Solo Squad

Galian was taking a stroll through an old village, where some people were selling their wares in some old rundown shops, the people there were wearing tattered rags.

"These people are barely surviving out here, I have far too much money right now anyway, status!"


Profile Loading...




Level: 122

HP: 102000/102000

MP: 92000/92000

Current Best Spell: Dominic Illusion

Next Spell unlocks at Level: 1

Balance: 80 million Getoo


Check Next Gate opening!     |       Exit Profile   |    Redeem Getoo    |      Check Saved Profiles


"Redeem Getoo'"

[ Enter the Amount of Getoo ]

Galian enters 1 million Getoo onto the screen.

[1 million Getoo Has Been Transferred to your Bank account Successfully!]

'Let's start with that horrible looking tea shop. I hope they accept it because most of the people here don't accept the money I offer probably due to my clothes being covered in blood. I shouldn't have raided the Gates today..'

(People don't want the money from Galian due to his clothes being covered in the blood of monsters from his recent raid to a gate, making people think he killed some rich person for the money.)

Galian walks into the shabby, shack-like tea house, noticing the walls having chipped, urban brown paint coating it, and the shop had a strong smell of multiple different spices, most likely to be used to flavor the tea. Two white tables were empty, holding some napkins, hand sanitizer, and some sweetener for the tea, the only other thing noticeable was an old lady at the fairly run-down reception desk.

"Welcome to our tea shop, sir! Please have a seat!" The old lady spoke with a broken yet still sweet and sincere voice.

Most people would have ignored this broken voice, but Galian was curious and upfront about it "What happened to your voice? Why does your voice box sound like you broke it?"

She suddenly starts crying because no one cared to ask her. After all, who cares about a poor old lady? Only her family would care to help her but from the looks of it, she had no family. Still, she was hesitant to say anything and had her head drawn down to the shop's floor.

Galian asks her with a polite voice, "Just tell me, I may be the helper you needed to be sent by god!? You never know."

The old lady looked weakly back up at Galian's form, with how willing he was trying to push it, he didn't seem to have any bad intentions, and his words were like that of an angel offering to protect her. With what Galian had said and the tone he used, the old lady seemed convinced that Galian was a guardian angel sent to help her so she caved, and with a light stuttering tone, she spoke.

"My son hasn't been home in 2 years, I haven't heard anything from him in such a long time. It would make any mother tremble with tears and concern if they didn't know how their child was doing, wouldn't it?"

The old lady's head shifted back towards the dusty milk-white floors that had some holes in them and contrasted with the walls in a strange but elegant way.

Galian, while he has his issues, isn't purely out for himself. He still cares about the people around him in his cold way, so he shifted towards the idea that this could be set up as a quest for his system and could reward him. Of course, this was his evil side trying to hide the fact that he just wanted to help the old lady but still seem like a self-respecting evil entity at the same time.

"I promise to bring your son home, but if you want me to be able to help I need to know where he is at, so please can you tell me?"

Galian said. He had a sincere and a bit of a lighter tone than before. The old lady lifted her head once again, and with a weak but a little more hopeful tone, gave Galian her son's workplace location.

"He works at the Tour guild on the west side of the city."


[Tour Guilds work as tour companies. They take responsibility for citizens who travel so they can reach their destination safely without any problem like opening a gate in between] 

The old lady got a little bit more hopeful with each word she spoke, but after each word the old lady said Galian's heart sank, his expression grew dark with a slight tear on the edge of his eye which he had covered with his left arm to hide his sudden change in mood. The reason Galian was so stressed by the location of her son was because of this morning's news, Black Nades, the cultist organization, also known as terrorist by the World Government because of their multiple acts of violence held worldwide. This evil organization had been on the top of the wanted list for decades but to no avail.

Why was this so important? Because the Black Nades had attacked the Tour Guild based in the west of the city one day ago, killing everyone there, not a single soul left with a body...


Galian's tone became dark and tragic, surprising the old lady.

"An organized group of cultists renowned worldwide has killed every last worker in that building a day ago… I am sorry, but it's impossible to get your son back now…I am..sorry."

The old lady's expression changed from calm and hopeful to determined and disbelieving.

"What proof do you have!? There's no way my little boy is dead!"

