Chapter 6

(A/N Notes: I managed to get this chapter done a few weeks ago)


With the marriage interview finished and the documents signed, the two families continued talking a little bit more as they waited for their rides to arrive to pick them up. Kazumi was still nervous when talking to Hansuke, but they were doing good progress in having more proper conversations, while Niko and Emma had gotten pretty friendly to each other already

As for Ichiro and Sakurako, Ichiro was the one leading the conversation with Sakurako doing her best to keep up

"Ah! That's right! Wanna exchange contacts, Sakurako-san?"

"Exchange contacts? Sure"


The two exchanged their phone numbers without a problem, and Ichiro continued talking with Sakurako

"If you feel like talking with me, just give me a call or text me"

"Mn *Nods*"

Then a car arrived, that one being the one that Kazumi had requested from an app, seeing that his ride had arrived, Ichiro gave his farewells to Sakurako

"See you another day, Sakurako-san"

"See you, Ichiro-san"

Ichiro went towards the parked car and entered it, then the car began moving until it disappeared from sight as it turned a corner. Shortly after, a luxurious car appeared, that one owned by the Kogane family. They all entered the car and went back home


Some time later


It was dinner time, and the Kogane family was having dinner together as usual

"Ichiro-kun is surprisingly nice to talk with"

"I know, and he looked very elegant when he brewed us some tea"

Hansuke and Emma were sharing their thoughts about Ichiro with each other, as they were both impressed by how easygoing and talkative Ichiro was

"What about you, Sacchan? What did you think of Ichiro-kun after having a proper talk with him"

"What I thought of him? Hmm… He's gentle and nice, I guess?"

"Is that so, what did you two talk about?"

"We mostly talked about me, he asked me if he could call me by my given name, about my birthday… Ah! That's right, he asked on a date during my birthday"

"He already asked you for a date? He's pretty proactive, very different from Hansuke when we started dating"

"Hey, I told you not to tell her about that"

Emma was about to talk about how Hansuke was when they were both around the age of their daughter, but Hansuke stopped her before she spilled the beans

"Anyways, Sacchan. Did he say why he wanted to go on a date with you?"

"He said that it was to buy an engagement ring for me as a birthday gift"

"Oh my! That's quite bold and romantic of him. And is there anything else, that you two talked about?"

"Well… He called me cute… From the way, I was wearing my scarf back there"

" "… … … He's absolutely right!" "

Sakurako's parents agreed to Ichiro calling Sakurako cute since for them Sakurako was the cutest girl in the world. For the two, Ichiro was looking more and more fitting for Sakurako, each time they thought about it




"Did I leave a good impression on them?"

"Stop worrying about that, dad"

"Yes, let's not talk about that, because if we do, I might start to also feel worried"

Ichiro and his parents were also having dinner together, but instead of a good atmosphere, the atmosphere there was gloomy, mostly because of Kazumi's unnecessary worrying

"How can I not worry about that!? What if I left a bad impression on Hansuke-san, and he ends up making my company go bankrupt?"

"… Dad, did you already forget that I just became the fiancé of Sakurako-san? Who is also Hansuke-san's daughter"

"Ah! That's right… Also, how did you not feel nervous back there!?"

"Was there anything to be nervous about back there?"

" "Yes! There was a lot!" "

Both of his parents said that to Ichiro, as they found it weird that he wasn't nervous at all during the interview, so to calm his parent Ichiro decide to…

"Anyways, Sakurako-san is a pretty cute girl"

" "Don't change the topic all of a sudden!" "

Ignore his parents' tsukkomis, as he looked forward to getting along with Sakurako


Around a week later


It was the first day of school, and many students were in for a new year of school, or not, for those who were repeating a year, heh. Anyways, for Sakurako this was her first year at Tani High, she walked through the front gate in the white sailor uniform

But since it was colder than it usually was, she was also wearing a button-up knit sweater, that was opened in the upper half revealing her sailor uniform, as she also had a long scarf around her arms, and her skirt was also going all the way down to her shin. All of that, combined with Sakurako's naturally cute-looking face, and small sizes, aside from her height of 170 cm, gave her a very cutesy and homely look, which gathered the attention of the many students walking nearby (A/N Notes: Homely in the superior British meaning)

Without noticing their gazes, Sakurako continued to walk towards the school's notice board, once there she searched for which classroom she was assigned to, and after finding her name assigned to the A-1 classroom, she turned and went to the shoe racks, where she changed to her indoor shoes, then continued on her way to her classroom this time

But on her way there, someone called her


"?… Ah, Kohaku"

It was her childhood friend Kohaku, who had called her as she trotted towards Sakurako, only for her to stop as she began coughing

"Hey! You might have received a discharge from the hospital, but you shouldn't be overexerting yourself, Kohaku!"

Another girly voice could be heard this time directed towards Kohaku, the voice sounded angry, and it was rightfully so, as Kohaku had only been recently discharged from the hospital she had been living at, but she was still banned from doing anything that made her push herself

"But I needed to greet Sacchan before the bell rang!"

"I don't want to hear your excuses! Hello, Sacchan"

"Good morning, Himari-chan"

"You'll be coming with me, and only during lunchtime you'll talk with Sacchan!"


"See you two later"

Sakurako waved her hand towards Kohaku and Ishii Himari, her cousin from her mother's side. Himari had blonde hair just like Sakurako, but instead of straight and silky hair, Himari's hair was forever messy but it also looked fluffy, and also differently from Sakurako, Himari was very short, with only 155 cm in height, and she also had brown eyes in contrast to Sakurako's amethyst eyes. But there was one thing they were similar to, they were both flat

As for Mochizuki Kohaku, for someone like her, she was surprisingly tall having 172 cm height, making her the tallest of the three, and she also was big in certain areas that both Sakurako and Himari lacked. And when complemented with her gentle personality and sickly disposition, made many of the boys in the school fall for her, much to Kazuo's concern

Also, both Himari and Kohaku were in their second year of high school, making both of them one year older than Sakurako

Eventually, Sakurako arrived at her classroom and went to her seat, where she waited for the lessons to start


At another place, around the same time


"… … … Found it"

Ichiro was searching for his name on the notice board, and eventually found his name in the B-2 classroom, but he had also noticed other names there as well

"Kazuo… Kenzo… Kyo… Wow, those three ended up in the same classroom… And Yasu is there as well"

Curious to see what Haruto's fate was, Ichiro searched for his name and found, that he ended up in a classroom that only had guys in it, and then Ichiro noticed Haruto standing right next to him with a despairing face. So Ichiro touched his shoulder with a grieving face


Haruto looked at him almost crying, and to comfort him Ichiro decided to say something

"Sucks to be you, heh"

"I shouldn't have trusted your actions to be anything good!"

Ichiro roasted his friend for his unfortunate luck


(A/N Notes: If I disappear for a few weeks, that means I'll be grinding in Azur Lane for Musashi, and maybe also in Arknights, and also Blue Archive… … … And maybe Uni as well)