Chapter 17

"Lunchtime is almost ending"

"Then we should start going back to our classrooms, I suppose"

"Yeah… Alright, Sacchan. You heard Kohaku, get up already"

"… *Sigh*"

Hearing Himari say that to her, Sakurako just sighed and rolled away from Hitori's lap, who immediately got up and made a considerable distance away from Sakurako and she trembled. As for Sakurako, she was now laying on the blanket, that Himari had put down for them to sit and have lunch, as she felt that it was too troublesome to get up

"What are you doing? Get your ass up already"

"… *Sigh*"

Sighing again, Sakurako did as Himari said, first she sat up, and then she finally got herself up as she walked away from the blanket, that Himari picked up and began folding it the moment Sakurako had stepped out of it

As she did, Kohaku asked Sakurako a question

"Ah! That's right! What lesson are you going to have after the lunch break, Sacchan?"

"Hm… I think it's music lesson with violin today"

"How nice! I'm sure you're going to put on a great performance!"


"Alright, is everyone forgetting anything?"

Himari looked at Kohaku, Sakurako, and Hitori, and they all shook their heads side to side

"Good, now let's get going"

Following Himari's orders, they all began making their way back to their classrooms, with Hitori walking slightly behind them. As they walked the three childhood friends, kept talking to each other, until eventually, they arrived at an intersection, and Himari gave her farewells to Sakurako as she went in another direction

Sakurako continued on walking down the corridor back to her classroom with Hitori following slightly behind her… And Kohaku walking right beside Sakurako. After about a minute, the sounds of someone stomping the floor could be heard from behind them… it was Himari who was running right towards Kohaku

And just a few seconds after hearing those sounds, Himari had already reached the three and had already grabbed Himari by the shirt from behind

"Oi, where do you think you're going?"

"Going to see Sakurako play violin during her music lesson, of course"

"At least come up with a better excuse!… Haa… Let's go back to our classroom"

"Noooooo! Himari Please mercy! I'm sure you understand the importance of hearing Sakurako play violin!"

"What's important is you attending classes properly, not get bedridden, and act with some seriousness a little!"

And with that Himari began dragging Kohaku by her shirt's collar, as Kohaku pleaded Himari to let go of her, which only made Himari angrier

" "…" "

After Himari turned a corner, Sakurako and Hitori were now left alone as they looked at the corner, that Himari and Kohaku had just turned at, in silence. Sakurako with her usual expressionless face, and Hitori with a concerned face as she trembled a little

"Shall we get going?"

"!? Y-yesh!"

The two then went back on their way to the music room to have their music lesson


Some minutes later


"Okay, everyone! As it was announced yesterday, today we'll be having music lessons with violins. So who wants to participate first?"

Sakurako's classmates either looked down or at each other, as they didn't want to volunteer themselves or be picked by the teacher by avoiding making eye contact with her

"Ah! Kogane-san, do you perhaps have experience with violins?"


"That's great, then how about you make a performance for us?"


Sakurako who had raised her hand was called by the teacher to show the class what she knew about playing the violin, to which she accepted without any fear

"… !"

Sakurako picked up the violin brought for the class, but she then noticed something, so she put the violin back on the hanger, which only made her classmates feel even more pressure, and made the teacher slightly confused

"What's wrong, Kogane-san?"

"I like to tie my hair when I play violin"

"Ah, I see…"


Hearing her pretty boring answer, made everyone loosen themselves a little bit. Sakurako then began tying her loose hair into a simple low ponytail, just to prevent her hair from getting in between the violin cords and the bow. After finishing tying her hair, Sakurako picked up the violin once again and adjusted the tensions of the cords to her preference

After that was done, she finally placed the violin on her left shoulder and closed her eyes as she began to play one of the many songs that she liked

As Sakurako played the violin, everyone stayed silent from the mixture of surprise, amazement, and the sheer pressure of Sakurako's skill at the violin, since after her someone else would have to play, and none of them were anywhere at the same skill level as Sakurako

But after a few minutes, Sakurako finished playing her song, she bowed down as she always did when she performed at a high society event whenever her parents requested her to do so, but as she was about to put the violin back on the hanger, the teacher interrupted her

"K-Kogane-san, i-it appears that everyone was really impressed by your performance, so why don't you play another song for us?"

"… Are you sure about this, sensei?"

"Of course! Doesn't everyone agree?"

All of Sakurako's classmates nodded at their sensei words

"If you say so, I don't mind playing it again"

Sakurako then readied the violin a third time and began playing another song that she liked


Yet again, everyone stayed silent as she played, but seeing her playing again only made everyone even more worried about playing the violin after her, including the teacher, who noticed that Sakurako was way better than her. Because of that, everyone kept stalling Sakurako to keep playing song after song until the lesson came to an end

As everyone went back to their classroom, Sakurako had a pretty noticeable satisfied atmosphere from being able to play many of the songs she liked. The rest of the lessons of the day went on with a hitch, and eventually, the lessons came to an end

Sakurako who had finished putting her stuff inside her bag, get up from her desk and made her way to the door, as she walked towards the door she passed by Hitori

"Ah! See you tomorrow, Kaneko-san"

"Huh!? Ah! Y-Yesh! S-S-S-See y-y-y-y-you t-tomorrow, K-K-K-K-Kogane-san?!"

After giving her farewells to Hitori, Sakurako then made her way to the student council room to see if they were in a similar situation as in the morning