The old lady said with a heavy and determined heart not wanting to believe a single word that Galian said, But then Galian pulled out his phone and brought up the news on Jego and let the lady scroll through all of the dead victims' photos…

"Aiee!!!" The old lady screamed as she saw her little boy pale and lifeless halfway in a body bag.

"Please leave me alone, I need time to mourn…" the old lady said.

The old lady's confidence had shattered as she became heartbroken at the sight of her dead child, and had made her barely able to choke out these words as tears streamed down her eyes constantly.

"I am truly sorry for your loss madame, may his soul rest in peace."

With those words, Galian left the tea shop quickly and quietly not bringing any attention to him besides the bloodstains on his clothes, and at the moment the old lady lost her heart, Galian had lost a bit of his mercy towards the Black Nade with the peak amount of anger he could show at that time.

'I pray for you ..Black Nade!... to never meet... me even by mistake otherwise you will the see 7 doors of Red gate at once'

12th November 

Vally School Stadium

(Guild Selection Day)

"Hey, you trash! If you don't place #1 on the leaderboard, I won't take you in my Guild!"

A boy with a little bit similar face to Galian wearing a White Shirt and Black Pants with loafers (Elder brother of Galian Takuo Williston, Evne: Dark Sword Creation) appeared near the canteen area and started teasing Galian.

"Even if I get #1, do you believe I'll wear the badge of that Shit Named Guild you and brother Neel created?!" Galian spoke with an egoistic smile on his face.

Galian's brother gets angry with his egoistic attitude "Hey.. you can insult me but not the name of the guild, you illusion brat!"

"I'm sorry, but it was a 3rd class blacksmith who creates swords that even a 10-year-old would feel ashamed holding, who started the argument first ," Galian said with a teasing and clinical aura.

Takuo changed the topic "Well anyways did you find a squad yet?"

"I'll go solo, it's not like I am doing this to flex, but no one wants to team up with me, neither do I wanna team up with these insects!"

Galian spoke with both eyes covered from the emotion and sorrow of being a loner now.

'He acts all arrogant but he still has his internal issues, I should probably cheer him up before he gets depressed.'

Takuo thought to himself.

Takuo spoke with a polite and cheerful manner "Hey, that's fine as long as you place #1, flex as much as you want, and show these insects what you are! See ya at the exam grounds!" Takuo said. He then left the canteen area."

Outside of the Stadium

Rain and Walter are practicing for the Selection day which is about to begin in 10 minutes in a big forest.

"You have been practicing for like 2 hours now, shouldn't you take a break? Here have a sandwich, I brought them from the canteen." Rain teased Walter warmly with a cute expression on her face.

Walter gets a sudden smile on his face "I never thought you'd care about me this much."

"Hey don't tease me ok... I just happened to get extra by mistake" Rain blushed while speaking and feeling her hair lifting from her left arm.

"Oh, so she is Rain Stones, the girl who can use both Healing and Buff Evne! nice to meet you I am an old friend of Walter, my name is Frank Terro [Evne: Fire creation] !''

A boy with a calm tone, wearing a white hoodie and brown jeans with sports shoes, suddenly comes from behind Walter.

"Hey... Walter, why didn't you tell me about him before!.. By the way, nice to meet you too. I am Rain Stones, if I am correct you are the one who is joining our squad today right?" She gets angry at Walter for not telling her about him earlier so they could practice together.

"Oh sorry I was so busy with the practice that I forgot about it," Walter tells her and starts eating the sandwich.

"Well.. well.. well look who it is!  Rain Stones the famous double Evne user, nice to meet you, I am Charlotte Colly [Evne: Earth Creation] do you remember me?" A girl with blonde hair steps between their conversation.

"Yes I do, you are the best earth creation Evne user in our school!" Rain speaks with a big smile on her face.

"May I join your squad because it seems you haven't found the 4th person yet, have you?" Charlotte asks Walter.

"Sure it would be a benefit for us to have such a talented Evne user!" Walter gets surprised because he wasn't expecting his squad to become so strong as Charlotte is the strongest Earth Creation Evne user in the entire school.

Frank glimpses at his watch, and seeing the time has already come near to begin the Guild selection day first-round, he says "It's the time! Let's hurry to the grounds".

