Terrible Influence

"You're surprisingly a crybaby." I felt his large hand stroke my back as I hugged his chest tightly, pressing my face against them as I noticed how damp his shirt had gotten over time. 


"There, there... From dealing with you, I feel like I can take up so many different kinds of occupations." He laughs as I felt myself on the verge of laughter. 


"On a serious note though... Are you alright? Was I too rough earlier? You seemed to be feeling it so nicely that's why I—" I raised my head up and glared at him before ruffling his hair in annoyance. 


"You're so annoying! Comfort me or belittle me! Not both at the same time!" I grumbled as he laughs. 


"You're back to your normal self. That expression suits you far better." he caresses my cheek as I frown. 


"What expression? Being angry at you?" I fold my arms as he pulls me against him, propping me to sit in between his legs.