Chapter 7

It was lunchtime and Sakurako was having lunch with her cousin Himari, and her childhood friend Kohaku in the outdoor area of the school

" "..." "

And the two were looking at Sakurako's lunch box size, a 1,5 L lunch box to be exact, something that the two never quite got used to

"Sacchan is always such a big eater"

Kohaku said that as she found the sight of Sakurako picking an onigiri with her chopsticks and stuffing it in her mouth to be a quite cute sight


Himari on the other hand, decided to stay silent towards Kohaku's words since she knew that Sakurako had always been a big eater and that she also never got fat no matter how much she ate, something that made Himari always feel jealousy towards Sakurako. Since Himari herself was also a big eater, but differently from Sakurako she had to watch out for her waistline

As the three enjoyed their lunch together, their presence there attracted the attention of the many students who were also there, mainly because of the presence of Kohaku and Sakurako, as they two were the most eye-catching of the three

Then Kohaku with a slightly concerned face asked Sakurako

"Nee, Sacchan... How are you doing after what happened between you and Masahiko?"

"That's right, your engagement with him was canceled, wasn't it?"

"I'm doing fine, I even got a new fiancé as well"

"Ah! I see that's good..."

"If you have any problems..."

" "... ... ... Wait a minute" "

Both Himari and Kohaku took a few seconds to process what Sakurako had just told them

"You what!?"

"You what!? *Intense coughing*"

When they finally noticed what Sakurako said, they couldn't help but react with extreme surprise. And Sakurako responded to their surprise...

"I got a new fiancé, as he also invited me to a date tomorrow"

By unknowingly throwing more fuel into the fire

"That's not the problem here!!! How are you fine in getting engaged again after what happened with your first engagement!?"


Sakurako made a thinking face, and after a few moments of thinking she was ready to give her answer, as she also gave some water to Kohaku

"I didn't know Hasegawa-san enough to have feelings for him"

Sakurako said that while giving Himari a thumbs up with a serious blank face

"What you just said is a problem in itself! And it doesn't even answer how you are fine with getting engaged with someone else so quickly"

"Is that so? Then I got engaged to Ichiro-san because he makes a really good coffee"

"That's a bad reason to get engaged to someone else!"

Himari was already feeling exhausted from having to play the straight man with Sakurako

"*Deeply breaths in*... Haa... Whew... Sacchan, I have to agree with Himari-chan this time, you have to take these matters more seriously"

"But didn't you say that you agreed on getting engaged with Kazuo-san because it was love at first sight?"

"Ah!... ... ... I'm sorry, Himari-chan. I can't help you with this anymore"


Himari could only stay silent as she looked at her cousin and her friend with worried eyes at their very concerning reasons for getting engaged


"So Takkun moved to another school?"

"Yeah, that's what he said, he also said to not tell you guys that he is now studying at Yama high"

"I see, we'll make sure to not tell him that you told us that"

"Still for him to go there, he's pretty smart, isn't he?"

"Out of us three, he usually ranked around the same as Kazuo, so not really a surprise"

Ichiro was having lunch with his classroom colleagues, Kazuo, Kenzo, and Kyo. And Just like Kazuo, the other two were also weirdos, but today they were looking pretty normal since it was the first day of school in their 2nd grade

Ichiro was acquainted with all of them through his cousin, Takeru, but since he shared the classroom with Kazuo last year, the two were close enough to be called friends

The four weren't talking about anything specific, but then Kenzo turned to Kazuo to ask him about something

"By the way, Kazuo. Will you be available tomorrow?"

"Sorry, but I will be busy tomorrow"

"I see, then I guess it'll be just me and Kyo"

"Sorry, dude. But I'll also be busy tomorrow"

"I guess, it'll just be me and Ichiro then"

"I'll be busy tomorrow"

"Why!? And why is everyone busy tomorrow!?"

" " "No comment" " "

The three said that at the same time, with Kyo and Kazuo having serious expressions, while Ichiro had a mocking grin on his face. Then someone opened the door to their classroom, without attracting much attention, and walked towards the four, it was Haruto

"Sorry, I'm late guys. But I had a very important compromise to attend to"

"You got rejected by the transfer student, didn't'cha?"

Ichiro didn't lose any time roasting Haruto the moment he arrived

"No, I didn't"

"Yes, you did. It's written in your face that you got rejected"

"Stahp! Do you know how hurtful her words were!?"

"She probably said something like 'I don't know you,' 'I don't like you' and 'I heard from my classmates that you're a pervert', didn't she"

"Yes, she did! Alongside much other hurtful stuff! And even stuff I didn't even understand"

"I understand how you feel, man"


Kenzo touched one of Haruto's shoulders as manly tears fell from his eyes. He just like Haruto, was always rejected by the girls he confessed to. And so the two felt a sense of comradeship as fellow maindeless dudes


As Ichiro saw Haruto and Kenzo quickly becoming bros, he noticed the transfer student outside talking to someone he knew very well


Ichiro kept those words to himself, as he went back to paying attention to the conversation around him

"Alright, this makes only me, Kenzo, and Ichiro brothers-in-arms with all of us being single"

Haruto said that as he passed each other his arms behind Kenzo and Ichiro's necks as proof of their comradeship

"Oh yeah, I forgot to say this. I got engaged to a pretty cute girl"

After Ichiro said that, the atmosphere in the classroom froze on the spot, with the four sitting around him making extremely surprised faces, with some of their classmates even turning as they also made surprised faces