Rely On Me

"You... wanna do it?" Dylan broke the kiss, licking his lips as I shivered from his touch.

What is he saying? Didn't he hate me touching him yesterday? Is this because of the heat?

My body is reacting to him but... I really don't...

Before I could reply, there was a loud stomping from outside. The door was then met with heavy knocking before a familiar voice rang through the now silent room.

"GET OUT OF THERE! I SAW YOU!" the voice lowered to a threatening growl as the heavy banging on the door ceased.


"... Seems like our time is cut short. Look for me again when you have an answer... or during your next heat." Dylan grinned slyly and gave me a quick peck on the lips before climbing out the window.

Speaking of which... where am I?

I didn't look around too much before the door was burst open, it's hinges coming undone as the metal door had been inflicted with a large indent. Cain seemed to be seething with fury as his crimson eyes looked animalistic and ruthless.

My heart began to beat loudly in my chest. Was it the fear... or was it... anticipation?

"Where is he?!" Cain growled as he glanced around the room, his eyes scanning the vicinity.

"I... He left..." I managed to whimper out as my voice had begun to shake.

"What did he do to you?" Cain asked, his hot hands touched me.

A strangled moan escaped my lips just as his strong hands held onto my wrist. I questioned myself for such a reaction, but I couldn't deny how hot my body felt from where his hand touched my skin.

"Are you still in heat?"

"I... There was a lot of alpha pheromones... that I was exposed to..." I tried not to look at him, averting my gaze.

It's better not to involve Aaron into this. Cain doesn't look like he will stop at breaking a few limbs.

"Who released them?" Cain tried to keep a calm voice as he loosened his grip on my wrist and pulled me to his lap.

"Don't... I don't know..."

Ah... His scent... It's beginning to smell much stronger...

"Then that other person... what did he do to you?"

"... He... kissed me..."

"WHAT?!" Cain growled as he clenched his fist, ready to go after Dylan.


"What... he did more than that?!"

"He touched me..."

"I'm going to kill that basta--"

"You can... overwrite them... right?"

What.... what did I just say?!

"... Where did he touch you?" Cain's voice calmed a little as he gently held my hand.

"... Just my ass.... over my clothes."

Cain looked into my eyes, searching for something that I didn't know of. The gaze he gave me was intense, making my body grow rigid in his embrace.

"Relax. I'll not gobble you up today. Not until you say you like me." Cain chuckled lightly before gently touching my cheek.

My face felt hot from where he touched me. My fingers traced his strong and muscular arm up to his fingers before he pulled me in for a kiss.

It was slightly different from the first time we had kissed. It was much more gentle and slower. The urgency was gone but he was still as eager as before. It made my heart feel full, as if he was treating me as someone precious.

He lightly nipped my lower lip, his free arm rounding my waist as he pulled me closer. He tilted my head a little to the side as he licked my lips and begged for entrance.

I pried open my lips, letting in his strong tongue slip inside as I felt my body melt with his kiss. The heat was going to my head along with how passionate his kiss felt.

"Nngh... Cain.... I can't... nn...."

As Cain finally broke the kiss, I struggled to breathe for a moment, leaning against his shoulder for support as he kissed my nape. His calloused fingers brushed through my fringe, making me turn to look at him.

Cain smiles, making my heart flutter as it was the most passionate and gentle of expressions that I had ever seen on his face. I will myself to look away, but he tilts my chin to look at him, his eagerness showing in his eyes.


"Can I touch you?" Cain gently stroked my cheek as I shyly nodded.

I moaned as he touched my chest, the burning sensation of his fingertips easily penetrating through the thin layer of my school shirt. He smiles and kisses me lightly as he slowly unbuttons my shirt.

It was the first time in my life I had wished he would just pop off the buttons because I wanted to know what would happen to me if he touched me further.

"You're trembling... should I stop?" Cain paused as he gently tilted my chin to face him.

"If you stop now... there's no next time...."

"Hmm... Looks like I have no choice then." Cain chuckled as he slid off my shirt, finally undoing the buttons as he revealed my bare chest to him.

"They're so cute. Just like their owner... very shy as well. But if I tease them a little..."

"Nngh--! W-wait... Not so sud--" I gasped as he lightly scratched my nipples, prompting them to perk out.

"They just beg for attention." Cain smiles as he gently nibbles my left nipple, his finger playing with the other.

