

Looking at the option to as send the bigger Zergling I went over to see if any of the drones where bigger and to my surprise there was 1 of them inspecting it, it also showed up with the option to assend.

'well I don't know what it does but there is 1 way to find out' accepting the request to assend the zergling and the Drone they started going into a cocone as the cocone slowly expand to the size of the hatchery the cocone bursted open reviling the changes to them.

The Drone looked to have a longer tail and body with half of its body up in the air like a snake with 2 large pincers by its side. Looking over at the new and improving Zergling it was standing on it back legs with it's large razor Claws coming up from its back and over its head and with a bigger mouth and anouther pair of Claws by its side.

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