Chapter 16

"Zzzzzzz… … … Hm?"

Sakurako who just now was sleeping and drooling finally woke up and the first thing she noticed was that she was on one of the beds of the infirmary and that her jersey was fully closed, as for her scarf, it was hanging on the coat rack


As she sat up absentmindedly due to her still somewhat sleepy mind, she also noticed that her hair was loose, but none of that mattered to Sakurako, since she…

"… *Huff*… … … Zzzz"

Decided to go back to sleep since she was already in bed, and she wouldn't waste any opportunity to sleep more if she could

"Don't just go back to sleep like it's nothing!"

But Himari opened the sliding door with a bang as she shouted in anger


Hitori was also there as she stood right behind Himari with a desperate face as she kept gesturing for Himari to calm down

Himari then walked towards Sakurako who had sat back up once again, and imposingly stood right beside Sakurako, even though her height wasn't the most imposing one



Then Hitori noticed Himari opening something and shoving it toward Sakurako

"P-P-P-President Ishii-san! Y-Y-Y-You can't do that to-"


When Himari turned to look at Hitori, she ended up moving to the side revealing that all she had done was open a canned coffee and shoved it on Sakurako, who was drinking it in one go, which immediately made Hitori close her mouth shut

"I-It's nothing…"


After finishing drinking the entire canned coffee, Sakurako made a satisfied face while Himari looked at her with crossed arms

"Are you awake now?"

"… … … Yes"

"Good, now let's go have lunch. Kohaku was making a despairing face when she heard the rumors that you collapsed"


"Good, also I brought your lunch box. So you don't need to pass by your classroom"

Himari then showed that she was carrying Sakurako's lunch box

"Thanks, Himari-chan"

"No problem"

"We-we-we-well, s-since it a-appears t-that everything i-is resolved, I-I-I'll b-be going b-back t-to my classroom"

Hitori who didn't have any reason to stay there tried to run away, but…

"What're you talking about? You're going to have lunch with us"

"EH!? N-No! I-I-I can't-"

"What do you mean you can't? I still need to pay you back for helping this lazy cousin of mine"

"N-N-No! I-I didn't really d-do a-anything t-that b-big-"




As Hitori was trying to refuse Himari's invitation, she didn't notice Sakurako getting up from the bed, opening her jersey to leave it hanging on her arms, then putting on her scarf, and finally approaching her from behind and holding both of Hitori's shoulders from behind



"…I'm tired from PE, and Kaneko's back is perfect for taking a nap while I'm being carried"

"… !?!?!?!?!?!? *Internally screaming with all her might*"

"… Haa…"

Himari looked at Sakurako being herself like always approached the two and…

*Lightly karate chops Sakurako's forehead* "You literally collapsed after jogging for 12 minutes, then slept for almost three entire hours, and you also just drank an entire can of coffee in one go, you're not tired from PE"

"… Yes, I am"

"Walk by yourself, and I might share this can of coffee with you"

"Do you think I can be bought with that much?"


Sakurako was already standing near the door and ready to leave the infirmary, after giving one last sigh, Himari went towards Skaurako and left the infirmary together with her and Hitori, who couldn't do anything other than do as Himari asked her to do


A few minutes later



Hitori was silently drinking a carton of milk as she tried to forget about her current situation

"Here, Sacchan! Say 'Ahn!' "


"Do you really need to do that with her?"

"Yes, I need it! Because I haven't seen Sacchan for an entire day since yesterday!"

"That's the worst reason I ever heard!"

Kohaku was spoiling Sakurako by feeding Sakurako some of her lunch, while Himari was feeling kind of annoyed at Kohaku unnecessarily spoiling Sakurako


And Hitori was right in-between Kohaku and Himari which didn't make the situation better for her

"Ah! I know, what's annoying you, Himari-chan"

"If you do then, please do something about it"

"Okay! Then… Here Himari-chan! Say 'Ahn!' "

"… … … Haa?!"

Kohaku had picked one of her fried chickens with her chopsticks and then brought it towards Himari, who took a few seconds to process what was happening

When Himari finally noticed, she immediately began to blush

"W-what're you doing?!"

"Hm? Weren't you jealous that I was only feeding Sacchan?"

"No, I wasn't!"

"Ah! My bad, then… Sacchan say 'Ahn!' "

"I didn't say for you to feed it to Sacchan either!"

"So you want me to feed you with some of my lunch, don't you?"

"… Haa… Fine…"

Finding that it would be easier to just go with Kohaku's flow, Himari decided to give up and let Kohaku feed her the fried chicken, but…


" "Ah!" "

Sakurako had taken the opportunity that the two were distracted and ate the fried chicken that Kohaku was holding and before either of the two could do anything she had already swallowed it

"Oi! You can't just go eating food meant for others!"

"Early birds get the worm"

"I don't care!"



Himari began pulling both of Sakurako's cheeks as she made a clearly angry face, which made Hitori nervous as she didn't know what to do, while Kohaku just gave a small laugh at the two getting along in their own way

"Maa, it's fine, Himari-chan. I brought another lunchbox with me"

"Huh? Why did you bring two lunchboxes?"

"One was for me, the other was for feeding Sacchan"

"… … … And why didn't you bring one for me?"

"Because I thought you would refuse since you're always worried about your weight"

"… … … Thank you for your consideration"

Himari felt a small pain in her heart when she heard those words from Kohaku

"Anyways, Himari-chan say 'Ahn!' "

Kohaku removed the lid from her second lunchbox and picked another fried chicken with her chopsticks, then she brought it towards Himari who was pressing both of Sakurako's cheeks with one hand to make sure she wouldn't try to steal another fried chicken

"*Sigh* Ahn!"

"So?… What do you think?"

"… It's delicious"

"That's good to hear! I made sure to put as much effort I could into it!"

"You're supposed to be resting at home!"

Kohaku showed a very bright smile at hearing Himari praise her food, but when she said that she was the one who made the food, Himari couldn't help but retort it


Hitori who was still there began to cry internally as seeing the three girls having fun together brought back her loner memories, but because of that she didn't notice a person approaching her, and then she felt something heavy on her lap



"… ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

It was Sakurako who had laid down in a position similar to a cat resting sideways, with her waist on top of Hitori's lap. And due to that, Hitori couldn't help but become extremely desperate as she was completely unable to escape from that situation


Then she noticed both Kohaku and Himari looking at her, so she looked a the two with pleading eyes

"… Sorry, but there's nothing we can do about her when she feels like doing nothing"

"?! *Shocked*"

Hitori didn't have any other option but to accept her fate and wait until Sakurako got up on her own accord


(A/N Notes: Sakurako is many things, but perfect she is not)