Focused Eyes

(After the Awakening of Galians Unknown system, he  trained for 3 years alone and with his elder brothers)

1st November 2013

Valley National Stadium

Today is Guild selection day.

Many Guild leaders arrived to scout out students that meet the requirements to join their guilds.

The selection is done by sending students to raid and defeat the gates boss,

all guild leaders are able to watch the exam through a special viewing evne that one of the instructors can use.

Valley national's event management staff keep the rank of the gate a secret, as to excite the students before the event, along with the guild leaders, though the gate is usually orange rank, with some low ranked monsters and one monster that would take some time to defeat.

However, for Galian a menu pops up

[ You have entered a yellow gate ]

[ Access gates database ]

[ Yes/No ]


Info Loading...

Download complete!


Gate level = 3

Gate color = Yellow

Gate size = 70ft

Monster biography: Lvl 20 Goblins 

Number of monsters to slay: 1000 

Gates boss: Goblin Emperor (Lvl 100)

The time duration of quest: 1 Hour 

Reward: 1million Getoo •~


New information is available!




[In this world Getoo is used as the name of currency with the symbol ( •~ ). This word was given after the death of a famous businessman who donated all his property to poor people, during a dark age]

Galian himself would be able to defeat this gate by himself, however, the other students wouldn't be as battle savvy as Galian is, but since each party was given a HH rank instructor he was fairly confident that the majority of the students wouldn't perish.

The event committee has said each instructor was strong enough to beat the gates on their own, little did the committee now that the goblins were far more nefarious and organized than they thought.

Everyone gets together with their respective squads, then they start moving inside the gate in different directions, with each squad having one instructor assigned to them for safety, if anything goes wrong they'd step in to protect the students.

"So you are Galian Williston? the only one without a squad, I'm your assigned instructor, please follow me."

A guy 6 feet tall, with normal brown hair, wearing a full business suit and dress shoes, also having the badge of Valley school, escort staff, knitted into his suit. 

The instructor motions his hand as a signal to follow him, Galian nonchalantly, puts his hands in his pockets and follows the instructor at the same pace, they walk around two minutes with none of the aforementioned goblins insight, however, some of the parties have already begun their fighting.

"Ice Sword creation! Slash!!"

Walter cuts the head of 10 goblins at once not giving them or the other members of his party to react.

"I am pretty impressed by your skills so you are the strongest in the valley middle school if I'm correct." The instructor said surprised to see a 17-year-old already so skilled and powerful.

"well, I am not sure if I am the strongest but I am amongst them." 

Walter said honestly, with a bit of satisfaction in his voice as he was pleased to be praised by one of the stronger adults in the school's staff team.

"In my eyes, you are the strongest!"

Rain said, after thinking about all the other powerful students she has seen in the school till now and compared them to Walter's strengths and spells.

In the moment of this small chat, suddenly a long sword-like weapon curved and ruined, completely covered in rust and all kinds of filth came right behind where the instructor's back was facing, and instantly tore his head from his now blood fountain of a torso.

It was so fast that Walter and his party were unable to notice and react to it before it was too late.

"What... the. Damn it!!"

Walter suddenly used his Ice sword creation again to kill the goblin before any more casualties happened, but before he could even drawback his blade for a blow, other goblins who were hidden suddenly came out and put their sword's in front of Rain's and his other party members' necks.

"Swing that sword and their heads will be sent twisting into the air, with a hurricane of blood to follow." 

A goblin in black armor with crimson red blood spoke crudely with a devilish grin enjoying her job.

'These goblins can speak?! Damn this is a high-level gate I should have known!'

"Now follow us, otherwise die!"

The goblins started moving towards the middle of the Gates Pocket realm, leading to the Goblin Emperor, the final and most powerful monster in the gate.

Walter let out a long and stressed sigh with a gloomy expression, as he began to think to himself.

