Hell Flex

Walters Squad and Galian are both in their respected waiting rooms, since the matches have reached the finals they we're going to get a bit of a similar to wrestling, intro, before there fight

"Rain, can you please give us some background knowledge about why this guy keeps trash talking to you moreover why he used to bully you back in school?" Charlotte asked curious to know more about the past between Rain and galian

Rain just sits in a corner facing the ground with an upset expression on her face

"If you really wanna know then listen, I and galian first met each other in the 4th Grade. He didn't have any friends not because he didn't want them on purpose but because of his arrogant attitude he still holds it to this day as you've seen. one day the teachers redid our seating order and by some string of fate me and Galian were seated together, he started to borrow my stuff like pens and pencils from me, after some time we became friends. He didn't use to bully me back then but he used to tease me in a fun way like making fun of my hair, ability, and so on. For him, I was the only friend in the entire middle school. Things changed after he used his illusion to change the color of the green gate to red just to tease the person who comes out of it and unfortunately the person who came out was me. He never meant to bully or hurt me in any way it was just his bad and my bad luck. Though now he has changed I don't know why he keeps insulting me…"

"The bully part was spread by the students who dislike galian!? If I am not wrong?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes, he never bullied me back then, but after that instance, everyone marked him as my bully."

Walter heads towards the door while having both his eyes covered by his hand, he has a grudge against Galian and plans on beating him here. "Whatever the past was, I don't care. Now he is just a trash talker, nothing else. I'll beat the shit out of him!"

Before rain could say anything to Walter, the host utters the name of Walter and the rest of their squad for the entrance like they were celebrity wrestlers.

"The firstborn and captain of the squad Walter is here leading his squad, with his co-captain leading right behind him the Angelic Rain!, We also have the fire Maniac Frank!, and coming from the back but certainly not weak, we have the immovable earth queen Charlotte!!"

After the Smooth introduction of Walter and his squad, they entered the battlefield with clapping and cheering from all the audience.

Even the Guild leaders were clapping since it's been a while before they had seen such a powerful squad with such impeccable teamwork at the same time.

The hosts then introduced Galian with an even better intro than his previous one "Now it's time for the main attraction, the black stallion of this fight! The loner with something to prove and the backbone and grit to make it to the finals, SOLO!, It's the Demonic Galian!!!"

the claps suddenly stopped and the other squads sitting in the bleachers er's who were pressured to the ground by galian started booing him

Galian just let a bit of his pure manna ooze out, suppressing them to their seats.

"Ants like you should stay silent, there is no place for the weak in this world to have any say or power"

Galian stops oozing out his manna but after the crowd felt his aura they stayed silent, though he didn't let his aura touch his matches opponents as to not cheat, after the host was out of his daze he announced

"Final Match Start!"

Walter wants to fight Galian one on one with his ice sword

"Ice creation, Ice sword! Let's make this tournament a bit exciting. Let's use our swords or Spears to battle?! or are you scared to use it?"

"Dark creation, Dark sword!" Galian makes a dark black color sword with a lightning black aura reaching out of its horizons and holds it with his right hand while the left one still being inside his pocket

Walter starts running towards Galian, boosting his speed by making ice spikes shooting him directly at Galian at the speed of a bullet, Galian doesn't seem to move at all but when Walter swung his blade down at Galian he only felt his sword clash with air.

"What the-"

Walter started to say out loud but before he could give a full reaction he felt a sharp pain in his back, with the pain, followed up by a force strong enough to send him flying to the other side of the arena.

"Did an ant-like you think you could go head to head with me? I scoff that someone as pathetic as you even imagines the idea!"

Galian said coldly, not even acknowledging that Walter put up a good attempt. Straight after Galian finished his insult directed at Walter a fire arrow swiveled towards him, but to no avail, as Galian disappeared before the arrow could touch him, with Galian reappearing right behind the source of the arrow, Frank.

Frank had no time to react as he was stabbed in his arm, causing him to howl with pain, breaking his concentration, dispersing his fire bow.

"I'm tired and bored of your futile attempt at fighting me, so how about I'll give you a small taste of hell and end this bout immediately."

Galian didn't even give Walter and the rest any time to respond or use the secret weapon he had already cast his illusion showing all of his foes a mirage of True hell

"Dark Illusion, Hell Flex!"

As Galian said these two words, a short scene played in front of Walter and his team's eyes. where people are being cut apart from the torso to the head, with their bodies being forced to regenerate just to do it all again.

(Though this was just the glimpse of the first gate of hell)

with just the visage alone able to knock them all out, and don't think any of Walters' group are as weak as Galian makes them out to be, they are among some of the most elite, and he took them out without even trying.

"And we have our winner! The black horse, the slightly edgy, egotistical, Demonic Galian!!!"

The host announced, though most of the onlookers grimaced they dared not boo Galian again, they knew that it would be futile to him they were but ants and he a dragon, but for the few who we're cheering on Galian they gave out a tremendous roar of approval, especially those who placed bets on him, and his cousins (who also betted on him).

