Chapter 11

(A/N Notes: Sakurako is… A rich girl built slightly differently than usual?)


The ruffled sound of the car moving could be heard inside it, the relatively short trip was uneventful, to the point that Sakurako was taking a nap as she was almost drooling


The driver looked at her in the rearview mirror and called for her

"Huh? Oh. What is it?"

"We're about to arrive, so you might want to wake up, ojou-sama"

"*Yawning* Okay… *Sigh*"

After a few more minutes, the car came to a stop in front of the main gates of Tani high. Seeing that they had arrived Sakurako picked up her bag, and gave her farewells to the driver

"Thank you for the ride"

"No problem, Ojou-sama"

Then she left the car, which only made more students look in her direction, as many of them were still impressed by both the car's luxury and Sakurako's beauty. As she made her way to the school building, she noticed someone standing with a very proud pose

"Good morning, Himari-chan"

"Huhuhuhu! Good morning, Sacchan. I have something to talk with you so come with me to the student council room"

"Is it about my birthday?"


Sakurako immediately guessed what Himari's plan was, but Himari herself simply stayed quiet… As she made a surprised sweating expression

"W-What are you possibly t-talking about?… W-Well, just… Just go to the s-student council r-room after you c-change your shoes"

Himari looked away as she that with a shaky voice, and then left in a hurry. Sakurako who didn't have a single change in her usual blank expression, just did as Himari said. She changed into her indoor shoes and then made her way to the student council room

"…" *Knocks the door*

"You can come in"

Hearing Himari's voice, Sakurako opened the door and went inside the stucco room, and in there

"Happy birthday, Sacchan!"

Himari handed Sakurako a wrapped box, it was a birthday gift, Sakurako picked it up and immediately began opening it. The content of the gift was a package of sweets, pretty expensive sweets, Sakurako looked at them for a moment, before she opened the package and began eating it

"You're already eating it!?"

"Whaf cam I fo when yuf puf foof in front of me?" [What can I do when you put food in front of me?]

"At least swallow what's inside your mouth before you talk. Haa… Anyways, I have something else to ask of you"


Sakurako inclined her head to the side while she also put another piece of sweet in her mouth as Himari said that, and then Himari got down and made a dogeza in front of Sakurako

"Please join the student council as my vice-president!"

"… *Munch munch* *Swallows* But isn't Kohaku the vice president?"

"She is, but due to the fact that she tends to get easily bedridden from doing the smallest amount of effort, so she's often not here to help us in dealing with paperwork and we really need an extra pair of hands that know how to do paperwork, so please become vice president!"



Himari lifted her face with a dumb surprised face when she heard Sakurako's immediate answer

"Wait a minute! Are you sure about your decision!?"

"? Is there any problem in helping my cousin and friend by becoming the vice president of the student council? *Puts another sweet in her mouth*"

"… Not really…"

Himari didn't know what comeback to make to Sakurako's argument

"Well, I'll be going since there are only some minutes before the start of classes"

"Ah! That's true!"

And with that, the two made their way back to their respective classrooms. When Sakurako entered her classroom, she naturally attracted the gaze of the students already inside as she went to her seat, and even as she sat down at her desk and looked outside the window, many students still gazed at her, with some of them whispering something between them

"Hey, man. Go talk to her"

"Are you crazy? You go talk to her"

"Looking at Kogane-san, it's very likely she already has a boyfriend"

"You have a point… Wait, is that?"

As a few of the boys, were trying to send their friends to test as probes to see what their chances of going out with Sakurako were, they all noticed one particular person going towards Sakurako

"Good morning, Kogane-san"


Sakurako who was interrupted from her daydreaming, looked to her right and then up, there she saw a very handsome boy standing right to her side, but her face didn't show any change since she wasn't feeling anything towards the boy, so she simply inclined her head to the side in confusion, which looked particularly cute to the boys

"Would you like to go on a date with me after school?"