'I got no choice but to follow these bastards...if any of us makes a move there going to cut...fuck...' Walter's hands are tied with an iron chain, metaphorical and literally, so he can't hold or even summon his sword even if he creates one using his ice creation evne, the goblins would kill his party in a blink of an eye at a semi-particle of ice summoned.

Meanwhile, with Galian and his instructor...

"Stop now, and close both of your eyes."

Galian glances at the bushes conveniently encircled around the duo, with both hands in his pockets as he usually has them when he isn't using them for any, it's just comfortable and he doesn't need his hands out right now anyway.

"Why? are you playing some kind of game with me?" 

The instructor asked, he had been bullshited by so many students before he grew to distrust them, the last time one told him to close his eyes, the kid ran a horde of rustic serpent bears after him, stole his wallet, and almost got him killed, the Brat ended up dying in a gang war, the instructor was mostly neutral, but at least the kid got what was coming to him.

"Just do it."

Galian wasn't being patient and was annoyed, he ended up releasing a bit of a commanding Aura that overpowered the instructor's distrust.

"Ok as you wish."

The instructor said Abit shook in by this leaking presence from Galians form, at the same time closing his eyes 

Galian closes his own eyes "Dark Domain! Slaughter!"  Suddenly a black void appears in a large-scale area with multiple white lights cutting through the darkness slicing all of the heads of the goblins, that dropped like rain from above with an actual downpour of blood after the void decapitated...


[Dark Domain, is a very powerful spell it cuts the head of all creatures inside its radius In a matter of seconds when both[or one] eye(s) are open!]

Suddenly the instructor opened his eyes as he heard the sound of slashing, rain,.and faint thuds, all with a thick smell of blood, and he sees the heads of the goblins spread around the now crimson red field with some green still left but slowly being covered by the blood raining down from above, with Galian standing on the head of an unharmed goblin with a Vesuvius smile from ear to ear the sight would make any normal person post.


The instructor couldn't even muster any words and before he had time to collect himself Galian with evil intent, spoke to the goblin. 

"Tell me where your so-called emperor is" galian ask the goblin in a very aggressive manner pushing his head inside the ground 

the goblin pointed towards the direction with his index finger scared of being tortured for the information

"Very well then, rest in hell now!" 

Galian broke the neck of the goblin with one leg, twisting the goblin's head swiftly and powerful enough to break it immediately while having a violent smile on his face laughing, Minachiley spewing out a constant evil and commanding Aura.

The instructor was now scared of Galian more than of these goblins, to him Galian was the true monster here.

[Note for the public]

[Using military rankings, in terms of skill and power, Walter would be a sergeant major, while Galian would be a full-fledged Major]

Meanwhile, Walter's party is now at the Emperor of goblins, base. They noticed all of the students were being gathered in one area and that a 20ft Goblin seated on a couch with multiple stains and wooden plates with engravings painted in blood, obviously meant to be thrown.

Suddenly the Goblin emperor spoke with a hunting expression on his face which was already terrifying in the first place "So all the hostages are  finally here, now... bring me, Galian Williston!!!" The goblin emperor is eager to see Galian Williston,

[Due to the system and Galians pacific Aura, all creatures within a gate know his presence and power level, just not his powers, or skills.]

"My lord, very soon our elite soldier will arrive with Galian Williston Don't you worry!" 

The same goblin that kidnapped Walter's group assured her emperor.

Less than 3 minutes later

Galian and the instructor arrive at the area of the goblin emperor with Galian holding the head of a goblin in his hand, smelling blood but with none on them.

"Hey take this gift from me, it's a return but the gift you gave me was poor." 

Galian threw the head into the face of the emperor like he was swatting a fly away.

Suddenly all the goblins started rushing towards Galian with their daggers and swords, a few of the goblins going near Galian ended up disappearing and reappearing a few meters away completely drained of life, they were dead.

"Enough!!" The Emperor shouted. while holding back his anger, all the goblins stop as they heard his voice

"Let's have a talk galian" 

"Sure why not, I am always looking to talk with people but nobody bothers to ask, mainly because they died before they thought of the option." 

