It is the next morning, and everything else was put into other places by my escort. The clothing in the closet, food in the fridge, and jewelry in their designated boxes on my nightstand and dresser top.

Waking up this morning was honestly pretty painful. It feels as though there is something toxic stabbing me in my back as I get out of bed. Slowly after squirming like a caterpillar in a cocoon to get out of bed, the escort walked in, wearing his black apparel and black sunglasses.

"Rose Pierce, it's time to go to the school your father enrolled you in. You can't be late today. You have an hour and a half. Get ready." The escort said, and I jumped into my closet. The escort left the room.

I grabbed the best thing I had, which was my blue jeans, a plain white T-shirt, and a Panic At The Disco hoodie. I grab a pair of white converse my mother painted with Tom and Jerry on them. Jerry on the left shoe, Tom on the right shoe. I looked at myself in the huge mirror on the right side of my bed. I examined myself closely and then combed my hair, as it fell to the bottom of my ass.

My green eyes match the hair tie I put in my hair and then I walk outside to see that the escort has put together a little breakfast of sausage and bacon.

After a little bit, I finished eating and the escort gestured to me to leave with him and I nodded, as we put the dishes in the sink and left for the school.

"So, are you excited, Ms. Pierce?"

"Yes. Today is a day for fresh starts." I replied and he nodded, smirking as he went back to looking forward at the road. I looked at Charli's Instagram and I saw that she posted a photo of her and Christian kissing.

While I am angry at the photo being posted, I look in the comments and I smile. I feel like a bad person for smiling, but Charli deserves it. They're in the comment section, calling Charli a homewrecker and a skank. Okay, I feel sorta bad that they're calling her a skank. That's not fair to her. Honestly. I wouldn't call my worst enemy a skank. Her being called a homewrecker on the other hand… that is exactly what she deserves.

I mean, am I wrong? She is a homewrecker! She took Christian from under my nose. I know that I should block Charli, but I am so addicted to reading these comments. They're exactly what I'm thinking. It's like my thoughts are being exposed to the entire world and it feels great. Amazing, even.

"We're here, Rose." The escort said to me and I paused, putting my phone away and getting out of the limo.

Everyone was surrounding me and trying to swarm at me, but I ushered them out of the way, and politely asked "Can I please get to the office?" so that they can get out of my way. Eventually, they do get out of my and my escort's way, leading me to the front building where the office is located. After getting to the office, I looked around the place. It was actually rather fancy, and not as trashlike as my last school's office was.

"Hello. You must be Rose." This woman says, walking up to me and holding her hand out for me.

I take her hand and I shake it.

The office at this school was very put together. There was a front area with a big desk and two name tags. On the wall behind them, there are several photos of their family members. On the left side of the wall, there're photos from sports teams and playbills from the school's musical productions. The sports that were being shown on the walls were swimming, soccer, and the baseball team. There were also a few photos from their cheerleading team and football teams at this school.

"I'll bring you to Mrs. Smith." The principal said, as she went to the back of the left desk labeled 'Ms. Sands' and I was confused as to who Mrs. Smith is.

"Hello. I'm Mrs. Smith. It's so nice to meet you, Rose." This woman said to me as she walked towards me.

Mrs. Smith was a tall woman, around 5'7 with long red hair braided down to the middle of her back and eyes blue like the sky. She had a curvy structure, and she was wearing white jeans with black shoes, in a red T-shirt. She had a lanyard around her neck that symbolized school pride. She seems like a really nice lady that I can rely on.

"Come with me." She said and I followed her to the back of the office.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Smith." I said to her and she smiled, as she grabbed the phone to call a classroom teacher.

"Hello. Is this Ms. Young?" Mrs. Smith asked on the phone and then she paused.

"Well, can you get Ms. Young for me please?" Mrs. Smith asked a couple seconds later, and she looked over at me from the corner of her eye.

"Hello, Ms. Young." She said a couple of seconds later and she was smiling.

"Yes, can you bring Nicholas Jiminez to my office please? It's important." Mrs. Smith said into the phone, and then listened to Ms. Young for a little.

"Thank you so much. Have a nice day." She said, hanging up the phone and then looking at her computer.

Mrs. Smith clicked a button on her mouse and a paper started printing. I am assuming it's something involving this Nicholas character. I am not one for eavesdropping and stuff.

"You called me in, Mrs. Smith?" A deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around out of curiosity. So, this is Nicholas, huh? He's very strange.

Nicholas has oddly beautiful hazel eyes and black hair he puts his hands through, probably every single morning. He was wearing a white T-shirt with Lilhuddy on it. I thought only immature teenage girls listen to him. He's not even real rock. The lame dude started as an e-boy on TikTok. Nothing special about him. He was also wearing black ripped jeans and a letterman jacket with a soccer patch and a baseball patch.

"Rose, this is Nicholas. He will be touring you on campus." Mrs. Smith said and I waved at Nicholas.

"Please. Call me Nick." Nick said and I nodded, as Mrs. Smith handed me my schedule with all of my classes on it. I have some different classes that I didn't take at my last high school, but it'll be alright.

"I'm Rose." I said and he nodded, as he took me to the outside of the school.