trading dimension, their designs and the personas they use in their profile picture (looked like a main character from an anime). The characters they own, looking good and close to each other...they are the same character frame and physique. Wait, isn't this a copy and paste artwork, but the design of the clothes change greatly from the previous design. I turned my attention.

The various creators offer their prices and characters up for trade. There is a lineup of characters on a stall, their eyes looking straight into one's soul and gazing at people passing by. One of the stalls caught my interest. She had chains on her wrists and neck, for a character, i found her resembling a certain character in an anime (Deceased Human Being wonders of the land). I purchased the rights for the character and went to the next creator's lineup. They have a list of prices to take note of, and I choked at the price seemingly out of my coins' reach. The cheapest would be 500 coins, and it's a pet. Although I understood it's pricing reason. The characters had various art made for it by various well-known artists. I left looking at other creators' lineup. At one stage with an open area, I saw people bidding for a character. Their shouts of numbers reverberating in the area they are in and the announcer sounding like a rapper at every second a number is declared.

This feels like an illegal slave trade but it's not. I can only look at the character I got and sleeping soundly at the arms of the individual wearing a scarf and a headgear (she is one of the managers of the realm so I can't disclose her name), they are the type of characters that the creators doesn't need anymore. Or in some cases, can't take care of them due to the number of characters they have, leaving them to another creator's care. There are creators that create characters only to be sold off to clients, there is also an option for customization according to the client's needs, inhumane as it may sound to a character perspective but it's a business for creators. But deep down there is a lingering feeling of affection of the creator living inside the characters sold off. It could be a piece of the character's soul or an inspiration.

At some point, I see creators giving out their characters for free, the presence of the creator and the eyes of reality calling out to its soul. Its interpretation for other creators in the vicinity can only be described as the reality calling for the artist, giving up their dream of becoming one. The creators took a step forward taking a character from the creator. I took the character that wears a pink hoodie with a ponytail (Rosette) the creator's existence fading away little by little as seconds pass by.

We, the creators reassured that we'll take care of the characters as we watch the creator smiling and fading away into the eyes of reality. I went on my way to other stalls hoping for the soul of the creator to be well in life. Since I got one for free, I should do the same. I asked the character that has a soothing voice (Jane) if there are creators it prefers. The character pointed at the creator picking up characters left and right, I describe the scene as one guy collecting all the free adopts. The creator has a crowd of characters following him looking like a whole clan of families. I agreed to the choice of the individual that has a soothing voice and approached the creator. I gave the rights of the character to the creator. The creator agreed and bid the character goodbye, chatting away with the clan members.

I visited another creator's lineup. Examining and appreciating their design choice. I had a conversation with a fellow creator and friend, they also happen to buy characters. The characters bought by the fellow creator seem lively and interacted with the creator, the designs of the characters are on a level different from the usual designs. I bid goodbye after receiving information that there is a secret character trade happening on the other side of the open area bidding.

I walked past other stalls, the individual that moves fast (Anon) helped in locating the place where the character trade is happening. A number of people gathered behind a bush not too far from the open area bidding. There is a crowd not less than ten. The creator offer up the characters, with a strike of the paper fan, DEAL. A moth flies and lays its tiny legs onto the creator's head. The creator didn't notice the insect and fixed his attention to trading his characters in exchange for art, character and money if possible. I offered to have the individual that moves fast (Anon) to the creator.

I can smell a trace of coffee from the creator and the moth didn't leave his hair. I handed out the rights to him since my character can be of use to the creator. They also offered a character in exchange (George), the character's hairstyle design looking different from my characters usual hairstyles. We both agreed and handed each other's rights to the characters.

I left the realm with character that has chains (Sandra) being carried by the individual wearing a scarf and headphone, following him is the character with a unique hairstyle (George) carrying the character with a colored hoodie (Rosette) and leaving the trading creator

The realm manager at the door to our realm identified the new characters coming in. The individual that holds a sniper and pistol silently wrote their profiles in the records. The individual's companion fox greeting them merrily into the realm. The door opens for another chapter. The individual with no name has recharged it's energy. Setting up pentagrams near him, the revisions continue.