"I'll give you two offers, you kill yourself to save these humans or you let these humans die and kill us."

"So either way someone has to die?hmm, I guess I'll go with the first one why not die as a hero?" 

Suddenly Galian put a devilish smile on his face, and started laughing like a lunatic on happy peels "Just kidding I'll go with the 3rd option..."

"Brain Control! Eyes Close" the instructor uses his ability to control the parts of the face using a brain control spell and closes the eyes of all the students for 30 seconds

"Dark Domain! Slaughter" 

This Spell of Dark domain was so fast that the Emperor couldn't even react to it and got his head chopped off with the rest of the remaining goblins

[Yellow gate has been cleared! You received 1million Getoo •~] 

After that, all of the students were able to  open their eyes seeing the area filled with blood and the heads of all the goblins that had been there capturing just moments ago

Galian Sitting at the so-called emperor's throne with his hand curled into a fist under his jaw was seated there with a mocking look on his face.

"I think it's over now the gate has been cleared, damn it... insects like you all can't even kill some Goblins... or save at least the life of your instructor's, how pathetic..." With both eyes covered Galian was truly disappointed with the death of the Instructors and felt strained about what the family's they had would have to go through.

all students started moving back towards the exit of the gate, with faces of complete utter shame as the reality of the words Galian had just spoken and the weight they had hit them in the face like a well-deserved smack to the side of the head with the world's heaviest brick.

"Only if I was able to Predict that they were hiding!? only if..." Walter started blaming himself for the death of his instructor, and what could have been the death of everyone here.

Many students were crying and traumatized because of this incident.

Rain also started crying, taking the blame on herself for becoming the reason that Walter did not try to kill the goblins and save the others.

Galian throws the head of the emperor in front of rain and jumps off the throne then walks towards her with both hands in the pockets of his hoodie, "Well well well look who is crying?! someone special... who is gifted with 2 evne...couldn't even escape from being a hostage to a low life goblin heh...just gives up on becoming the most powerful healer... just give up on your dreams, you wouldn't be a hindrance anymore then" 

"Don't trash talk her if you had killed the Emperor and goblins by yourself, I too could have killed them if rain was not..." 

"See here it comes! if rain was not a hostage... Even you think that it was because of her, don't you? Heh... Leave it you won't listen to me any way you already got a heroic boyfriend" 

Galian left them, walking casually after saying harsh but honest words to rain making sure everyone knew the reality of this world.

"Damn, this bastard! Don't listen to that asshat, every squad was held hostage... let's get out of this gate quickly before the scent of blood makes us sick." Walter said with honesty in his tone 

'I hate that guy he keeps de-motivating rain for no reason, just you wait I'll beat the shit out of you soon...very soon'

Due to the whole recording of the incident shown to the city government, a letter showed up from the authority stating 

[ New Guild Selection Day will be held in the upcoming week ]

[ Principal of Valley National has to answer some questions to the authority]

[ 2million Getoo will be given to the Family of each instructor whose life was taken inside the gate ]

[ All students are invited to the funeral of all the instructors who died for their safety ]

5th of November

Funeral day

Every student at this moment was feeling depressed and guilty for the death of their instructors which should not have even happened at all.

Galian was pist off and disheartened, lowly goblins killing these instructors the family's crying, from this point forward Galian vowed to erase all of the goblins from the earth and all of the gates they appeared in


[A new quest is given!]

[The Vengeful One's Journey]

[Destroy the 20 Gates with goblins in them]

[Quest reward: 20 level ups,1bill Getoo,(legendary, title(s)) Master of vengeful spirits, God of death, Goblins horror story.

1 hour later

Galian was currently passing by the street with both hands in his pocket as he usually did, he took a glimpse at Rain and Walter who was standing near a famous tree of hope holding hands together 

His expression on his face was disinterested as he expected this to happen sooner or later.