(Now they have registered for the squad tournament)

The Ground of Vally National Stadium

(A large stadium holding more than 1k people, with Guild leaders from around the city)

A guy in a black tuxedo holding a mic is standing in the middle of the stadium, "Ladies and gentlemen, but first, we welcome all the guild leaders who have gathered here for our Guild selection day seeking new fighters! Now without wasting time let's start with the rules for the first round!"

Suddenly a video plays on a big screen established near the entrance to the stadium.










SQUAD A: Walter Sudo, Rain Stones, Charlotte Colly, and Frank Terro

SQUAD B: Herrick Hahn, Moritz Huber,

Emeline Kunkel and Adolf Hall'

"Match Begins in 1 minute. all students may get seated except Squad A and Squad B students."

One of the instructors orders the students.

"Walter's squad is kinda overpowered, but on the other hand, Herrick's squad has amazing teamwork, let's see what they've got to show us!"

The leader of Yolo Guild [One of the top guilds in the city] spoke in a thrilling mood.

Herrick is now plotting for the battle with his squad, "Listen here is the plan, I'll shoot with my Lazer Aimbot creation, Moritz will hold the Wind barrier to prevent an enemy attack, Emeline will create the healing zone and Adolf will buff my bullet speed."

"Do we have any plans for the battle or we rush with everything we got?" Charlotte asks Walter.

Walter suddenly puts a positive smile on his face like he is sure about the results, "We rush with everything we got!"

Suddenly, a signaling sound comes from the middle corner, "The first Battle begins!"

As the signal to start comes, Herrick builds his Lazer Aimbot using his Iron Creation Evne.

Mortiz creates the wind barriers, Emeline makes a huge area on their side for healing while Adolf uses his spell on Lazer aimbot to boost its speed.

Herrick gets impatient "Alright, without wasting time let's start the show! Fire!!"

Before the bullets could reach them though, Charlotte creates a huge wall of bricks using her Evne, however, some bullets still manage to hit Rain. Charlotte, to avoid further injury, uses her instant recovery spell on Rain. But it was still not enough, which made Walter use his recently unlocked spell, Ice Meteorite, which drops hundreds of ice meteorites from the sky at the same time.

This spell was so effective that it knocked out the whole Herrick squad by breaking the wind barrier.

"The Winner of Battle 1 is Squad A."

All the guild leaders focus their eyes on Walter Squad, liking how they won without even planning.

Frank is surprised because he didn't even use any spell during the battle "Haha... I didn't even do anything and we still won. I guess we're gonna win this tournament effortlessly."

Walter catches a smile on his face "Well hopefully!"

Rain and Charlotte are also excited for the next battle.

(Over 1 hour later)

(Winner of battle 2 is Squad D)

(Winner of battle 3 is Squad E)

(Winner of battle 4 is Squad G)

(Meanwhile, all Loser of these match were facing each other in the losers bracket and the winner of this bracket would face the I squad because it was an odd one out)

(Winner of 1st losers match is Squad C)

(Winner of 2nd losers match is Squad F)

(Winner of Final losers match is Squad F)

Now Battle 5 is between Squad F vs Squad I

SQUAD F: Vito Toscani, Aroldo Ciccone, Caj Romano, and Silvana Zampa

SQUAD I: Galian Williston

'That's the one I was waiting for. I hope he wins so I could face him and beat the shit out of him.'

Walter puts on a serious face and folds both his arms making a cold aura.

Rain notices Walter and immediately realizes the reason for Walter's angry aura was Galian.

Meanwhile on Battlefield

Vito's squad has planned to use all of their attacks at once on Galian so he is unable to use his Evne.

Signaling comes from the middle," Battle 5 begins!"

And as soon as the signal comes Vito's squad rushes towards Galian with 10ft (3.04m) swords that could cut somebody's head off like jelly, while Galian was just standing silently with both eyes covered.

Vito's squad, without any hesitation, puts all 4 swords inside his stomach…


Galian start bleeding from his stomach showing that he is hurt and it's not an illusion

Vito's squad pulls out all 4 swords and suddenly Galian falls to the ground.

"We didn't expect it to be this simple hahaha..." Caj starts laughing resting the sword on his shoulder.

While they all were laughing, a voice comes from behind.

"Pathetic… pathetic…insects are not allowed to laugh!"

