Chapter 45

On a rather ordinary Friday after school hour, a luxurious black car had come to a stop in front of the gates of relatively well-known Yama High, inside the school premises, standing right next to the school gates, a tall silver-haired handsome girl could be seen humming with her eyes closed, and hearing the car approaching and braking, she opened her eyes.

"… *Humming*… !…"

Looking in the direction of the car, she saw its door opening, and a short girl with messy long blonde hair coming out of it, as she made sure to look as refined as possible. Behind her, another blonde-haired girl, this time taller and with straight hair tied in a semi-looped ponytail, who also elegantly left the car.

The short girl who noticed the silver-haired girl made a smug smile and approached her as she created an atmosphere of superiority around her.

"Hm? Himari-chan? Did you perhaps also become a president of the student council as well?"

"Huhuhuhu… Yes, I did. Now I'm definitely abo-… Wait, did you say as well?"

Ishii Himari who had already pre-planned and was on the way to saying her overly confident speech, noticed midway through the words 'as well' coming from her rival, only in Himari's mind, Nanami Yuriko.

"Yes, currently I'm the president of the student council of Yama High"

"I-I see…"


Realizing her mistake, Himari couldn't help but blush from embarrassment as she did her best to still act smugly while recognizing Yuriko's equal position as hers. Behind her, Kogane Sakurako, her cousin, and vice-president of Tani High, through Himari's begging and appointment, stood silently without any particular reaction to the initial greetings of Himari and Yuriko.

Yuriko quickly noticing the presence of the rather tall Sakurako, inquired to Himari about her identity.

"And may I know who's this girl behind you?"

"Ah! This one? It's my cousin, and the vice president of the student council of Tani High, who was appointed by me, Kogane Sakurako"

"Hello, I believe that you might be Nanami Yuriko, correct?"

"Yes, you're right. Nice to see you, Kogane-san"

"*Nods* Nice to meet you too, Nanami-san"

When the two were greeted, Yuriko showed a perfect smile to Sakurako, who in response nodded and introduced herself as she respectfully bowed down, she kept a perfectly blank expression. Yuriko's intuition just guessed it was simply because she had trouble making facial expressions, but she decided to push that away and instead continue with her conversation with Himari.

"Well, now that we introduced each other. How about we get going, Himari-chan, Kogane-san?"

"Yes, let's get go-… Chotto matte! Why are you calling me, Himari-chan!?"

"Hm? The previous stucco president of Tani High said I could call you Himari-chan"

"She did what!? Ah! *Cleans throat* Ahem… Please, call me with san"

Yuriko tilted her head at Himari's request with an innocent expression, but she still abided by her request

"Okay, Himari-san. Now, let me guide you two to the student council room"

" "Sure" "

With the agreement of the two cousins, Yuriko began guiding them to the room where they would be having most of their talks, as they made their way there, Sakurako remembered about the time she visited Ichiro at his aunt's house, and then of the talk she had with one of his cousins.


As they kept walking Sakurako kept digging through her memories and slowly remembered Takeru's description of the girl he had a crush on, and the more she remembered the more it became obvious that this Yuriko guiding her and Himari, was the same one she thought was a delinquent.

After a short while, the three arrived at the student council room of Yama High to begin their meeting, and there, Sakurako finally had an epiphany.





After a good amount of time discussion, Yuriko and Himari were reaching the end of their meeting.

"… And this is all that we have planned for the joint sports festival, it's still quite some time away, but we wanted to have it done as early as possible to avoid any problems with preparations or bad timing with your school schedule"

"I see, I see… Well, I don't have any problem with the schedule here, do you have a problem with it Sacchan?"

Sakurako picked the paper, that was on top of the coffee table in between the two sofas being used by the three, and took a closer look at it.

"No, I don't, but we still need the opinion of the other members as well"

"You're right… Can we take a copy with us, Yuriko-san?"

"Of course, you can take those papers in your hands if you want to"


"You're welcome, now with this, it should be everything that we needed to discuss. So you two can go home if you want to"

"I see…"

And with that was the end of their meeting, but Himari couldn't help but still want to talk with Yuriko to confirm something.

"Yuriko-san, can I have a private talk with you?"

"? Sure, you can"

"Then, Sacchan can you leave us alone for now"


Thanks to her position as the daughter of a very prestigious family, and having participated in a good number of social events, Himari had developed a relatively good ability to notice when people were hiding something, and during all of her talks with Yuriko today. She could easily see that Yuriko had been hiding something within her for quite a while now. She wanted to know what it was, both out of concern and as a way to get a grasp of Yuriko's weakness so that she could get one step ahead of her.

And now having received Sakurako's agreement to leave, she could have her private talk with Yuriko. Himari glanced at Sakurako getting up from the sofa and leaving the room in a somewhat sluggish manner, and once the door was closed, Himari saw that as the start of her private talk with Yuriko… And she would soon feel a bit regretful and remorseful in doing so.





Outside of the room, Sakurako yawned as she felt sleepy due to how comfortable the sofa was.


Then she felt that her mouth was a bit dry from all the talking, and since she was now free to walk around, she decided to try finding the vending machines to buy something to drink. So she turned around and began stepping away from the student council room, but then at a corner, she saw someone coming out from it, and turning right in her direction.

" "Ah!" "

The person she accidentally found by mistake was none other, than Takeru himself, as they both made a surprised voice at seeing each other in such a way.