

Looking at the 2 zergs standing still the mutated drone began to speak.

"my lord my and my fellow comrade are very greatful that you have bestode this blessing on use I am the Drone commander and this Zergling next to me is the zergling we can individually control the zergs of are specific kind so I can only conrtole the Drone and Zergling commander can only controle the zerglings and are athourity can only be rivalled by your own my great lord."

After finishing the speech the Drone and Zergling commanders bowed down and looked into the sky towards.

'wait do they know I am here well they don't where I am but they atleast know of my own existence' thinking about the strange things I decided try communicating with them.

"hello can you hear me commaders"

"yes lord" the zergling commander said.

Looking at the zergling commander I had noticed something strange.

"if this is not rude in asking are you speaking to me telepathabily"

"yes my lord as we do not have the ability to speak aloud except from roars and moans we can communicate telepathabily you are also communicating with use telepathabily you have the ability to speak to use privatly or openly and at the minute you are speaking openly if you try speaking to any of the other zergs they will not be able to speak back only listen."

The Drone commander replied standing up still looking in the sky.

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