Without any delay or hesitation, the boy straightforwardly invited Sakurako on a date, but underneath the thin layer of confidence the boy was screaming internally and cold sweating quite a lot under his clothes, but she also answered without any hesitation

"I already have a date planned with my fiancé after school"


The handsome boy, alongside all the other boys in the vicinity, made the same dumbfounded voice when they heard Sakurako's answer

"And I also don't even know you to even accept it in the first place"

"… … … I see, then farewell"

The handsome boy made his way out of the classroom with a cool face, and immediately after he left, the sounds of someone running away and screaming could be heard from the hallway. Then shortly after a teacher walked inside the classroom, just as the school bell rang to signal the start of the lessons


Sakurako hadn't noticed that her argument was perfectly suitable for being used against her decision to get engaged with Ichiro


Some time later


It was lunchtime, and Sakurako was having lunch with Himari

"Where's Kohaku?"

"Bedridden at home because she made too much effort yesterday, Kazuo-san is probably taking care of her right now"

"I see"

And Sakurako hearing that her childhood friend was being taken care of by her beloved fiancé, went back to eating her plentiful lunchbox

"So you have a date with your new fiancé today after school, don't you?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"


Since the two were inside the student council room, Himari lifted Sakurako's skirt to check what she was wearing underneath, Sakurako who was very close to Himari didn't feel embarrassed at Himari doing that to her, and after checking it she nodded a few times

"Good, you're wearing panties and tights instead of boxers"

"… Is there anything wrong in wearing boxers instead of panties to a date?"

"Yes, because you're not supposed to show boxers to others"

"Panties aren't supposed to be shown to others either"

"But what if the moment strikes?"

"What kind of moment?"



Himari and Sakurako stared at each other with serious faces, but Himari's face quickly started to become red

"Forget what I said"


Then Sakurako lifted Himari's skirt to see what she was wearing

"Oi! You might not care if I do this to you, but that's not the same to me!"



"You're wearing neko pantsu"

"Don't say it so casually!"

"But it's cute"

"I don't care if you think it's cute! You can't just go looking under my skirt!"


As Himari said that with an angry face, Sakurako had fully lifted her sailor shirt to see what bra Himari was wearing

"You can't lift my shirt either!"

"White neko underwear"

"Don't say it! I'm going to show you how I feel when you do that!"

Himari then quickly grabbed and lifted Sakurako's brown knitted cardigan and sailor shirt in one go… But she ended up missing the black sweater which still kept Sakurako's midriff hidden from view

" "…" "

Then Himari let go of Sakurako's clothes and this time she made sure to be grabbing all three layers of clothes Sakurako usually wore, then she lifted Sakurako's brown knitted cardigan, sailor shirt, and black sweater in one go… But this time, because of the amount of cloth, she wasn't able to lift the clothes enough to reveal Sakurako's bra, and the only thing that was fully shown was Sakurako's slim midriff

"… … … What is the color of your bra?"

"… I think it's pink"


Himari did a little bit more effort to check if Sakurako's answer was correct, and she was able to get a glimpse of Sakurako's bra color, so she let go of Sakurako's clothes

"Yeah, it's pink just like your panties"

And with that, the two went back to eating their lunches, but Himari later had a delayed burst of embarrassment from doing that to Sakurako, as for Sakurako, she didn't really feel anything later


After school


*Doorbell tingling*

"Ah! Welcome, Sakurako-san"

"I'm here"

Sakurako had come to the cafe that Ichiro worked at, and when she entered it, Ichiro immediately greeted her with a gentle smile as he was finishing brewing some coffee for her, as he had promised

"You can sit anywhere you want, and I'll bring your coffee shortly after


Sakurako then went to the spot she has been usually sitting at whenever she came to the cafe, and when she finished sitting down, Ichiro talked to her again

"By the way, Sakurako-san. Your clothes really suit you and you're looking really cute as well like that"

"Ah… Thanks"

Sakurako felt somewhat bashful from Ichiro suddenly praising her like that, then as he had said, after a short while he brought the black coffee to her

"Thank you, Ichiro-san"

"You're welcome, Sakurako-san. Oh! And just tell me when you wanna leave for our date, got it?"


"Also, happy birthday, Sakurako-san"


Ichiro simply smiled in a gentle way at Sakurako, as she began to drink the coffee she made a delighted face whenever she took a sip


(A/N Notes: Sakurako is cute and Ichiro is… A womanizer?)