After the end of the tournament, all top 3 squads were given medals according to their standing #1 Squad i, #2 Squad A, and #3 Squad F

Squad A students face was tragic the whole time after seeing the glimpse of hell even though it was just an illusion it was so strong like they were truly witnessing thousands of humans suffering unimaginable tournament.

After the medal ceremony, the host directs all the students to move toward the battlefield for the selection part which is the most anticipated part of the tournament

"Now we shall start with the most important part of this event, the guild selections!"

the important steps of how the selection works were displayed on a big screen made out of earth evne (Earth Evne can use anything related to minerals, this one, in particular, has control over sand and can heat or cool the sand on demand, with the prior action making glass, with sand that can perfectly emulate many things, making it pretty much perfect for anything)

'Each student's name will be called out by the host after that if any guild leader is interested in that respective student, they may raise their hand. if a student gets only one hand raised they will not get a choice to join any other guild, however, if anyone gets more than one hand raised they will get an option to pick their guild upon their choice.'

The host said the names of the students one by one, observing if any guild leader lifted their hands.

"Student name: Doriano Lorenzo Evne: Water creation. Let's see if we got any hands... We got 1 hand! Doriano Lorenzo is now an official member of The White Shell Guild"

after the selection of 20 students, it was finally Walter's turn

"Student name: Walter Sudo Evne: Ice creation. Let's count how many hands are raised, 1..4...8….35 wow all guilds want him to wear their headband unbelievable!... which squad will you enter Walter?"

"I Walter sudo would like to accept the admirable offer from The Fog Lights Guild (one of the top guild in the city)"

A white-coated man (leader of Fog Lights Guild) pulled out a sword and threw it in the direction where Walter was standing, with the speed of a bullet which was barely noticeable by any normal person's eyes but this was Walter, not anyone else, he caught the sword in mid-air.

"Hmm.. as expected you are worthy to wear our guild headband"


[ Each member of the respective Guild is given a headband with their gold badge on it, 17th November is the date when they have to go to their guild house and collect it thereafter start the first mission ]

"It's my honor!" Walter bows in front of the guild leader

Now it's Rains turn, who is worried about which guild she should enter because she doesn't expect the leader of fog lights to raise a hand for her

"Student name: Rain Stones Evne: Healing and Buffing. Let's count how many hands are raised for our famous healer, 1..5...9….21 that's plenty. So which squad will you join Rain?

Unexpectedly The leader of Fog Lights Guild raised his hand

"I Rain stones would be honored to be a part of The Fog Lights Guild!"

Rain suddenly put on a huge smile because she could finally be with Walter in the same Guild

After Rains selection, Frank and Charlotte were also chosen by the fog lights guild on purpose

The leader of Fog Lights Guild stood up and moved towards the exit, seemingly uninterested with everyone else.

A guy wearing a black suit, holding an AK-47 follows the guild master out, he is a security guard for the leader of Fog Lights, questions him "Leader, why are you hurrying to leave Galian Williston when the chance is yet to come?!"

"Yasui, Would you mind explaining the situation to him? thank you" the leader orders one of his other security guards to explain the situation to him

"Sure don't you worry master. Listen, do you think the leader doesn't want Galian Williston? If you think so then you are completely wrong, he wants him more than any of the other students here, but there is a person who is already going to have him and his name is Neel Williston, cousin of Galian whom he obeys the most so there is no chance for us in a billion years"

"Ahh, what a letdown..."

After this, the leader of Fog Lights Guild left the Stadium in his GH Model car which cost him over 100 million getoo (what else do you expect from a leader of a top guild?)

A few minutes later

Over 32 students had finished their selections leaving only Galian to remain.

"Student name: Galian Williston Evne: Moonglow. Here we go, it's our last student, 1..5. So which squad will you wanna join Galian?" Galian got only 5 hands because most of the guild leaders knew he is gonna go for his brother's guild which was recently created

"Weird Killers!"

"That was a quick response! anyways now we conclude our selection here, on 17th November you all will go to your respective Guild house for your first jobs, tomorrow we are holding your Farewell party for all of you as it's your last year as students here, so make sure to come and be dressed well!"

all of the students left the arena and were taking a break, roaming around the stadium, eating food in the canteen, or just chatting and getting hyped about the farewell party.

Meanwhile, Galian meets with Walter, Rain, Frank, and Charlotte outside the stadium

"So what did you put at stake hmm I forgot?"

Galian start triggering Walter with his arrogant and teasing words while Walter was just standing there with both of his eyes covered in shame and regret

"Oh yes. Now I remember! I can make rain do whatever I want right!"

Rain outcries "Just tell me already what you want from me!!"

Galian barked out words that would even surprise any devil with the same power as him, they could only tremble at the mere cruelty of such word's

"Leave your guild, never return to your Guild, never join any other guilds, and completely give up on your dreams as an adventure, those are my only Commands...."