"Nn... St-- Ah! Wai--" I moaned as he tugged on my right nipple while his tongue swirled around my left one.

My body was shaking so much from his touch that anymore further than that, my mind surely couldn't take it. I didn't know I could feel it so strongly just from my chest. Was it Darien's body that is simply too sensitive or was it the heat that induces the sensual pleasure?

"Shall I stop here?" Cain prompts me again as he releases his lips that had engulfed my nipple, looking at me as he arched an eyebrow.

".... No... t-touch me... lower..."

I'm going to regret this tomorrow.

"... You're too much for me right now... With this... you'll have signed your body to the devil." Cain pulls me in for a quick kiss before I turned away bashfully.

"I'll take it as a yes." Cain said as his hands unbuckled my belt, my lower half now beginning to feel a little exposed.

"Cain... you too..."

"... It's fine. I'll just relieve you for now."

He leaned me down onto the mattress as his hands slowly slipped my pants and underwear off of me. My eyes refused to budge from his manly figure as he shifted his focus onto me.

Our eyes met, sending a wave of euphoria through my body making me climax. I tried to pull my eyes off of him but he just chuckled and licked the splattered cum off his face.

"I... I'm so--" I reached out to apologise to him, but he took my hand in his and kissed it gently.

"It's alright. You're feeling it very strongly." Cain glanced upwards at me, sending my head in a spiral as the echoing of my heart hammered loudly in my ears.

"You're very wet down here... Don't worry, I won't put it in." Cain smiled as he slid his fingers to my entrance.

"A-ah? C-Cain.... It's..." I moaned, my back arching backwards as my body made way for his fingers.

"I easily slid two inside... Ngh... Wait... relax yourself a little... It's too tight." Cain groaned as his fingers brushed my insides, making my body jerk uncontrollably as I moaned in pleasure.

"Seems like I touched your sweet spot.... Hff.... Loosen up a little. I'll put in a third finger." Cain said as he pulled out, making me gasp and hold onto his arm.

"N-no.... I..."

"I'll just prepare you for next time. If you want to take my size... You'd need at least four fingers." Cain grinned before inserting his fingers into me again.

"Ah-- ahh.... Cain...!" I gasped as my head begun to spin.

I don't know whether it is pain or pleasure but it feels weird. So weird... My body is tingling from the inside and that itch... it's driving me crazy...

"Ugh! Darien... it's so tight.... Hah.... relax a little... My fingers feel like they're getting cho--" Cain turned to look at me, his words cutting off before he slides his other hand to stimulate my phallus.

"Aahhh! No... sto--- Not at the.... ah... same... nngh... Cain.... haa.." I gasped in pleasure as my head started to go blank.

The sensation of his fingers scraping that part inside me made my whole body shiver with ecstasy. But when he touched even my phallus...

"It's alright, let it all out." Cain said as the stroking grew unbearable.

I struggled to escape but he wouldn't let me. My mind finally grew blank but the final wave of euphoria that set in made it all worthwhile.

I slowly got up, my eyes hazy as I looked at Cain. He glanced in my direction with a serious expression but said nothing. I wrapped my arms around him as I straddled his lap.


"What about you...?"

"... I'll...."

I did the unthinkable as I lowered my hands to his waist, slowly undoing his pants as I let out the bulge beneath his underwear. He didn't try to push me off but he held my waist firmly so that I wouldn't fall off.

"It... it's huge..."

"... Thanks."



"Let's pretend this didn't happen."

"Weren't you so eager?" Cain pulls me to face him as he pulled me to a kiss, his tongue sliding into mine as I felt my body growing weak.

He slid my waist closer to him, pressing our bodies together as his large hand wrapped itself around both of our members.

I held onto his body, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as I breathed in his scent. His pheromones were faint at the moment, but I could still smell light traces of it.

Did he... take suppresents before coming after me? The same Cain that always refuses to use them?

"Nngh... Don't tease me too much, you might not be able to take it." Cain whispered in my ear as I felt my body reaching its climax.

"Nngh... Gonna... cum..."

"Ngh... Me too. Let it out Darien." Cain said as he kissed my nape.

My body jerked in response to climaxing. I could feel the strong pressure from his member as I felt the heat of our ejaculation warm both of our members.

Cain's breathing was erratic but I liked how gentle he was today. The way his arm held onto my waist made me feel secure and the way he was being so considerate made my heart warm.

Ah... What is this unbearable feeling in my chest? It's intoxicatingly sweet...