Chapter 10

(A/N Notes: This story now has an actual cover! And I love it! And y'all better like it as well!)


It was the 8th of April, just a normal day, but for some people, it was a special day, because it was their birthday, and that was true for Sakurako, as she was…


Just waking up in the early morning of a weekday


She had sat up on her bed, but beyond that, she only had a tired face as she refused to open her eyes

"*Deeply breaths in*… *Sighs*…"

After sighing, she slowly began to fall forward, until her face ended up buried in the blanket, and then…


She fell back asleep in a weird posture

Sakurako had a lot of difficulty waking up, as Sakurako was once again sleeping, the door to her room was gently opened, and someone entered her room (A/N Notes: *Gently opens the door PTSD intensifies*)

"Haa… Ojou-sama, sleeping in that posture is bad for your column"



The person was a woman wearing a maid uniform, black eyes and hair done in a bun, and a pretty face. The maid gently made Sakurako sit back up, which woke her up once again

"Huh?… Aki? *Yawn* *Sigh* Good morning…"

"Yes. Good morning, Ojou-sama. Now you better start changing your clothes"

"Nn *Nods*"

"Also… Happy birthday, ojou-sama"

"Nn… Thanks"

Sakurako was feeling too tired to give a more proper response. Following her maid's words, Sakurako sluggishly got out of her bed, and took off her pajamas, while Aki opened the curtains to let natural light inside the room. Only wearing her underwear, Sakurako went to her wardrobe, and opened it, revealing a neatly folded and organized set of clothes. But Sakurako ignored most of the clothes and simply picked a black high-neck sweater that she put it on without any trouble

Then she picked up one of her school uniforms and first took the skirt, but as she was putting it on, Aki asked her…

"Ojou-sama, don't you have a date this afternoon?"

"… … … Nn *Nods*"

Sakurako took a few seconds to process what Aki had just said, but once she finished processing it, she nodded in agreement before going back to pulling the skirt up her slim legs. But once again, she was stopped, this time by Aki placing a hand on one of her shoulders

"Ojou-sama, if you have a date today, shouldn't you be doing something very important before putting your skirt?"

"… … … No?"

"You need to change those boxer briefs for panties!"

"… … …Do I rea-"

"Yes! What if there is a moment you need to show your fiancé and you're wearing boxers!?"


"Actually forget I just said that"

Much to her maid and mother's headaches, Sakurako preferred wearing boxers instead of panties. And yes, this is a Lycoreco reference


With a sigh, Sakurako did just as Aki asked her to do, she stopped putting on her skirt and changed her boxers to a pair of panties, but because she didn't like the cold sensation that wearing panties gave her, she decided to put on a pair of black tights to compensate, and only then she was finally able to put on her school navy blue skirt and white sailor shirt


But Sakurako still with a tired face, felt that wasn't enough protection, so she also put on one of her light brown knitted buttoned sweaters, she buttoned it up only enough to leave it hanging from her shoulders, and finally at last she picked up her brown plaid scarf and wrapped it on her arms


And she still had a tired face even after having to put on all those clothes, overall she was looking the same as always, aside from one thing, her hair was still loose, which revealed her silky straight shoulder length blonde hair, aside from her natural bangs, the rest of her hair went a little lower than her shoulders and was perfectly straight

Aki naturally went behind Sakurako, and began doing her hair in the usual semi-looped ponytail, after doing so, Aki turned Sakurako towards a wall mirror that reflected Sakurako from the head all the way down to the feet

"And done! Looking cute as always, ojou-sama… All that you miss is a pair of glasses to look even cuter"


"Now go have breakfast, I'll bring your bag to you later"


And still feeling tired and sluggish, Sakurako left her room as she wobbled a little. Aki who was already used to seeing Sakurako be like that every morning

Sakurako made a short walk to the dining room, and in there, her parents were already sitting at the table, Hansuke was reading the newspaper, while Emma was looking at something in her tablet, and the other servants of the Kogane family bringing the breakfast to them

" "Ah!" "

The two noticed their daughter coming to the dining room, which made them smile at her and get up from their seats

" "Good morning and happy birthday, Sacchan!" "

The two said that as they hugged her, Sakurako who was still in sleepy mode, just hugged them back, but her face did look brighter. Seeing the three like that, made the servants smile at them. After that, the three sat down at the table, as the servants finished on bring the breakfast to them, and as it was usual whenever it was Sakurako's birthday, as the beloved daughter of the mansion, Sakurako was served pancakes with coffee sauce alongside black coffee in her favorite mug as always

"*Munch munch*…"

Then as she ate her breakfast, Sakurako after having coffee and eating had finally fully woken up and was making a bright face full of delight. Which made everyone inside the dining room make a dumb happy smile. After having her breakfast, Sakurako thanked everyone and then left to brush her teeth

With all that done, Sakurako was ready to go to school

"Here, Ojou-sama"

"Thanks, Aki"

Aki handed Sakurako her school bag as she was putting on her outdoor shoes, then Sakurako got up, and opened the front door, outside a luxurious black car was waiting for her

"I'll be going"

"Have a safe trip, ojou-sama"

And with all that Sakurako was being taken to her school, and as the car went away her parents appeared at the front door crying faces from having lost their chance of seeing off their daughter going to school


(A/N Notes: Relatable chapter for every morning)