
When I came to, I was met with unfamiliar walls and ceilings. The room was vast and void of things except for the basic necessities. It looked like a place people seldom come to.

I glanced around before deciding to get out of the covers. Nothing would be accomplished if I remained under the covers anyway, I wouldn't find out where I was that way.

My feet dangled above a plush carpet, the soft fur tickling my feet as I stifled a giggle. I held myself back and got off the bed, my legs giving out instantaneously as I held onto the end table for support.

What... my hips...? My lower half feels like jelly.... I can barely stand. What.... what happened?

Just as I was pondering what had happened, the door to the room opened. My eyes caught crimson ones as I stared agape.

"You... finally woke up."

"... What... is with that?" I let go of the end table to protest, quickly regretting my decision as I twisted my ankle and squeezed my eyes shut to brace the impact.

I waited for a period of time for the impact, yet it never arrived. I slowly pried open my eyelids as I found myself face to face with Cain.

Long eyelashes, thin lips, perfectly arched eyebrows... silky golden locks... So hands-- Wait! Now's not the time to be simping! I know he was made to look striking and all but it's not really my life if I'm stuck here. I'd better not get involved with him any further.

I pushed him away from me and inched backwards, my head about to hit the corner of the end table as his strong arms swiftly reached out to me. My heart skipped a beat before I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up.

"L-lay off me!" I pushed him back, watching him fall backwards as his eyes fixated on mine.

I felt a twinge of guilt stab at my heart and a lump growing in my throat which I felt was too unbearable to swallow. Cold sweat ran down my spine as I pondered whether to apologise as I could potentially lead Darien's family to ruins if I were to offend their young master.

"I assume your heat is over? You seem pretty energetic today." Cain smiled as he stood up and brushed the elusive dirt of his knees.

"... I'm sor--"

"You seem quick to apologise. Though always unwilling with that expression of yours." Cain continued as his demeanor darkened and the shadow casted from the back-light of the window overshadowed his expression.

I can't see his expression... Also... why is my hands beginning to tremble?

"Are you beginning to regret your choice of words?"

"Uhm... uh..." I tried inching backwards but my back had already touched the end table, signifying that I was now at a dead end.

Why should I regret my choice of words? It's just an apology. What a prick! He just likes riling up others!

"Darien?" Cain brushed his finger across my cheek making my mind go blank as I caught a glimpse of his expression.

Huh...? Why does he look like that? Its like I've seen that expression before but... why...

Cain had a gentle expression on his face, a look you can say one usually shows to their lover. I felt conflicted and burdened because of how I had treated him.

He should be scolding me or beating me up right now... Why... is he treating me so nicely?

"Was my words too harsh? I didn't mean it that way... Did you hurt yourself?" Cain crouched down as I felt his hand slip against my cheek, turning my face left and right as he inspected my condition.

Despite the warm feeling in my chest, I pushed his hand off my face and bit my lower lips. This isn't right.

"Thanks for your concern. The young master of the Addles family is such a gentleman for taking good care of others." I blurted out, the tone sounding rather off as I quickly covered my mouth.

No... it's not like I said anything particularly wrong. So why do I feel particularly bitter about what I had said?


Cain grew awfully silent as I periodically eyed him warily. I forced myself to stand up despite my wobbly legs, only to find him grabbing hold of my wrist.

"Hey, what--?!"

When I opened my eyes again, I was pressed down against the bed. The expression on Cain's face was the harsh and cold one I always found mesmerising in the manga.

But somehow... being on the receiving end made me... scared.

"W-what do you want? Did I offend you or something? I don't think there was anything wrong with what I had said."

"-ut up..."


"Shut up! You yourself should know I don't treat others the way I do for you!" Cain pinned my hands against the bed as he held them together with his large hands.

H-huh? What? Do these two have a history or something? I always thought they never got along. Perhaps there was a reason for that...

"Ow..." I winced from the strength he used on my wrist before I saw a flash of regret in his eyes.

Cain released me and sat up at the edge of the bed before sighing. I furrowed my brows as I thought of how that should be my gesture instead of his.

"You should get some rest. You're not thinking straight."

What? The nerve of this guy. Isn't he the one who isn't thinking straight?

"Excuse me?! Who did you say is--" I grabbed his shoulder and forcefully turned him to face me before noticing his hurt expression.

A wave of regret and concern washed over me as I hesitated to say anything. Though I said I read the manga till the end, the author mentioned that there were some backstories they did not manage to draw and some side stories which were pending.

Amongst them was the backstory of Cain Addles Richmont. I did purchase that chapter online but never got to reading it as I had been busy with work. Could there have been a personal history between Darien and Cain which is what has him acting like this?

"You really know how to mess with my head." Cain chuckles as I realised his fingers interlacing with mine.


"What.... do you mean?" I stared at him as he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

The light brush of his heated lips against my skin sent my heart aflutter. I was conflicted whether to withdraw my hand or to let him do as he pleased in an attempt to beg for forgiveness.

"You constantly try to push me away, yet... you always end up coming back to me." Cain said as he pried open his lips, suggestively licking my index finger before engulfing it in his hot mouth.


"Stop what?" Cain's eyes met with mine as they glowed a passionate red.

My body started to heat up as I felt myself reacting to him. Not wanting him to go any further, I tugged at my hand, but he wouldn't budge.

"C-Cain... let go."

"Or what?" Cain released my finger from the warmth of his lips, his eyes full of passion as I gulped hard.


"What's stopping you?" Cain started kissing my hand as he trailed his lips up to my arm.

I shivered in anticipation and glanced away, unable to reply. Is this how people wanting to be in a relationship try to catch their love interest's attention? So bold... I don't know what to feel...

"Darien." Cain whispered my name next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I briefly glanced at him as he licked his lips. It was hard to take my eyes off of him but anyone would feel the same if they saw the way he looked at me.

The miniscule amount of light that stole through his curtains was enough to illuminate his golden locks, seeming as if he had been crowned by a halo. It also lit his crimson eyes aglow with the crackling sparks of fire embedded in them.

His slightly parted lips looked moist and inviting from the moment he had licked them earlier. No matter how hard it felt to avert my gaze, our eyes barely taking off one another.

"Open your mouth." Cain said as I felt his hot breath on my cheek.

"N-no!" I struggled to withdraw my hand, placing it against his mouth as I shook my head.

"What now?" Cain seemed rather irked as he narrowed his eyes.

"Let's just... draw the line here."

"Huh?" Cain seemed rather displeased as he held both my wrists, snapping them off of his mouth as his complexion darkened.

"I'd like us to not get involved further."

"Hah! You're doing it again."


"You killed the mood again. Let's call it a day. We'll talk when you're not spouting bullshit." Cain released my hand and stood up from the bed.

I frowned and stared at his wide back before he suddenly leaned in to kiss me. I struggled against him, pushing his chest away before resorting to bite his lip until I felt a metallic taste envelop my tongue.

"Hah... hah... lunatic." I cursed beneath my breath, rather out of it as he swiped his finger against the broken skin of his lips.

"You may defy me all you want. But I always get what I want. You'll be no exception." Cain's voice felt domineering and oppressing.

I nearly forgot what kind of person he was a moment back there. Thanks for the reminder.

Silence filled the room as he watched me with his piercing gaze. I lowered my head and counted the creases in his sheet before the suffocating feeling of being under his scrutinity subsided with the closing of the room door.

I sighed and lifted my head, my eyes landing on the innocent wooden door as I crumpled the sheet below me. Why is everything going wrong? I want to go home...