Chapter 46



For a brief moment, Sakurako and Takeru could only look at each other in silence and with surprised eyes, at their unexpected encounter. And because of their awkward relationship of technically being cousins in law, since Sakurako was only Ichiro's fiancée, but at the same time they only interacted with each other exactly once a short time ago, the silence was very concerning.



"Erm… D-do you want a drink from the vending?"

"… Hmm… Sure? I guess?"

With an awkward tone, the two made a very short talk, that quickly fell back to silence, as Takeru began leading the way to the vending machines.



They continued to walk in silence, they initially tried to ignore it, but the awkwardness only kept growing, as they didn't know what to talk about with each other as they continued to walk. Then as they continued trying to come up with ideas on how to start a conversation, they noticed that they had already arrived at the vending machines.



They looked at the machine and then at each other.

"… Erm… W-What would you like to drink, Kogane-san?"

"… Hm… The… Canned Black coffee… Please"

"… Got it"

With many pauses, the two once again held a very short conversation, which made the electronic beeps of the vending machine appear even louder than they actually were.

*Tchunk thunk*

The sound of something falling on the bottom of the vending was heard, and Takeru crouched down to pick the two beverage cans he had picked for him and Sakurako.



" "… … …" "

And just like all the other times, they once again fell into an awkward silence, as they didn't know how to start a conversation, but at the same time, they also felt that it wouldn't be good for them to just leave the place without a good reason. So all they could do was open their canned drinks and sip the content inside. But that could only do so much until the silence had become unbearable for both of them, which finally caused Takeru to try having a more proper conversation with Sakurako.

"… … … Ah!… S-Sakurako-san"

"Huh? Y-yes?"

"… … … Erm… W-what… Did you think of the food last week or so?"

"… Well…"

Sakurako made a thinking expression as she juggled her mind to remember about the food she had at the house of Ichiro's aunt.

"I think it was pretty good"

"Is that so?"


"I see…"

Having received a compliment on his cooking skills, Takeru nodded in a bit of relief that Ichiro's fiancée liked his food since it meant one less worry in the future.

"I'm glad that you liked…"

"Hm *Nods*… Sorry for troubling you at that time…"

"No, it's fine…"

"Is that so?…"


" "… … …" "

The two fell silent yet again, but this time, with a lot less awkwardness. However, Takeru then felt a pretty horrifying chill on his spine, which caused him to look around desperately.



Sakurako who saw Takeru acting like that, could only tilt her head to the side in confusion, then she saw him look in one direction as his face turned pale.

"… … … Well, I have to go, bye bye, Kogane-san"

"Hm? Bye, Tanaka-san"

Right after giving his farewells to her, Takeru dashed away from there, which left Sakurako wondering why he looked so desperate as she looked in the direction he ran to.

"Hello, Kogane-san"

But a female voice coming from the opposite direction she was looking at, caused Sakurako to stop thinking about that, as she turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"Ah! Nanami-san, what brings you here?"

"I came to call you back since Himari-chan finished her talk with me and wants to go home"

"Ah! Got it"

"… By the way… Do you perhaps know that boy you were talking to earlier?"

"Tanaka-san? Yes, I do know him. I even got to eat dinner made by him"

"Huh!? Y-you had dinner with him!?"

"Yes, but that was because my fiancé had invited me to have dinner with him, his cousins, and his aunt"

"So Takeru is your fiancé's cousin?"


"!… Whew!… Thank god…"


Again, Sakurako cutely tilted her head sideways, this time from Yuriko's relieved expression.


Inside the student council room, Himari was sitting as she made a thinking expression with both of her hands intertwined in front of her lips, like an anime villain.

"… Although, I didn't get a lot of what Yuriko-san said as she cried… There's one thing I understood… … … And that is the fact she's having love troubles!"

Talking to herself in a loud voice because she was alone, Himari revealed her findings to no one but still felt proud about it as she continued her solo villain speech.

"Kukukuku… This is perfect… Very perfect! That means that as long as I get into a relationship before Yuriko-san, I'll be able to brag to her about having a boyfriend, and even act high and mighty by giving her advice on how to go out with the person she likes! Ahahahahaha! This is the perfect plan! Victory will finally be mine!"

As she got more and more into her self-excitement, Himari even got up from the sofa, as she was about to strike a victory pose at her (not) genius plan to win against Yuriko.



But the sound of the door's handle turning, immediately brought Himari back to her senses, causing her to hastily stop herself from striking a silly pose, and instead act as if she was just getting up from the sofa.

"Ara, you are already back? So if you excuse us, I and Sacchan will be taking our leave…"

"Of course, and let me escort you two back to the front entrance"

"Thank you, Yuriko-san"

With that, the three left the student council room and began making their way to the front gate, and there, the same car that had brought Himari and Sakurako there, arrived right on time to get them back to their homes.

"Yuriko-san. Bye-bye"

"*Nods and bows down* Bye, Nanami-san"

"Bye-bye to you two as well!"

Yuriko watched the two enter the car with a small smile on her face, as she waved at them from a few steps away, then once the car began moving and left from view.







"Hm? What is it, Himari-chan?"

"… How do I find a fitting boyfriend for myself?"

"… … … Ask uncle to find a fitting partner?"

"I should've expected this answer from you"

Himari couldn't help but make a pitiful expression, after all now that she was thinking more about it… She never had experience in asking someone out, nor in dating, so her plan of getting one step ahead of Yuriko by getting into a relationship, was completely out of the window until she found a way to ask someone out.

There was one key problem though… She wasn't interested in anyone at the moment.