And as they turn back they suddenly see Galian standing with his eyes closed, both hands inside his pocket without any injuries, and as soon Galian opens his eyes,

all 4 of them get one sword each inside their stomach and fall on the ground.

"Winner of Battle 5 is Squad I"

"Squad I has been moved to the finals!"

(Because of Galian soloing in this tournament he got an advantage of passing straight to the Finals)

Walter in shock opens both of his eyes…, "I didn't even notice his move… did he cast the spell from the beginning, he is gonna be a very tough opponent." Walter is anxious about the fight with Galian in the finals after watching his Evne.

1 hour 36 minutes later

Walter's squad has reached the finals with very decent wins among the other squads. Now they have to face Galian.

"We take a short break of 10 minutes, then continue with our final match of Squad A vs Squad I."

The instructor notified the audience and Guild leaders.

All the squads are gathered in the canteen area, eating, gossiping, and getting excited about the final match.

Meanwhile, Vito's squad wants to take revenge on Galian, who is just standing near a wall with both hands in his pocket and eyes closed, maintaining his attitude. This makes them more curious to take revenge on him.

Instead of straight-up picking a fight with Galian, Vito's squad chooses to make Galian hated in front of everyone by telling them about how he used to tease and bully rain.

"Hey everyone, attention please!" Vito claps standing near Galian, and makes a loud voice just to get others attention to him.

Suddenly all the students gather near him and Galian.

"Hey everyone, do you know that our strongest student of the school teases and bullies Rain every day!?"

As Vito spoke these words, some students who used to study with Galian and Rain remembered their past events.

"Oh ya, I remember he used to hit her every day just for fun."

"Ya, I also remember that day when Galian made Rain cry in front of the whole class and laughed at her..., what's the deal with this guy?"

Rain and her squad suddenly show up unexpectedly.

"Stop it you all! I don't care how he treated me back then, now he doesn't treat me like that at all!! Let's all forget the past!"

"I don't think he is any different from back then, he still said some harsh words to you that day when you were taken, hostage."

"Just give up on your dreams and die somewhere where no one will find your body hahaha."

Galian puts an evil smile on his face and looks into the eyes of Rain.

Rain is now totally broken inside from these words. Walter tries to punch Galian, forming an ice fist giving him no time to react, but before he could do that,


As Galian spoke this one word, all of the students suddenly got pushed to the ground bowing in front of Galian, like a servant bowing in front of a King.

Students are unable to pull themselves up from the sudden pressure, however, Walter manages to pull up a little bit using his Evne aura as a counter-attack to it.


[In this world each person has its evne aura which is used to boost the strength of an evne user. If a person releases his evne aura for flex then there will be a sudden pressure in the air. The more aura you release the more pressure you put]

"Damn you... I'll kill you bastard..!"

"Hmm... Impressive you managed to counter-attack my 1.2% of Evne aura"

'What is he joking...I am using about my 100% aura to counter-attack his but still, I am unable to stand properly…just what in the hell is this guy'

Walter, without thinking further, suddenly makes a bet on the match.

"It won't be fun to have a match without a stake right!? If our squad defeats you, promise us that you will apologize to Rain and kneel in front of all of us!?"

"I promise I'll kneel in front of every one of you and apologize to Rain, nor will I show my face to you all again, but you also have to promise me one thing… that…. Rain will do whatever I tell her to if I win.."

' guy still wants to hurt Rain he a psychopath..or something. I can't let Rain get dragged into this so I should not make this bet.'

Rain was listening to this conversation while being pushed to the ground from the Evne aura of Galian.

"I accept this bet, let's move to the battlefield, I'll make you apologize."

"Very well then, I think I should let you all go now."

Galian stops using his aura and moves arrogantly and evilly toward the Battlefield as it was already time for blasts.

Walter gets angry at himself and feels guilty for getting rain into his bet though, he was doing this for Rain only

"I am sorry Rain, because of me you are at stake now...and we can't expect anything good from that guy...I'll do everything I can to protect you."

"Everything is fine! Don't worry... in the worst-case scenario, he will ask me to kneel in front of the whole audience, now let's hurry to the battlefield, it's time for our match."

Some tears were coming out of the eyes of Rain while she spoke these words to Walter.

'I'll kill you, Galian Williston!! Even if I have to use that! I'll kill you!'