As I get off the plane, I look around at the beautiful city that is New Orleans. It's prettier and more vibrant than what I am used to back in California, but it's not as big and fancy as it is in the movies. New Orleans is mega overhyped. As I walked outside of the airport, I noticed that there was an escort, holding the name 'Rose Pierce' on a cardboard sign written in black marker.

I walked over to the escort in confusion and I stood there, as he held the door open.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked the man holding the door open.

"I'm your personal escort. Your father Mr. Pierce ordered it for Rose Pierce."

"I don't believe you. My father doesn't have the money to afford a personal escort."

The man pulls out his phone and he opens it, dialing a phone number. It's probably him trying to prove that my father ordered it for me.

"Hello?" The escort said into the phone.

After a while of being on the phone, the escort looks at me and then back forward.

"Your daughter is being a bit stubborn. She says you can't afford a personal escort."

After about five seconds, the escort hands his phone to me. I raised my eyebrow and took it.

"Dad?" I said through the phone and he let out a deep sigh, as I gulped and looked at the escort.

"Rose, this is your father." He said and I rolled my eyes, looking back at the escort.

"Dad, I know. I just wish I knew how you were able to afford the escort." I said to him and he went completely silent for a few.

"Daddy always finds a way." He said, hanging up on me. I handed the phone back to the escort and got into the limousine that my father ordered for me.

"I am going to be your escort until your father comes and officially moves into Louisiana with your siblings." The escort said and I sighed, as he pulled up to a fancy hotel that could pass as a house.

"No." I said.

"This is the address your father gave me."

"But he's not rich!"

"Apparently, he is. Now come with me, Rose Pierce."

I listened to the bodyguard and he brought me to the front of the hotel. I sighed and the escort checked me into the hotel and then showed me where the room is that I will be staying in.

This isn't a hotel room. It's a fucking suite! Like, it's got a nice living room, a cabinet full of treats like candies and cookies. The bedroom is humongous with a king sized bed just for me. The closet is humongous. I could really get used to this.

The bathroom is hella fancy. The shower is gold instead of silver and the tile is in 1 by 1 squares with little gold flakes inside them.

The escort came up a couple minutes later with the first suitcase and he put it in the living room. I started to smile and look around at the hotel. I went out to the living room and grabbed my suitcase, bringing it to my bedroom.

I opened it up to see that it was the suitcase of the pictures. It wasn't as big as the other suitcases, but it was the most sentimental one. I grabbed the first photo out of the frame and put it on the nightstand next to my bed. It was a photo of me and my mother from when I was 6.